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Through Positive Eyes Assignment

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Through Positive Eyes Assignment
Based on the videos I watched from different countries such as Bangkok, Los Angeles, and Washington DC, each person tells their own stories what it’s like living with HIV-positive through photography. There are many common similarities and differences that they all shared together. People captured their daily life experiences on how they overcame the discrimination and stigma from society. Individuals exhibits HIV-positive symptoms can be seen as a positive or negative way. However, people with HIV-positive are often seen as negative because of their incurable illness. At the same time, it’s seen as positive because people find ways to make their life easier by connecting with people who shared the same experiences with them.
Many similarities themes are shown in different countries people diagnosed with HIV-positive. A similarity is that people fearing of being judge by their family members, friends, and communities. For example, Mary from Washington DC fear of getting kick out of school if people knew she was diagnosed with HIV-positive. In addition, people learn to accept and love themselves while knowing they’re diagnosed with HIV-positive. For example, Jazmine from Los Angeles, Mary from Washington DC, and Aoy from Bangkok acknowledge themselves that they are no different from people who …show more content…
Although people faced hardship, they still keep going. I learned that by outgrowing your insecurities and thinking positively about life, it can help you become successful in life. No one should ever stop a person from doing what they love and want. Despite being diagnosed with HIV, they still take care of themselves by making sure that they are taking their medication on time and are properly eating their meals as

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