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Coil Head Research Paper

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Regardless, if you’re a pro vaper or brand new to the vaping world, we’ve all experienced the most awful of things – a burnt coil. Imagine yourself enjoying deep, rich flavours of your favourite juice and puffing perfect clouds when suddenly the unthinkable happens. You might start experiencing a nasty flavour when you inhale, feel heat in your nostrils or smell something foul in air.
The very first thing, you need to know here is that your e-cig coil can get burned only if the wick is not completely dipped in the e-liquid. Hitting the fire button when the wick is dry, results in the burning of coil.
Don’t worry! Fortunately, they are few quick ways to stop your coil from burning. But, before going into how you can stop your coil head from burning, let us discuss about what are coils and coil heads.
What are Coil Heads?
A coil head is the replaceable part of your e-cigarette which is required …show more content…
The issue over here is that, the VG is much thicker as compared to PG (Propylene Glycol) which will quickly clog up your coil, leading to a shorter lifespan. VG are sweeter and the sugar can lead to a burnt coil.
Opt for a e-juice with a balanced concentration of VG:PG or the juices that have more PG. PG is thinner in consistency and carries flavours a bit better than VG.
6. Avoid Dark and Sweet Juices
It is highly recommended to avoid using e-liquid that are flavoured with sweeteners, as they tend to deposit on the wick getting caramelize dur to heat. This prevents the coil from absorbing e-liquids any further. Eventually drying up the coil and leading to the burning of the coil.
Dark juices are alluring and tasty, but the colorants added to the flavours may speed up the process of gunking up your coils. Cut back on the use of dessert flavours and dark coloured e-liquid to extend the lifespan of your coil.
7. Don’t Lay Your Tank

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