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Animal Poaching: Marceli Castaneda

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Animal poaching: Marceli Castaneda When you think of extinction you probably think of dinosaurs , but the poaching of wild animals is starting to be apart of that topic, too. Poaching has broken the hearts of people for years and,despite laws, this horrific crime has yet to be stopped.
Poaching is a serious problem especially in Africa and Asia. This crime is committed for the money, meaning the muderers kill animals illegally and sell their hides and parts. Although poachers usually hunt zebras, tigers, elephants and rhinos. Also the killing of whales and sharks is also a part of illegal poaching. This illegal hunting has led to the decreasing population of many species.
Many nations have banned poaching, but enforcement is difficult. …show more content…
The effects of poaching will be a problem to come, in the future. If any are still alive, the only place to see animals might be in a zoo. And the zoo isn't a happy place for these wild animals. It makes us happy and entertained but it makes the animals anxious and trapped. what possesses people to believe poaching is something acceptable to do? Poaching is murdering members of a family, it's murder and this illegal practice most commonly happens in Africa. Poaching causes extinction of animal species by destroying the growth and it also causes the African economy to become more dependable on what is happening. To begin, it is important to know how such a process came to be. Poaching is believed to mainly come first from hunting elephants. Elephants have been used to help humans as early as 1200 B.C.E. According to Colleen Hoey, elephants were once very popular to use in travel with , but they became more wanted for their tusks/ivory (“Africa’s Ivory Trade”). The ivory would be sold mainly to Asian countries, where they would use the tusk for art or even tuse them them for medicines. As more people discovered the worth of the ivory, many people started hunting the elephants. When the days of the slave trade and the ivory became something popular to trade Slavs for. Slavers and poaching fed off of each other. But as the elephant population began to decrease, they became a protected species basically so the population could …show more content…
Just at the end of this year the African white rhino and the western black rhino were officially considered extinct all due to poaching. According to a news report, people have blamed poachers for this crime, and they should be stopped to prevent more extinction from happening to the animals we love. (“Western Black Rhino”) So it’s not just a lie to get people to help stop poaching , it actual is destroying species because of poaching. Not only is the rhino population suffering, but many other African animals are too. . Jeffrey Gettleman acknowledged the fact that more and more elephants are being poached at each occasion with greater costs every time. (“Elephants Dying in Epic”) Poachers are gaining momentum because if no one is going to stop them, why shouldn’t they attack in larger groups, or attack larger elephants or kill more animals so they can gain more money. The most commonly poached animals around the world are the elephants and the rhinos. And they are both located in the same place , leading to the fact that the most poaching occurs in the continent of Africa. The levels of poaching are also increasing very fast. As shown in a graph by Save the Rhino Organization, in 2000 only six reported rhinos have been poached. But with a dramatic increase, not even 15 years later, in 2013 a recorded 1004 rhinos were recorded poached. That is a crazy increase. So obviously poaching affects animal species the

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