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Gaint Singh: A Case Study

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Today's society people are being constantly bombarded with the thought of looking good. Economic writer Gaint Singh has found that the apparel market is continually growing faster than the general global economy. The fashion market is one of the top growing incomes of the United States. According to Singh, in 2017 $1.4 trillion was made in fashion sales. There is no slowing down as the market is projected to reach $1.65 trillion by the year 2020. People like Ronnie Burton serve to help the industry grow. Burton is a versatile artist, fashion designer, and owner of the company named "Fats". He wants to expand his company to influence others to follow their dreams. You should loan Burton money for his company because it promotes the biblical …show more content…
He is a student at Arizona Christian University (ACU) and has a passion for designing clothing and accessories. Inspired by his family, Burton desires to impact others around him by successfully giving others hope through his designs. In the midst of difficult times in his childhood, he was raised by his grandfather who nicknamed him "Fats". Burton’s grandfather had a significant impact on his life, which is why he named his company "Fats". His company's focal point is to bring people closer to God. He uses bible verses as motivational quotes on his hats and t-shirts to help people stop and think about the scriptural truths. The verses he uses promote loving others and being Christ-like. Burton understands people and what they like to wear, how they want to express their style, and what their willing to pay for clothing. Everyone's style is unique and he knows how to integrate that into his product. Style in this generation is all about each individual expressing themselves. Burton’s stylish designs are worth purchasing because they promote his talent and a biblical …show more content…
It will go towards advertising, opening a store, and renting venue tables. Social media will be the key component in advertising. The more money he has the more ads he can purchase on social media. For instance, Instagram has a way you can turn the account into a business account and that will allow more people to view the profile. Using this method, his account will gain more views and others will see his talent. In Old Town Scottsdale, the cost to rent space is around $1,500 a month. Loaning him $10,000 will help him to open a store in this location and pay for rent, hire employees, and help him achieve higher sales. Old Town Scottsdale attracts tourists from all over the world and is known to be a popular place to go shopping. He wants to sell his product in other states to bring more attention to his business as well. The cost of traveling makes additional funds even more important. As he travels he will rent venue tables at popular concerts and art shows. By selling his designs at these events he will make more connections. As you can see Burton has a solid plan for his company, making the loan a necessity for his business to become

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