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Chris Kyle Research Paper

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Christopher Scott Kyle ‘American Sniper’ was an all American hero to so many people. Born on April 08, 1974, in Odessa, Texas to Deby Lynn and Wayne Kenneth Kyle(Burling #15). Joining the Navy in 1999 would soon set Chris on his path of destiny. Chris married his wife Taya Kyle in the mountains of Nevada in 2002.( Chris soon returned to his duties after his wedding, by shipping out to Kuwait in 2002.( By the end of his military career Chris had at least 160 confirmed kills by the Pentagon’s count.( However, by Chris’s own count—and the accounts of his Navy SEAL teammates—the number was closer to twice that amount.( In Chris’s four tours of duty in Iraq, Kyle earned two Silver Stars and …show more content…
The family had to move all over Texas because Chris’s father worked at Southwestern Bell. Chris states in his book ‘American Sniper’ that while he was learning how to read and write, he also learned to appreciate and love guns. Chris was a natural hunter like his father and brother. Chris also loved to have BB gun (aka air rifles) wars with his friends. When Chris was 8 years old his dad bought him a Springfield rifle then a shotgun which he used to hunt small game such as quail and pheasant.( Chris also loved to hunt for larger game such as deer. Chris also loved to play sports such as baseball and football in school. Like many boys and men from Texas Chris saw himself as a bit of a cowboy. Chris practised his rodeo skills a lot after school in hopes of having a professional rodeo career. All of his hard work and practising soon paid off with a short lived professional bronco rodeo. Unfortunately, it was not meant to last due to a bad injury caused Chris to have pins placed in his arm, thus ending his bronco rider career. Chris then decided to attend Tarleton State for two years. ( Chris did not use the time at the college to learn. Chris partied and got into a lot of fights instead of studying, so he decided to go back to the Texan lifestyle of ranches and …show more content…
Chris wanted to talk to the Army recruiter but the only available recruiter available to talk was the Navy recruiter. Chris signed up to be a Navy SEAL, but was rejected because of the pins he had in his arm. ( However, to Chris’s surprise the recruiters called him back some time later with an offer to try out for Basic Underwater Demolition/ SEALS (BUD/S) which is the basic training/ schooling before the Navy SEALS. Chris went on to complete the BUD/S training program and went on to become a SEAL. ( Chris was eventually deployed to the SEAL 3 Team. Not long after Chris joined Navy SEAL Team 3 in April 2001, he met the love of his life Taya. Kyle served four tours of duty which included numerous major battles. Kyle’s attack skills were so effective while on deployment in Ramadi. The enemy combatants named him Shaitain Ar-Ramadi, which translates to The Devil of Ramadi.( one time a $20,000 bounty was issued for his death and was soon increased to $80,000.('s reputation as the deadliest sniper in American military history is currently uncontested. The Pentagon will only confirm only 160 kills, out of the 255 kills Kyle or his military buddie claimed Kyle killed.( Throughout his military career, Kyle was shot twice, survived six IEDs, and earned two Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars for valor in

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