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Why Gender Roles Exist Research Paper

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"In your own opinion, describe why gender roles exist.

Gender roles are societal norms dictating what types of behaviours generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex. The specifics regarding these gendered expectations may vary substantially among cultures, while other characteristics may be common throughout a range of cultures.

Gender roles are socialized expectations of what is normal, desirable, acceptable, and conforming for males and females in specific jobs or positions in groups and organizations over the life course.

The gender roles exist for our society we are brought into give us that sense of doing something as the previous generation before you did. You do …show more content…
If so, how?

In my own opinion gender is something learned cultural wise. We tend to see it in a normal family unit a child is brought up with a mother and father. The mother takes care of the child while the father work and provides food, shelter and protection for the family. This is something that children learn even from birth itself.

Political wise we see campaigns depicting happy family a man and woman and the family in a happy set up for me this is a lesson for others to see and feel secured. Traditionally here in South Africa a man has to go to the mountains to be actually circumcised and to be a real man you have to go through that process and elders show you the ways to stay happy with the right way to treat your woman and children. The woman even has to go to the community elders taught ways in which a man is taken care of.

Religiously we see depiction of gender when we are prescribed various parental roles that gender takes centre stage. Christian wise a man has to leave his or her own parents to start his own family and the woman has also to do the same. This is where gender comes in when you have a specific role to provide for the next generation.

Do gender roles create inequality in a

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