...Rn to Bsn Admission Essay Ellen Dillard BSN Admission Essay After researching a variety of different programs I have found that the RN to BSN program at Michigan State University is the program in which will best help me to personally grow as a professional nurse. I have always been extremely dedicated to my goals and proved that as I earned my BS in Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science from Michigan State University in 2007. I then went on to receive my ADN from Schoolcraft College in 2011, which has led me to my position as a licensed RN at an acute rehab center. After working as a licensed RN for the past year I have discovered that I would like to strengthen my skillset in my field by going back to school yet again, this time to receive my BSN. During this past year I have realized my ability to lead, teach, and communicate well with others. I am confident with the skillset that I have developed while earning my ADN and feel that at this point in my career I would like to develop my skillset even further. As a professional in the ever changing field of nursing, I feel it imperative to continue my education so that I can provide the best care possible for my patients. Continuing to build upon my knowledge base of disease processes, nursing research, and also strengthening my critical thinking skills is essential in order for me become the best nurse I can be. The BSN program at Michigan State University will do just that. The flexibility and convenience...
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...| Admission Essay to University of Miami Elizabeth Akande | | | My name is Elizabeth Akande and I am seeking for an admission into the Master’s degree program at University of Miami (UM) at the School of Nursing. I have always believed in giving back to the community and in sharing my competencies and skills with others. My desire to help people in the field of nursing has powered my decision to take up a graduate degree in Nursing. Overcoming the many challenges in my life has helped me to believe that I can reach any goal I have set for myself, and one of these lifelong goals is to become a nurse practitioner and to obtain my graduate diploma from a respectable institution. I have had my fair share of obstacles and trials, and if not for the generosity and kindness of others and of the Almighty God, I may not have gone this far in my journey. My life has been one great challenge, but the trials that I have faced did not discourage me from my goals. Taking care of my family, working full time, and looking after my two elderly parents may not be the picture of a perfect life, but I have managed to make the best use of my time and my resources, to give equal attention to the people I love as well as the career that I have chosen for myself. My father has had spinal stenosis for 16 years now and is currently living with me. My mother, who is now 73 years old, also...
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...Informative and Persuasive Essay Western Governors University LAE1 Informative and Persuasive Essay “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul” (Addison, 1839, p. 76). The pull to become a masterpiece was both exhilarating and unnerving. I knew it was time to continue furthering my education, but the fact that I had a full time job and a busy schedule gave me an excuse to keep putting it off. Year after year, I churned out more and more excuses; the truth was, the factors to consider when choosing an online university were many and overwhelming, and I was afraid to start. I finally launched into research mode and began searching in earnest for “the perfect fit.” After much courting and wooing by several universities offering online programs, three major factors influenced my decision to become a Western Governors University (WGU) student. These are an excellent online support system, a unique competence based approach to learning, and affordability. I urge you to carefully consider these factors; you too will be convinced that WGU is the choice to make. WGU offers an excellent and unique support system to students. The availability of online education promises the ease and flexibility of independent learning. In addition, this is coupled with the availability of qualified human resources to help you stay on track. Truthfully, not many of us are disciplined enough to...
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...ADMISSION APPLICATION COMBINED BSN/MSN PROGRAM FOR FOREIGN-EDUCATED PHYSICIANS Instructions: Please type or print all information Semester Applying for:___________________ Name: _____________________________________________ Last First Middle/Maiden SS# ____/___/____ Panther ID# __________ Gender: Male Female Date of Birth ___/___/___ Country/State of Residence: _______________________________________________ Ethnic Origin: White Black Asian Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native (Not of Hispanic Origin) (Not of Hispanic Origin) Local Address: Street: City/State/Zip Code: Phone/Fax: Home ( E-mail Address: Permanent Address: Street: City/State/Zip Code Phone/Fax Home ( ) Work ( ) ) Work ( ) EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Place of Employment: Position: How long: EDUCATION High School Attended: College/Universities attended (List from most recent) City/State Graduation Date: _____/_____/_____ Dates Attended Degree If any have attended any School of Nursing previously, please give the following information: Name of School Address Dates Attended Reason(s) for withdrawing: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever worked in another health care capacity (e.g.) C.N.A., LPN, EMT, Paramedic, etc.)? No Yes (explain) ...
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...Ellen Dillard BSN Admission Essay After researching a variety of different programs I have found that the RN to BSN program at Michigan State University is the program in which will best help me to personally grow as a professional nurse. I have always been extremely dedicated to my goals and proved that as I earned my BS in Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science from Michigan State University in 2007. I then went on to receive my ADN from Schoolcraft College in 2011, which has led me to my position as a licensed RN at an acute rehab center. After working as a licensed RN for the past year I have discovered that I would like to strengthen my skillset in my field by going back to school yet again, this time to receive my BSN. During this past year I have realized my ability to lead, teach, and communicate well with others. I am confident with the skillset that I have developed while earning my ADN and feel that at this point in my career I would like to develop my skillset even further. As a professional in the ever changing field of nursing, I feel it imperative to continue my education so that I can provide the best care possible for my patients. Continuing to build upon my knowledge base of disease processes, nursing research, and also strengthening my critical thinking skills is essential in order for me become the best nurse I can be. The BSN program at Michigan State University will do just that. The flexibility and convenience of the programs...
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...populations of young people between age 15 to 25 as supported by Walsh (2007a) surprisingly, women are the most affected in this group. There are three classifications of this eating abnormality; known as - Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia nervosa and Binge eating disorders. However, I will base this essay on one of these classifications known as Anorexia Nervosa eating disorder which is defined as a physiological illness whereby people starve themselves and refused to eat - Ambrose and Deisler (2011). Another author defines anorexia nervosa as refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and fear of gaining weight Shepphired (2010). For the purpose of this essay, I will discuss much more on this type of eating disorder popularly known as Anorexia nervosa by DSM-V(2013). I am going to divide this essay into three parts. I will look at the signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa. I will identify the possible impact of the illness in the life of a patient and her immediate environments (the families and Friends of the individual) and the treatment or nursing intervention. I will also relate this experience to one of my patient at my placement. In accordance with the Data Protection Act (2000) and Nursing and Midwifery code of conduct (2010), I have adopted the name Lola (not the Real name) in order to maintain confidentiality. Meanwhile, I have sought her permission to use Her scenario as a case study and she gave her consent before I started this write up. Lola’s Parent have observed...
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...known as an extended family (Wright & Leahey, 2005). Nuclear families can be any size, as long as the family can support itself and there are only the parents and children. The purpose of the interview presented in this paper was to discover and describe the experience of pregnancy by a married woman who is in her late twenties. The paper presents the findings observed in the interview and ends with a series of conclusions and personal reflections on the interview method. The confidentiality of the pregnant lady’s name and that of any member of her family will be respected throughout the paper. This essay is an example of a student's work Disclaimer This essay has been submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. Essay Writing ServiceEssay Marking ServiceExample Essays Who wrote this essayBecome a Freelance WriterPlace an Order The interview with Mrs. B was conducted in her home which was where she said she felt most comfortable answering...
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...Master of Nursing [pic][pic] La Trobe is an internationally recognised university with a strong research and teaching focus. It has over 100 partner universities with student exchange networks across more than 30 countries. The Division of Nursing and Midwifery of La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, in cooperation with the Nurses Learning Hub Pte Ltd (NLH), a subsidiary of Singapore Nurses Association (SNA), has delivered the highly successful Bachelor of Nursing (Post-Registration) course for nurses in Singapore for the past 13 years. Now, with its international recognition for quality educational programs and high academic standards, La Trobe University is pleased to offer the Master of Nursing degree in Singapore. Master of Nursing (Professional) Master of Nursing (Research Methods) [pic] The Master of Nursing course at La Trobe University is one of its flagship professional programs, attracting great interest from highly qualified local applicants. The program has been further developed to allow flexible delivery mode enabling LTU to offer the course in Singapore. The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills that assists professional development within a nurse’s area of practice. It offers nurses the ability to design a study pathway that meets their career needs. Degree Award This course is equivalent to the Master of Nursing degree conducted by La Trobe University in Australia and students who complete...
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...Baccalaureate of Science in nursing degree verses the Diploma nurse and the Associates Degree in Nursing, you must first be able to understand the definition, description and the competencies of each Degree. 1. Definition of the Diploma Nurse A Diploma Nurse is someone who completes a nursing curriculum associated with a hospital or medical facility than traditional colleges. The Diploma Nurse program is a three-year program. ("Diploma vs. BSN," 2010, p. 1) 2. Definition of the Associates Degree in Nursing An Associate’s Degree in Nursing is a two to three year degree. Requirements are a minimum of 60 semester credit hours. Often these nursing degrees are conferred at community colleges. There are many 4 year colleges and universities that offer the associates degree programs as well. (Seehorn, “n.d.”, p. 1) 3. Definition of the Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing (BSN) A Baccalaureate Degree in nursing is described as a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in nursing that combines theory and clinical nursing courses and is granted by an accredited school. This degree is a 4 year degree which requires a minimum of 120 semester credit hours. ("Bachelor Degree," “n.d.”, Para. 1) There are many levels of nursing degrees out there today and there are different competencies between them. The Nursing state licensure began in 1903. The importance of this date protects the public and helps nurses to define the role and scope of nursing practice. At one time all...
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...topic. The internet is full of different website with full details on each health topics. With the people awareness, the nurses need to keep on updating their knowledge too through advancement of their education. There are three model of nurses in Nursing professional which are the ADN also known as Associate Degree in Nursing, BSN known as bachelors of Science in Nursing and the last one which is MSN which is known as Master of Science in Nursing .But today, we will be examining the differences in the ADN program and the BSN program competencies. There are so many differences in ADN and BSN degree in the way both practice and in the way both nurses reasoning. The competences of the ADN involves, taking care of patient in both acute and long term care facility and their thinking skill are relied on standard sets by the board of Nursing, facility’s policies, guidelines and protocol for care of patient from their admission to discharge time. ADN are also know as a technical nurses because the ADN nurses are most training on the job skill with little or no former education or research. This type of training is always hospital training program. On the other hand, the baccalaureate Nursing education is University based and prepared the nurse with broad knowledge and understanding in significant areas.BSN program helps the nurses to be aware of all areas associated with...
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...Job Analysis Paper Psych 435 February 28, 2011 Nursing Job Analysis A job analysis is a process used to determine and identify the details of a specific job requirement or duties and the significance of these duties for the given job (Spector, 2008). In a job analysis there are also judgments about the data collected on-the-job (Fine & Crinshaw, 1999). It is also important to remember that a job analysis is conducted for the job position and not the person. The data collected for a job analysis comes from current questionnaires or interviews, the specification and description of the job (Spector, 2008). The main purpose of a job analysis is to document and establish the job relatedness of employment procedures such as interviewing, selection, training, compensation, and performance appraisals (Fine & Crinshaw, 1999). In this paper a job analysis will be performed on the position of a registered nurse. It will evaluate different performance appraisal methods, explain a variety of benefit and vulnerability of performance appraisals, and also evaluate the reliability and validity of a job analysis. To become a registered nurse there are some requirements. The student needs t o be a high school graduate or GED equivalent. This would be considered the proper basic training along with the pre-requisites required from the college. Then once these are completed the student can apply for the nursing program in your college and obtain the advanced education, skills, and...
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...Choice, Sports, Stem Cell Research, Steroids, Terrorism, Violence, War on Drugs, more... Business - Advertising, Business, Buy Web Sites, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, Sell Websites Education - ADHD, Learning, Philosophy of Education, Privatization, Public Schools, School Violence, School Vouchers, Teaching, Technology and Education, Test and Testing, Writing English Composition Essays - Analitical, Autobiographical, Argument, Cause/Effect, Classification, Compare/Contrast, Comparison, Conversation, Creative+Writing, Critical, Deductive, Definition, Descriptive, Description, Dialog, Division, Exploratory, Expository, Informative, Interview, Inquiry, Journalistic, Narration, Observation. Personal Narrative, Place, Profile, Process, Proposal English Literature and Literary Analysis - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, A & P, Antigone, Apocalypse Now, Araby, The Awakening, Barn Burning, Beowulf, Beloved, Bible, Birthmark, Blade Runner, The Bluest Eye, Candide, Canterbury Tales, Catcher in the Rye, Cathedral, Chrysanthemums, A Clockwork Orange, The Color Purple, Comparing Literary Works, Crime and Punishment, Death of a Salesman, Death in Venice, Desiree's Baby, A Doll's House, Dr. Faustus, Epic of Gilgamesh, Everyday Use, A Farewell to Arms, Frankenstein, The Grapes of Wrath, Great Gatsby, Great Expectations, Glass Menagerie, Gulliver's Travels, The Handmaid's Tale, Heart of Darkness, The Iliad, Invisible Man, Jane Eyre, The Joy Luck Club, The Lottery, ...
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...Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Background of the Study Learning in clinical environment involves what Jarvis (2006) defines as action learning, which involves “learning by doing... within a specified social context” (in nursing it is the clinical area). It also involves much more complex learning such as learning of concepts, problem solving, decision making, rule learning, critical thinking. The nursing educators and institutions have an ethical obligation to ensure admission criteria and academic standards that are reasonable and fare, yet effective indicators of students’ success. When an educational institution issues a diploma to one of its students, it is, in effect certifying the society that the student possesses all the knowledge and skills that are required in his chosen discipline. To remain competitive and accountable, it is imperative for nursing programmes to have efficient and reliable admission criteria. Quantitative data and research- base facts are essential for the development, revision and modification of the admission criteria to guide nursing educators to identify and select those students who will successfully complete the nursing programme. It also helps in minimizing the wastage of human and material resources that occur due to student failure and attrition (Dr. Romana Idrees, 2008). Furthermore, the students are exposed to a wide variety of clinical settings—including hospitals, outpatient, community clinics, treatment...
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...Belhaven University 1790 Kirby Parkway Suite 100 Memphis, TN 38138 Belhaven University 4151 Ashford Dunwoody Rd. Suite 130 Atlanta, GA 30319 Belhaven University 5200 Vineland Rd. Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32811 Traditional Admission Adult and Graduate Studies Admission – Jackson Atlanta Chattanooga Desoto Houston Memphis Orlando Alumni Relations/Development Belhaven Fax Business Office Campus Operations Integrated Marketing Registrar Student Life Security Student Financial Planning Student Development Online Admission Online Student Services (601) 968-5940 or (800) 960-5940 (601) 968-5988 or Fax (601) 352-7640 (404) 425-5590 or Fax (404) 425-5869 (423) 265-7784 or Fax (423) 265-2703 (622) 469-5387 (281) 579-9977 or Fax (281) 579-0275 (901) 896-0184 or Fax (901) 888-0771 (407) 804-1424 or Fax (407) 367-3333 (601) 968-5980 (601) 968-9998 (601) 968-5901 (601) 968-5904 (601) 968-5930 (601) 968-5922 (601) 968-5969 (601) 968-5900 (601) 968-5933 (601) 968-5932 (601) 965-7043 (601) 968-8947 Website http://www.belhaven.edu http://atlanta.belhaven.edu http://chattanooga.belhaven.edu http://houston.belhaven.edu http://jackson.belhaven.edu http://memphis.belhaven.edu http://orlando.belhaven.edu http://online.belhaven.edu Visitors are welcome at Belhaven University. The admission office for...
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...HEALTH SOCIETY & CARE PROVISION BY JACQUELINE WALKER HEALTH, SOCIETY & SOCIAL CARE INTRODUCTION The purpose of this essay is to write a patient case study surrounding the care of an in- patient at the local hospital where I was on placement. It should allow the reader to focus, on the appraisal of the nursing model used in practice during the patients care. The social and cultural components of care that demonstrate the authors’ knowledge, and awareness of the patients needs and beliefs, any health promoting activities and patient education opportunities undertaken. Inter/ Multidisciplinary teams approach to care provision and access to specific services and facilities will also be included. I would like to take this opportunity to state that confidentiality will be maintained throughout this work. All true names and clinical settings changed, in order to protect the patients’ identity in line with the NMC (2004) guidelines on confidentiality, which states, “that we must protect confidential information”. Therefore, the patient will be referred to as “Rick”, his wife Shelia, the clinical setting as “the ward” and the geographical environment as “the local hospital”. In addition to this, I would also like to say that whilst asking for permission, I explained to the patient what my study would be about, that all confidentiality would be maintained, and that he would not, in any way be able to be recognised by any other persons...
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