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Police Body Cameras

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With the recent surge in potential and blatant police misconduct and use of excessive force there has been a national outcry for law enforcement accountability, as well as, improved transparency. The possibility that some of these acts have been racially motivated, involved profiling or geographic discrimination have only fueled the problem and further soured police and public relations. The integration of police body cameras by many departments has been employed to repair poor public image and increase transparency, (Koh 2017). However, the use of police body cameras is a singular tool that needs to be utilized alongside other critical changes. These changes are necessary to repair the damage that has been done and keep it from escalating …show more content…
To truly move in a positive direction, a multifaceted approach that utilizes body cameras, standardized training and evaluation, as well as, mental health services for officers, must be used to regain trust and respect from the public, hold officers accountable and restore transparency. While there have been many cases across the country of misconduct and excessive use of force, there are a few cases that sparked the outcry for a change in law enforcement and use of body cameras. The death of Eric Garner and the use of a choke hold prior to his death caused a public outrage that was only made worse when the officers involved were not indicted. Demonstrating that even when there are restricted uses of force and they are filmed, without standardized consequences officers have little pressure on them to stop misconduct or use of excessive force. The use of a stop and frisk policy by the New York Police …show more content…
There is also a need to initiate public relations programs with officers dedicated to improving policing methods and seeking solutions to public concern. Currently, there has only been one controlled study completed concerning the effectiveness of police body cameras, (Ariel 2015). While this study did show a reduction in use of force, it was done in one county, Rialto CA, over the course of twelve months. This is insufficient evidence to support effectiveness of police body cameras but does support the need for further integration and study. The National Institute of Justice is currently conducting two studies, one in Las Vegas and one in Las Angeles but they have not been completed, (National 2017). As this study and others are completed there will be data to better illustrate effectiveness of police body cameras. To provide some valid feedback from the public on the use of police body cameras an interview was conducted with PAR (Police Area Representative) Tom Lord of the Aurora Police Department and he has spoken in depth with the public on use of body cameras and was quoted, “to a great extent the conversation has been mostly positive”. To add public validation to the interview with officer Lord 100 citizens in the same area officer Lord serves were surveyed. Solidifying his claim, 80% of the survey group felt that the use of police body cameras

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