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Police Officer Body Worn Cameras

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In 2018, Police have killed 352 people in the United State. Since the beginning of law enforcement brutality in the early 1900s, officers have not been convicted of violent crimes after incidents dealing with the abusive use of power and violence. Since the mid-1900s, people in the United States have spoken out in demand for justice, just to be neglected by the government. The government has not been able to change the structure of policing to cut down on police violence even though there are proven solutions. For these reasons, John Locke’s social contract that says that the government derives from the people has been broken. The government has not acted on this issue even after millions of Americans have spoken out in the form of marches …show more content…
They have not meet the demands of the people, even when there are proven solutions that have already made an impact on a smaller scale. but can bring change on a national level if implemented. Recently at the University of South Florida a group underwent a study evaluating the Impact of Police Officer Body-Worn Cameras in The Orlando Police Department. The study was during a 12 month period where they randomly selected 46 officers to wear body worn cameras and randomly selected 43 officers to not. A piece of their report stated “Interestingly, although nearly all of the officers were skeptical about the positive impact that body worn cameras would have on their behavior in the BWC implementation survey, wearing a BWC did positively influence their behavior and lead to significant reductions in response to resistance and serious external complaints.” Success in a city like Orlando is promising, especially for a city who in 2015 saw their police department using excessive force on over 500 different …show more content…
The new laws they introduced were the Police Accountability and Community Protection Act and SB1421. The Police Accountability and Community Protection Act would only Authorize police officers to use deadly force only when it completely is necessary. This intent of this law is to prevent injury or death and to enforce reasonable alternatives to using deadly force, including warnings, verbal persuasion, and other non-lethal methods to control a situation. This law would also establish that a homicide by an officer is not justified if the officer’s disregarded to reasonably take care of the situation contributed to making the force necessary. The second law introduced was SB1421. This law would give the public rights to records involving serious use-of-force investigations, including investigations into police shootings. Also records involving sustained complaints against officers for sexual assault or other serious job-related dishonesty, such as perjury, falsifying police reports, and planting or destroying evidence. Although these changes could be groundbreaking in the state of California, I still strongly believe that the only way to make a strong impact would be to expand this to a national

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