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Why Do Police Officers Use Deadly Force?

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Due to the recent issues that have come about from law enforcement officers using deadly force, agencies have begun to implement the use of less lethal weapons, such as tasers and pepper spray, to subdue aggressive suspects. Although these weapons are an effective alternative to the use of deadly force, policy guidelines must be put in place to regulate their use. These guidelines will ensure that police officer understand when it is considered proper to use such devices and when other methods of forced compliance should be applied instead.
The policy guideline that best defines the proper use of tasers and OC spray, commonly known as pepper spray, is that they are only to be implemented when a suspect’s aggressive behavior constitutes an aggressive reaction from law enforcement. In other words, police officers should not escalate to using tasers or pepper spray unless they are confronted with a defiant suspect. This guarantees that excessive force is not being used when the police encounter confrontational individuals. …show more content…
For instance, it would be considered unacceptable for a police officer to implement the use of his or her taser in order to subdue a suspect that is making verbal threats. In this situation, since the altercation hasn’t become physically violent, the use of a taser would not be a suitable method to use in subduing the suspect. If this suspect were to approach the officer in an aggressive manner after these verbal threats had been made, the use of a taser would be acceptable, because the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect intends to act in a violent

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