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365 Games Research Paper

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Short Description
365 Games offers a variety of gaming options Blu-Ray & DVDs, Music options, Board games, Card Games, Clothing and Accessories, Collectables & hobbies stuff, toys, tech devices and various gifts & gadgets. It was launched in 2007, and offers great savings on all your gaming & entertainment needs. MCV awarded 365 Games as one of the "The UK's Fastest Growing Indies" in 2013. Have a hassle-free shopping of numerous games and entertainment options with our exclusive 365 Games promotional code.
About 365 Games
365 Games is a well-known gaming retailer in the UK offering numerous gaming products like PS4, Xbox, PS3, Nintendo3DS, PC games and many more. They also stock many board games and card games for families, friends and children. For people who love to collect action figures and bobble heads, they have various options of collectables, graphic novels from famous brands. …show more content…
You can also avail mobile and tablet accessories, computer headsets and keyboards, flash memory and hard drives here at this shop.
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365 Games is a one-stop shop providing all the video games, board & card games, accessories, toys for children and tech gadgets and devices and collectables. They also offer “Category Name” voucher codes for their users to avail discounts on their favourite range of gaming options. Here are some of our voucher codes from 365 Games:

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Going Global, Acting Local - Communicating Global Brands to Global Markets

...growing pace of globalization, companies’ marketing departments are faced with a substantial challenge of designing successful marketing strategies promoting their products and services (Keller, 2010). The ongoing academic debate has pointed out the tension between standardization and localization practices (e.g. Whatley, 2012). While the benefits frequently associated with the standardization practice revolve around the promotion of a single consistent message to the global market (Aaker, 1991), the localization paradigm emphasises the particular differences between individual markets and thereby the need to adapt marketing strategies to suit the needs of the local population (Gillespie, Jeanner & Hennessey, 2010). The aim of the presented paper is to critically investigate the promotion and branding strategies pursued by global organisations. The key focus is put on the examination of their relative effectiveness and two case studies are used to demonstrate the validity of the theoretical underpinning. Nike Inc., a sportswear and footwear retailer, and PizzaHut, a chain of fast-food restaurants, are therefore used as examples of companies in a...

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