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Sun Fact Sheet

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The corona, the sun's outer layer, reaches up to 2 million degrees Fahrenheit . At this level, the sun's gravity (which according to David R. Williams (December 16, 2016) Sun Fact Sheet Retrieved from: is 274.0 m/s squared on the surface compared to Earth’s 9.78 m/s squared, which turns out to be a ratio of 28.016:1) can't hold on to the rapidly moving particles, and it streams away from the star in the form of a “solar wind”.
The properties of solar winds differ based on factors including but not limited to: where on the sun it comes out of, radiation levels, and sunspot numbers. The velocity of the solar wind is higher over coronal holes, which “is a large region in the corona …show more content…
As the wind travels off the sun, it carries charged particles and magnetic clouds. These are emitted in all directions. Some of the solar wind is constantly buffeting our planet. If the particles within the wind reached a planet’s surface, its radiation would do severe damage. Although, Earth’s magnetic field redirects the materials within solar winds and acts as a shield to protect the life on Earth. Other planets with less of a magnetic field than Earth are affected more heavily. For example, Earth's moon does not have it’s own magnetic field to protect it, so takes the full force of the solar wind deflected off Earth. Mercury has a magnetic field that shields it from the regular wind, but it takes the full force of outbursts such as …show more content…
On Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, auroras form in a manner similar to Earth’s. However, Mars and Venus do not possess a significant magnetic field, so their auroras form very differently.
On Mars, auroras appear near areas of magnetised rock within the planet’s crust when charged solar particles concentrate toward them. Due to the fact that Mars lacks a self-generated magnetic field, it possess only ‘crustal magnetic anomalies’. Scientists found that the location of the light emissions corresponded with the location of the strongest magnetic fields found on Mars. It is thought these anomalies are the last traces of a planetary magnetic field on Mars.

On Venus flashes of light from the planet have been identified as auroras. The same process that causes auroras on Earth can form a gigantic magnetic bubble around Venus, allowing auroras to occur. This is possible because Venus possesses a magnetotail, formed by ionosphere and solar wind

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