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Future Of America Research Paper

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As a young citizen in the United States of America, my responsibility is to learn the history of my country throughout the many years of education I am provided. And as I become an adult, I will be responsible to be the one to teach others my experiences in life, to teach what experiences worked out and what experiences failed horribly . My responsibility is to learn how to apply what I learned in school and what I was taught at home to better my chances with success in the future, to have more knowledge and create my own opinion as I work through the industrious life of adulthood.

You learn a lot of things in school that you believe that are useless to you in your adult life. That is where you and so many people are wrong. Because, whether you know it or not, you use most of everything you remember in school, everyday in your life. In the case that I am talking about, is the fact that when we learn about the history of America and what had to be done to get here, is very important to know because it shows you what worked then and how their seemingly small decisions, led to monumental changes. The past is only a guide to aid in a better future that I hope we will bring. …show more content…
No individual person carries the burden of the future and instead of grieving over the fact that we will impact the future of America through many decisions, both impossible and easy, we have the ability to be able to see that we will be an example to the future generations and hope that they might be able to see the causes of all the chaos that happens everyday, being more willing to repair the damage done to the country. And my responsibility, being a factor in the future of America, will be to make the biggest difference with even the smallest choices to cause a chain reaction and aid in the success of the

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