...the requirements for the police officer for the local agency have changed over the years. Forty to fifty years ago, all police officer were strong male, majority white, and only a high school diploma. Not until the 70’s, African American and Hispanic were allowed to be a police officer and even then females were allowed. Today the requirement has changed to become a police officer in the city of Southfield, Michigan there are assortments of requirements that they must pass before they will accept you. The basic requirement before you can be chosen for a police officer; you must meet the all of the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES), which are reading and writing test, physical fitness performance examination, and the psychological examination. The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards is broken down in these sub-categories of age, education, physical fitness and integrity, and citizenship requirement. In the State of Michigan, the minimum age is 18 years old, must have a high school diploma and a background check. For example they will fingerprint you to make sure that you have not committed crimes in different states. You will be require to be a US citizen, no felony records or even an expunged record this include a good moral character or good choice of judgment. Required to have a good driving record and it must be valid in the state you reside in. Second basic requirement is the physical fitness and integrity. You cannot have a mental...
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...introduce our self to the topic as we will be discussing the selection process of various levels of police such as local, state or federal officer and also we will include the various training programs through which the officers of each level goes before they are employed as officer. So as we are aware of the fact that police officers play most important role in maintaining disciplines and also they are the one who are most reliable for fighting with various types of crimes and criminals. So as it is very clear that the job of a police officer is a very hard one because they do face very tough problems while doing their job, so this is the reason why police officers do need to go through a very tough training and also various selection processes so that they do not face any difficulty while handling various criminals and therefore can perform their job very well. As there are certain levels of police officers like local, state and federal police officers and also of them go through various training programs before they are appointed as police officers. So let us discuss the selection process of a local, state, federal police officer, there are some requirements which are checked in the selection process. These are:- 1) Health- It is very important to know the physical and mental condition of a officer before selecting because it is very important to make sure that police officer is of sound mind and is also physically very strong to handle any bad situations. 2) Integrity /...
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...part of the police officers uniform because of police brutality and all the racial controversy with African Americans being mistreated. The image being portrayed is a police officer in an alley which is dark and looks ghetto. The alley is being blocked with a wired fence and a wolf is shown coming from behind. In this image a police car is also shown. The police officer in the image has a body camera as part of the uniform. He’s advertising the product and proving an example as to body cameras being enforced because of police brutality and...
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...Recruitment and Selection of a Police Officer For starters you should get all the information on the different policing agencies that you would like to join. You have to be of legal age at least 21 years of age. You have to have a high school diploma, G.E.D. or degrees from a college or institution, because most agencies now have educational programs before you can even join. You have to be a citizen of the United States or be a permanent resident alien who has the requirements of a U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services. You have to be healthy, have good vision and have a thorough background check to make sure you have no criminal records, theft, falsifying, or misrepresenting information. Policemen and policewomen are very unique and brave, it really take someone who is willing to protect the community and have love for the in it to even consider of becoming an officer. Today they need more officers and there are more programs and advertising to show that they need more recruits. The communities are getting bigger and there are not enough officers to cover some of the areas. The job of a police officer can be very stressful. They have to interact with the people of the community which can put them in stressful situations. They have to b able to make hard decisions on the spot. The responsibility of protecting the community, maintaining order and watching for criminal activity is all in a days work for police officers. Being a convicted felon can stop your dreams of becoming...
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...Westwood College Career Option Overview Information Law enforcement Policing is the career position in law enforcement that I will like to achieve. Police duties are to pursue and apprehend individuals, issue citations or give warnings, maintain order and records of crimes, patrols and respond to calls for service, direct traffic at the scene of an accident and give first aid to an accident victim. (Bls.2020-11 Edition) The daily work of the police varies with the local, state, or federal agency that they may be working with. Regardless of their job duties or location, all police officers are to write reports and maintain records that will be needed if they have to testify in court. Every officer has a specific jurisdiction and enforcement responsibilities. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, “police officers work with special units, such as horseback, bicycle, motorcycle, or harbor patrol; canine corps special weapons and tactics (SWAT).” (2010-11 Edition). The educational requirements of this position, range from a high school diploma to a collage degree or higher. The candidate must also be U.S citizen, and usually at least 21 years or older. This is an entry-level position that can be applied for while in school with some agencies. There is also an additional training required in the police academy which is often for a period of 12 to 14 weeks after graduation. According to discover policing, a website of policing, the hiring process requires...
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...Police brutality is widely held to have become a serious problem in recent decades in many countries. It is a subset of unjustified shootings, severe beatings, and abuse. The number of deaths and injuries is getting high from police abuse has directed our attention to the need all reasonable steps to ensure a safe society for people. There are many factors for the occurrence of police brutality. The most common factors are racial profiling, prejudices, and the pressure of work. Government laws try to prevent these factors from endangering the police in the working environment. I believe that police brutality is not only a United States problem, but also a global problem that quickly needs to be resolved. The definition of police brutality is...
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...law enforcement officers using deadly force, agencies have begun to implement the use of less lethal weapons, such as tasers and pepper spray, to subdue aggressive suspects. Although these weapons are an effective alternative to the use of deadly force, policy guidelines must be put in place to regulate their use. These guidelines will ensure that police officer understand when it is considered proper to use such devices and when other methods of forced compliance should be applied instead. The policy guideline that best defines the proper use of tasers and OC spray, commonly known as pepper spray, is that they are only to be implemented when a suspect’s aggressive behavior constitutes an aggressive reaction from law enforcement. In other words, police officers should not escalate to using tasers or pepper spray unless they are confronted with a defiant suspect. This guarantees that excessive force is not being used when the police encounter confrontational individuals....
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...the first law was written, the law enforcement community has been confronted with a litany of allegations that officers have violated the public's trust by engaging in criminal acts of corruption. Many aspects of policing have changed over time; however, one aspect that has remained relatively unchanged is the existence of corruption. Police corruption is a complex issue and a growing problem in the United States today. Corruption in policing is usually viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting to fulfill personal needs or wants (Martin, 2011). It has seemingly become far too common, that on any given day, a local newspaper will often display an article about a police officer that got caught committing a corrupt act of some sort. Many forms of corruption exist. The activities that constitute illegal corruption can differ depending on the country or jurisdiction, and include but are not limited to: bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, and embezzlement (legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/). Across the United States, Drug-related corruption is a huge problem among law enforcement officials. For many decades, communities have felt the burden of law enforcement officials involved in drug corruption scandals. Drug-related corruption has plagued federal, state and local law enforcement in many ways. Large groups of corrupt police officers have been caught in New York, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia, as well as many other cities. (Martin...
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...the United States, law enforcement officers have been in demand, as well as ridiculed. Choosing to follow this path obligates many, if not all individuals to go under immense physical and mental stress. Therefore, this career is not for everyone who cannot handle a stressed environment. However, all law enforcement positions have schools to prepare those who are willing to undertake the stress. Yet, not all positions have the same requirements, like those of police detectives and S.W.A.T. members. Being prepared for these positions go much further than that of a police officer. In almost every field of work, a high school diploma or high school education is required. However, in order to obtain a position as a police detective or S.W.A.T., a college education of 4 years or higher is required. Both careers require knowledge of criminology and law enforcement, precincts usually require bachelor degrees in criminal justice and law enforcement, before considering to fill in a position. However, after obtaining a...
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...As we all know; we have had a lot of tragic incidents happening between the police and citizens. The huge number of incidents over the years have caused the world quite a significant amount of pain and suffering. It seems like the police have forgotten their moral values as being someone who is to stop crime and ensure safety in our neighborhoods, towns and cities; not become those who create crime and break the law knowing the only thing that is saving them from being incarcerated is their badge. It should be a heavy requirement for police officers to wear cameras on their person because without them; it’s our word against theirs and if someone is wrongfully pulled over, beaten or killed; there will be solid proof of what really happened at the time of any incident whether if it’s wrong or right. Police officers have always abused their authority for many years. We have a few officers out there that know how to handle their authority and actually go by the guidelines of what their job description states. Then we have those officers who just don’t know to act when it comes to their job and the amount of authority that they have. With that being said; those are also the kind of officers who make it their business to harass certain people; talk to them any kind of way, write out bogus tickets and let’s not forget the “American all time”: racial profiling. Most of the stories out here today and from years ago are resulting in racial profiling towards African Americans. ...
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...Business Research Ethics RES/ 351 April 14, 2014 Business Research Ethics A Huntington Beach couple has sued the city, police department and two police officers claiming officers entered home without a warrant (Shadia, 2012). The unethical research in this case could have been viewed differently by either side of the parties. A breakdown of this case scenario involves a married couple and two police officers. The homeowner had return from an evening out with friends. The officers received a call of loud party and erratic driving. Well when the officer showed, they asked to speak to the owner of the car; since their car was the one reported. There are two sides of the story about the officers approached. The unethical behavior that is being research is inappropriate touching and resisting arrest of both homeowners. The injured parties of this issue are both parties. The homeowners felt that they wrongly accused and the inappropriate behavior is being question. In my opinion, I feel that police officers are also injured parties since it is their jobs and position are held accountable for the allege acts of them performing their duty. How has the unethical behavior affected the organization, the individual, and society? These affect the police organization in not professional way. One way is that it makes them look guilty that all charges were drop against the homeowners. The way, today’s society looks at an issue such as that is admission of guilt. Any time a party...
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...THE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF BEING AN OFFICER OF THE LAW Traniecsia Walker Gathering Research Data Paper Week 2 CJA/334 - RESEARCH METHODS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Instructor: RHONDA GRANT Schedule:09/08/2015 - 10/12/2015 Police Officers And The Damaging Consequences of The Job Abstract Patrolling the country’s back-alleys and crime hotspots does not seem like something the average person would want to do. It takes an extraordinary person to dedicate their life to ensuring safety at home. Police Officers spend countless hours at work, answering the heralds of criminal activity that may endanger their lives. Some married divorced officers even blame the job for the destruction of their marriage. They suffer from paranoia, depression and insomnia, which could lead to a total mental breakdown due to the pressures of the job. There are instances in which officers express regret or guilt over certain decisions that they made while expressing how truly difficult it is to an officer of the law. What do they get for these years of torture? Are they satisfied with the treatment they have received from society post retirement? After a little research I reached the conclusion that most of them are and there are various reasons as to why they feel comfortable in a world in which they saw from a different light. Police Officers And The Damaging Consequences of The Job Psychological and Personal Risks to being an Officer Of The Law Thousands of man-hours...
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...blatant police misconduct and use of excessive force there has been a national outcry for law enforcement accountability, as well as, improved transparency. The possibility that some of these acts have been racially motivated, involved profiling or geographic discrimination have only fueled the problem and further soured police and public relations. The integration of police body cameras by many departments has been employed to repair poor public image and increase transparency, (Koh 2017). However, the use of police body cameras is a singular tool that needs to be utilized alongside other critical changes. These changes are necessary to repair the damage that has been done and keep it from escalating...
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...“Almost everything a police officer does must be reduced to writing,” written by Orlando W. Wilson and Roy C. McLaren more than 30 years ago in their book Police Administration. There are many types of police reports, some use box style forms, others use narrative style reports. Although there are many different forms of report they all have the same uses and some of the same context. Reports are expected to “express facts not to impress the audience.” The simplest way to think of a police report is to think of it is who, what, where, why, and how. Most if those questions will be answered at the crime scene, where an officer should be taking careful notes. Nevertheless, who, why, and the how will sometimes take more investigative reasoning. The narrative is to written in chronological order. Start off with time, date, type of incident, also how you became involved with the case. Next should be the information that was given to you by the victim, and or witness (es), for every new person create a new paragraph. After the information has been documented next comes what you as the officer did after learning this information. The final paragraph would be the disposition, how the case was closed....
Words: 888 - Pages: 4
...Mobile Patrol Surveillance System EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The research in this paper focuses on iPad Mini application for police forces that are responsible for the security during the football matches in the UK in order to raise the effectiveness of surveillance. The research begins with a general view on the technological improvements in law enforcements including the kind of technologies used. It gives a brief review of policing the football matches in the UK with several historical information and current figures such as crime incidents and arrests. It then explains the main functionalities of the proposed solution, combination of iPad Mini along with a customised surveillance application, from technical and business benefits point of view along with main aim and objectives of the solution. In the Critical Evaluation section, concerns of using iPad Mini solution with police officers have been evaluated along with few practical implementations. BRIEF REVIEW OF TECHNOLOGY IN POLICE FORCE AND POLICING FOOTBALL Along with the stunning changes in technology, Police has inevitably gone through a significant transformation parallel to the changes in technology. It is extremely crucial for the police forces to stay up-to-date with current technological developments. The executives of police forces are becoming more familiar and informed of developing technologies, moreover they develop a high awareness on how these systems may provide efficiency for their agencies on duty. ...
Words: 2002 - Pages: 9