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Visual History Research Paper

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Art is known for being the product of its time (, meaning that art changes over the course of time depending on how the depiction of the world changes. With this being said, the depiction of women through visual history has also changed. Women are portrayed differently today in magazines, movies, and paintings than they were centuries before. The way that women were viewed in the world paved the way for how they were represented in art over the course of history. This paper will go on to discuss how women were portrayed in visual arts throughout history and how the depiction of women, or the depiction of the ideal woman, has changed over time.
Women have always been known to be …show more content…
Women did paint nude portraits of women, but these portrayals depicted something other than a statue or a painting that has just been created for infatuation. They change what this type of art meant as a whole. These women were portrayed more as confident rather than as just images in ancient times, where the women were painted by men for the visual eye. In the 1800s, certain paintings were painted by women nude to give its viewers a sign, like the Portrait of a Black Woman, painted by Marie Guillemine Benoist. The painting shows a picture of a black woman sitting down with a turban on her head and a sheet against her body, covering everything except for her right breast. Since the painting was first exhibited at the Salon, it proves to be a great symbol of black rights and more importantly, the rights of women in general. If one looks deeper past the nudity, they would see that the painting presents a sense of dignity in the subject. Benoist painted this portrait to resemble that women had not gained their rights due to the failures of the French Revolution. It depicts the way women feel by sending a message to the

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