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How Did The Watergate Scandal

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Out of all the scandals we went over this semester, the Watergate scandal is my favorite. The Watergate scandal happened during Nixon’s presidency when his organization called CREEP hired five men (the plumbers) to break into the Watergate to wire it in order to spy on his opposing opponents. The plumbers were arrested before they could successfully finish their job because a security guard seen tape on the door latch outside of the Democratic National Committee Headquarters. President Nixon told the media that the White House didn’t have any involvement into the break in and told his lawyer, John Dean, to cover up any connection of the break in to the White House. The event that shocked me the most during this scandal is the Saturday Night Massacre because President Nixon ordered the Attorney General, Elliot Richardson, and his Deputy, William Ruckelshaus, to fire Archibald Cox (special prosecutor) but they refused so President Nixon requested for them to resign. President Nixon got Cox fired because Cox gave him a subpoena that required him to reveal the tapes in court that he is hiding that have information on it about the break in. This event showed an evil side of President Nixon, that was very shocking to me. …show more content…
This scandal altered my views on the Presidents because it shows that they are not this perfect person as the media portrays them to be. Many people look at the Presidents to be someone with power that has to do everything perfect because the amount of publicity they have, when in reality there not. This scandal shows that the President isn’t any better than someone that is considered to be below them and that they make mistakes just like us. It also shows that Presidents lie and

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