...Health and Safety Issues of Police Officers in Canada, the United States and Europe: A Review Essay © Jennifer R. L. Parsons June, 2004 2 Introduction Police officers play a pivotal role in North American and European societies. They are involved in many aspects of North American and European life. Officers’ involvement ranges from general, daily, proactive patrol activities to specific criminal activities such as narcotic investigations. Because there is such a wide range of activities involved in police work, there are many health and safety issues surrounding policing as an occupation. Police officers may be exposed to different health and safety risks in their occupation. For example, police officers are at risk of assault and homicide; the dynamics of policing as an occupation creates opportunities for them to experience many psychosocial hazards such as stress, suicide, sexual harassment, and discrimination. It is important that research be completed on the health and safety issues of police officers in order to identify hazards and identify ways to reduce risk. The failure to identify and solve health and safety concerns of officers has potentially serious consequences for the health and well being of officers and their families. These consequences can include depression, divorce, suicide, and disease. Not addressing the health and safety issues associated with policing may also impact the general public. For example, if an officer is stressed or fatigued...
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...Police Officer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courteous Every member of the Police Force is a guardian and servant of the public. He or she is there to help and protect members of the general public and treat all persons with unfailing patience and courtesy, regardless of their social position, and answer all their questions with civility, no matter how trivial that they may seem to be. Saying good morning, thank you, please, would you mind, excuse me, I beg your pardon, cost nothing but leaves a positive and professional impression on the public. Tact The approach of a police officer has a great effect on the attitude of the public. That is why the use of tact and persuasion instead of force is encouraged. You will find that members of the public will comply with direction more willingly when they understand the situation or the event that took place. Insisting on the right of your authority instead of using tact will run you in the risk of having your authority challenged. Confidence It is very important that you have confidence in yourself and know exactly what you intend to do. A true knowledge and understating of your powers is needed. As long as you use your powers properly and fairly, you will have no fear of any consequences. Always make sure that you understand your orders properly before performing your duties. If you do not understand, you cannot expect to direct the public properly. Temper ...
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...As a Peace Officers (police officers) myself, I recognize how hard it is to come forward and speak the truth on any violation of the police department code of conduct and the police department standard operating procedures (SOPs). Violating of the department code of conduct and standard operating procedures can come in some form of discipline or dismissal from the department. Reading the scenario of these officers and supervisors action of violating the department code of conduct and standard operating procedures does make the department seen untruthful and dishonored toward the public citizen we swear to protect. The officers who noticed the commander and chief of the department follow the department standard of operating procedures by noticed their immediate supervisor which is first the Sergeant and second the Lieutenant of their watch. If the officers felt like there where no action of discipline taking, if there was a cover-up to protect the officers or...
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...We face various forms of discretion on a daily basis. This happens when we decide what to get for breakfast or who gets what present for the holidays. The earliest form of discretion from a person in authority is usually our parents. They use their discretion to form a plan of action to follow through with in order to stop unwanted behavior or reward us for good behavior. We constantly see such scenarios in supermarkets where mothers might spank unruly children or when they buy their children candy for behaving well. Yet who is there to stop our parents and adults from committing behavior that is deemed as criminal? The people that take care of this role are Law Enforcement Officers commonly referred to as police officers or police. Although...
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...Owen, A. (2004). Keeping You Safe A Book About Police Officers. Mankato, Minn: Capstone imprint. A Day in the life of a Police officer you see police officers on TV, riding in cars, riding bicycles and, others riding horses. All of them work hard to keep your neighborhood safe. How a police officer spends his day working has much to do with his assignments and, the agency where he works. Police officers can be assigned to uniformed patrol, traffic, investigations (detectives), training, a school resource program, or supervisory duties. I'll focus on the role most people associate with policing, that a uniformed patrol officer does. The day starts out with roll call, twelve minutes before our actual shift start time. Most days are full of typical calls for service. We refer to dispatched calls as “hitches.” We either get immediately dispatched to calls or we begin to patrol until we are dispatched to a call for service or hitch. It is up to the individual officer whether to make lots of traffic stops or stop in at local businesses and say “hello.” Being visible by patrolling areas which are more plagued by crime can, of course, help deter crime in those areas. Bridget, H. (2013) Lets Meet a Doctor. Minneapolis, MN: Millbrook Press What does a Doctor do? A Doctor helps children when they are...
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...I approach the scene I see a victim with a knife in his chest so, the first thing I would do as a police officer is to check if the victim is alive or decrease, after determining that the victim is decrease and I will also check to make sure there are no threats like the suspect still being at the scene, or any natural hazard. I will secure the crime scene with crime scene tape so no one beside the people who need to be there is there. I will the make a record of all individual present at the scene, talk to the person who found the body and any other witnesses who are there; as well, as remove them away from the crime scene, identify each witness, take notes from each one of them. Afterward, I will look for any points of entry and exit, establish...
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...Immediately following graduation, I would emphasize the importance of keeping themselves fit psychologically, physically, and emotionally, I would highly recommend that each officer watch real videos of tragic occurrences that officers face with the ultimatum being death. Without raining on their parade, I know how it feels to put the uniform on for the first time and the feeling of immortality, but the reality is that Hollywood portrays the profession as a fast-paced and interesting job with many challenges, and it is (Doerner, 2016). However, the challenges faced by police officers vary from time to time and changes like the weather. Hollywood can illustrate the dramatic crime scenes but cannot portray the impact it has on a police officer...
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...Observation In order to triangulate the data and to better validate the evidence, observations are integral. For that reason, observations chronicles behaviors in the moment they occur, and contextualize the knowledge and actions within the environment (Merriam, & Tisdell, 2016). The ability to observe a person in their setting on duty and in the community they serve enhances the research and provides a behind the scenes view of the police officers decision making process in heightened moments during dispatched calls to unfamiliar environments and situations. The observer will catalog the circumstances, race, age, and gender of the people the officer encounters along with the communication and actions of the citizens and police officer. For...
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...kippington jones Juvenile Justice Professor jones February 11, 2014 You Are A Police Officer I chose the topic You are a Police Officer. The task at hand was to read and interpret three different scenarios. Then write about how I would react to the situation if I was the officer on the scene. I have to determine if I would have probable cause, reasonable suspicion, and whether or not I would pursue the suspect or suspects involved in the scenario. I have thoroughly read and analyzed each scenario, and have come to a decision for each situation. In Scenario one a juvenile is spotted walking near a sports warehouse building that is being watched due to it being burglarized several times over the past six months. The juvenile is wearing a heavy luxury sports coat, and also has a pair of new sneakers on. As the officer on the scene I would determine that there was not sufficient probable cause to stop and pursue the individual. There is reasonable suspicion being presented in this situation, the juvenile is wearing expensive and new sports gear that could have very well come from the sports warehouse. Although I do not believe this is enough to stop the juvenile. The farthest I would go in pursuing the individual would be to tail him looking for any suspicious activity to further pursue him. In the event his actions provided sufficient probable cause I would calmly stop the juvenile and question him on what he was doing in the area. I would make a decision to...
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...Have you ever seen a movie were the dog saves the day? Well, this happens in real life, almost every day with the K9 police unit. These elite dog units have been used to help solve crimes for over 100 years. These units have specially trained canines, and police officers to control them. These dogs can be trained in pursuing fugitives, searching for missing persons, and narcotics or weapons detection. The K9 unit has been used to aid in many cases, including the search for Jack the ripper. These exclusive K9 divisions have been used to help solve crimes for over 100 years. Dogs have been used by law enforcement agencies for over 100 years. In Ghent, Belgium during 1899 police had started to professionally train dogs for police work....
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...A police officer’s uniform, is how citizens determine if the figure they are looking at is in fact an officer. When an emergency on a busy street occurs, bystanders scan the crowds looking for the distinctive uniform of a police officer. When an officer is spotted, drivers tend to obey the laws of the road. Criminals do not commit their unlawful behavior when they spot a uniformed police officer in the area. Many parents teach their children to respect and trust a person in the police uniform. The crisp uniform of the police officer conveys power and authority. When a police officer puts on his or her uniform the officer is perceived in a very different way by the public. He or she is viewed as embodying each person's stereotypes about all...
Words: 268 - Pages: 2
...Officer Selection Process Paper Officer Selection Process Paper Every day we see the men and women of our police departments risking their lives to protect us from violent or criminal acts. Whether the police officers are stopping vehicles for traffic law violation, or dealing with automobile accidents, to arresting criminals for violent or criminal acts that might be occurring. The police officers of our communities all joined the force for a reason, to protect and serve its communities to the best of their abilities. Have you ever wondered the process in which police officers go through before they become a police officer? What do police departments and police chiefs look for when hiring future cadets and assigning them to the police academy. How can you become a police officer and what requirements do you have to meet to even be considered? Having taken the written test and the physical test with the San Antonio Police Department I have somewhat of an idea of what it takes to become a police officer at the local level. However throughout this paper I will discuss the various levels in which an individual must complete in order to become a police officer. Of course every department has their different basic requirements whether it is at the local, state, or federal police departments. With the local police, having already applied with the San Antonio police department in the past I am pretty familiar with the department’s minimum requirements. Every individual that...
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...A police officer's duty is to maintain public order, preventing, and detecting crime. The concept of police officers, also known as cops, and law enforcement has been around ever since the ancient Romans had a theory that an organization of "peacekeepers" would reduce the crime and violence being committed. This theory stuck with society and is still around today. People of law enforcement have a mission when they step into their police car, that mission is to enforce the rules of conduct or law. Of course, accomplishing this mission can be dangerous. Often when a cop leaves his or her house to go to work worries start to set it, such as "will I be coming back home when my day is over" or "will a simple traffic stop go sour and someone ends up dead?" These thoughts are apart of the stress that comes with the job and most people are trained to deal with this stress. Speaking of training, there are classes that a high school student can take to prepare for a career in law enforcement. Psychology, sociology, foreign languages, and computer courses are recommended for those students who plan to take criminal justice as their higher education major. Participating in sports can improve your chances on becoming an officer of law because it improves strength and endurance. Other student activities can be helpful in this career because they help to improve leadership skills and other publications. Every law enforcement agency has different requirements for qualification; however, almost...
Words: 314 - Pages: 2
...years of professional experience in law enforcement it was difficult to select one single achievement to represent what I can bring to the position of police chief for Goddard, Kansas. I did however settle on one achievement that I extremely proud of and I believe demonstrates my dedication to my employer and the community in which I serve. I feel that my achievements in the area of employee development and team building have been one of my proudest accomplishments. During my nearly 23 year career, almost 17 of these years have been in either a supervisory or command level position. During my years as a supervisor or command member, I have been fortunate enough to have supervised several different specialty units. One specific unit I am most proud of is the Special Services Unit. I was brought in to be a change agent for unit. Prior to my arrival the unit had seen a fair amount of turnover of personnel and overall was not performing at an optimal...
Words: 492 - Pages: 2
...that have occurred over the past few weeks are negatively affecting my job as a police officer. The relationship between the community and the police officers is not very good at the moment. After the first incident occurred where the suspect was shot by police officers the relationship between the community and police officers has turned hostile. The second video made the situation even worse. The suspect from the bank robbery was struck by an unmarked police car and was killed. This incident was questionable to a certain extent because the tactical solution that was used was not the best of solutions. If the suspect truly had a bomb and it went off when he was struck by the car the results could have been devastating. The police officer driving the car and civilians around the area could have been killed. The third incident that occurred this week has made the communities rage go over the top. If the community’s relationship with police officers is bad then police officers have a hard time doing their job. If the community’s relationship with police officers is hostile police work will suffer. When the relationship between these two groups is bad the community is less likely to call...
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