...In today’s day and age the adolescence in under more stress than ever before. Peer acceptance lack of coping skills and or social support leads the adolescence to feel that suicide is the only way out. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens between the ages of 15-19(Ball & Binder, 2008. Pg.1132). Too often the adolescence may feel that they are unable to cope with every day’s stressors partly due to the lack of appropriate skills and outlets, adequate support systems, or available mental health interventions. Depression suicide and substance abuse emerge as life becomes overwhelming and the future unmanageable (Edelman, & Mandel, 2010). There are warning signs of the possible suicidal ideations in the adolescence. The distressed adolescence tends to give clues, both verbally and nonverbally. Some of the warning signs may be the expression of hopelessness a preoccupation with death or an increasing rage or anger (Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span list several other warning signs on page 558). Any single clue may mean nothing but, in this writers opinion serves as a red flag and the idea should be taken seriously. Suicide threats should never be ignored, and the adolescent who is thinking harming or possibly harming themselves should never be left alone (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2006, Shaw et al., 2005). Adolescent suicide can be prevented. When you suspect that an adolescent may be or is suicidal an immediate intervention should be made...
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...Adolesence Adolescence is a time of "storm and strife" : : Introduction : : Adolescence is a time of “storm and strife”. Adolescence is a period of time between childhood and adulthood. This is the age when one can either make something of his life or destroy it all, this is the time when a person makes those friends who changes the how he looks at life and how he faces it. An adolescent's main goal these days is to fit in and not be different from their peers. In this paper I will explore the probabilities of the following grievances experienced by the adolescent youth which are drugs, suicide, and homelessness. : : Body of the Essay : : Adolescence is the developmental stage between childhood and adulthood; it generally refers to a period ranging from teen years through 20s. As now life is growing more complex, however, adolescents are increasingly cut off from the activities of their elders, leaving most young people with education as their sole occupation. Inexorably, this has isolated many of them from the adult world and has prolonged their adolescence. Now almost all over the world the adolescent years have become marked by violence to an alarming degree. The phenomenon of teenage suicide has become particularly disturbing, but risk-taking behaviors of many sorts can be observed, including alcohol and drug abuse. Adolescents only want to have fun and go to parties. They get addicted to drugs and start to revolve their lives around drugs. Some get arrested and...
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...Adolescence comes from the latin word “adolescere” meaning to grow up”. It started from 12 to 18 years old. During this stage, you develop the ability to understand abstract ideas, such as higher math concepts and develop moral philosophies including rights and privileges, establish and maintain satisfying relationships by learning to share intimacy without feeling worried or inhibited, question old values without losing your identity. You may go through many changes as you move from childhood into physical maturity. The sudden and rapid physical changes that you go through make you very self- conscious, sensitive and worried about your own body changes. You may make painful comparisons about yourselves with your peers. Sometimes you may tend to pull away from your parents in search for your own identity, and your friends become more important, your peer group may become a safe haven, in which you can test new ideas. This group consists of non romantic friendships, often including “cliques,”gangs, or clubs. Members of the group often act alike, have secret codes or rituals and participate in the same activities. And as you move into mid-adolescence ages 14 to 16 years old and beyond, you may start to have romantic relationships. Through romantic friendships, dating and experimenting, you learn to express and receive intimate or sexual advances. As adolescence you should know your duties and responsibilities towards yourself, your family and to the society. To yourself you should...
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...Raven Davis 11/25/14 Professor Pearse Emerging Adulthood: My Story After leaving the adolescence stage, young adults are not ready mentally to take on adult roles and responsibilities. Therefore the stage called emerging adulthood takes place before adulthood is entered. There comes a point in an individual’s life where he/she must surpass his/her youth and enter adulthood. This development, otherwise known as maturity, often transforms the individual in all physical and mental characteristics. Maturity, in many ways, sets the basis for how a person will view and approach life. I have experienced maturation from a shy and insecure child in middle school to a responsible and confident young adult in high school and throughout college. However, some people seem to think that this level of maturity comes to a stopping point once you reach a certain age. I have learned that that is not the case at all. Being mature plays a role in every aspect of life in general, which means it is an ongoing growth no matter your age, race, ethnicity, or gender. Personally, since I was a little girl I have always had a mature mindset in many situations. I had never act my age and I always found myself hanging out with older girls and guys. Everyone around me said I act like their mom when it came to making long and short term decisions. I was not your typical teenager when it came to romantic relationships or friendships of any kind. One example that showed me I had a very unique maturation was...
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...Adolescence project final Frelimo Kweheria Ivy tech community College Adolescence is a period in development between the onset of puberty and adulthood. It usually begins between 11 and 13 years of age with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics and spans the teenage years, terminating at 18 to 20 years of age with the completion of the development of the adult form. During this period, the individual undergoes extensive physical, psychologic, emotional, and personality changes. Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier. Stress in relation to adolescents can be said to be the challenges faced and dealt with during this process of growth, these stress can be related to the pressure and expectation from the society, media and peers pressure, stress is not necessary caused by these process of growth but by the demand and responsibility that is usually attached to it.These period of development in adolescents have various impact and effects on what kind of stress they face and how it is being dealt with, these stress can either physical, intellectual, emotional or social. Adolescent period is often believed to be a difficult period and very critical stage of transition because of various qualitative shift that they pass through at that moment of life and this conflicts with breaking away from the old self and interest of the childhood memories...
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...Middle Childhood and Adolescence Teenage years are times for developing maturity. At this stage, teens are usually excited because they are exploring several features in the environment. The youth struggle to identify themselves from other children as adulthood is the next big thing to them. Peer pressure in most cases supports individual development among adolescents. However, influence of significant others may not allow individual peer pressure to take effect in a teen’s life. Adolescence stage is characterized by immense influence of age-mates. It involves high levels of self-consciousness and self-centeredness. These two groups can be disturbed greatly by social pressures like drug use and abuse, sexuality and opposite sex relationships. When such pressures creep in the only remedy to these teens is normally close family guidance, which aims to mitigate stress and depressions (Jack W. Finney, 1998). There are several changes in children. Teens at this age attempt to fit into a specific social group. Peer relationships provide better social and moral climates in the society. Such climates will enable development of peer interactions within the society. The interactions lead to social support and friendships that play a vital role in middle childhood development. Adolescents develop significant relationships called peers. During these two stages significant friendships and even relationships developed normally last for very many years. Children aged four years or more usually...
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...Q: Summarize the ways in which the brain develops in adolescence A: When we became teenagers, we slowly were becoming adult members of society. This gives us a greater sense of independence and intelligence; during these years the mind develops significantly. Nerve cells continue to grow and their interconnections become richer and more complex allowing us to think more critically and widely. The mind actually over produces the gray matter needed in the brain (which is reduced later in life). Here, myelination increases production which allows helps the delivery of electrical signals. One area of the brain that develops significantly is the prefrontal cortex. This makes sense because this section involves thinking, evaluating, and producing...
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...Sharif Mursal PSY/202 Instructor: Sharon Clark Assignment: Adolescence and Adulthood September 15, 2013 Axia Collage University of Phoenix The psychosocial development stage during adolescence is the search for identity. Psychosocial development encompasses the way peoples understanding for themselves, one another and the world around them changes during the course of development. I think that around the age of 15 years old I was starting to go through this stage. I got my first part time job and no longer sensed that I needed my parents to give me the money to go and do what I wanted. If I didn’t need their money I imagined that they couldn’t tell me what I could or could not do. Being that I was doing the things my parents asked me not to do, such as hang out with older guys, I began sensing pressured into doing things I wouldn’t have otherwise tried at the young age of 15 years old. This made me feel that I was capable to better adequate in with this specific crowd I surrounded myself with. I dabbled with alcohol, drugs which hastily became an almost every day thing later leading me into a life of alcoholism and addiction. These are things I wish I could go back and change but have also shaped me into being the person I am today. For that I am thankful to God because I have gained remarkable life experience in the progression. In late adulthood there are some physical and reasoning changes that happen. Some of the physical variations brought about by the maturing...
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...Adolescence and Addiction “Adolescence is development stage that lies between childhood and adulthood” (Feldman, 2011, p.317). The adolescent years are known for exploring and trying new things. For countless adolescences drugs and alcohol are the first things that are experimenting with. The most popular drug of choice among adolescences is marijuana. Teens don’t see this drug as a real “drug”. Many believe that marijuana is consisted an acceptable drug, to try because it comes from the earth. Accord to some research it does not have addictive component’s. Adolescence tends to build relationships with drugs based of using for recreational use, peer pressure, and as an escape from everyday life (Feldman, 2011). Marijuana can be consisted a gateway drug; mean that it can lead to the use of more addictive drugs. “Addictive drugs are drugs that produce a biological or psychological dependence in users” (Feldman, 2011, p.372). Addictive drugs cause the body to be unable to function because the body begins to crave for the drug. Being additive to drugs changes your physical appearance and also causes damage to your nervous system (Feldman, 2011). Alcohol is also a popular thing for adolescence to experiment with. Most people would think it would be hard for adolescence to have access to alcohol, however it is not. Adolescences who have parents who drink have easy access to alcohol at all times. Most parents don’t keep track of how much alcohol is kept in their house. Some...
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...Adolescence and Adulthood PSY/202 November 13, 2011 Professor Mason Psychosocial development stage during adolescence happens during this stage. This is when you are testing, trying to find who you are, your strengths, and what kinds of roles are best suited to play for the rest of your life (Feldman, 2010). This stage is where you discover your identify. I discovered my own role and personality I believe I was around twelve years old. I realized I was good with others, had lots of patience with others and liked to help others so I decided I wanted to be a nurse. My mother was a nurse and I saw how much she loved her job and the way she helped people. Well when I was growing up the only big peer pressure was ditching school. I did not grow up with all the peer pressure our young adolescences have to face these days. Like drugs, sex, and pregnancies. These things were probably around when I was an adolescent but not as obvious as now. The way I responded to peer pressure was I did ditch school once. I really did not have a good time because I was so worried that my mother was going to see me or find out. So I decide it, it was not worth it so I never ditched school again. The social and physical aspects of late adulthood is the disengagement theory. This theory sees successful aging as a process of gradual withdrawal from the physical, psychological, and social worlds(Feldman, 2010). Such as retirement, losing friends due to death, less active due to poor health...
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...Adolescence and Adulthood Gloria Rivera PSY/202 November 13, 2011 Professor Mason Psychosocial development stage during adolescence happens during this stage. This is when you are testing, trying to find who you are, your strengths, and what kinds of roles are best suited to play for the rest of your life (Feldman, 2010). This stage is where you discover your identify. I discovered my own role and personality I believe I was around twelve years old. I realized I was good with others, had lots of patience with others and liked to help others so I decided I wanted to be a nurse. My mother was a nurse and I saw how much she loved her job and the way she helped people. Well when I was growing up the only big peer pressure was ditching school. I did not grow up with all the peer pressure our young adolescences have to face these days. Like drugs, sex, and pregnancies. These things were probably around when I was an adolescent but not as obvious as now. The way I responded to peer pressure was I did ditch school once. I really did not have a good time because I was so worried that my mother was going to see me or find out. So I decide it, it was not worth it so I never ditched school again. The social and physical aspects of late adulthood is the disengagement theory. This theory sees successful aging as a process of gradual withdrawal from the physical, psychological, and social worlds(Feldman, 2010). Such as retirement, losing friends due to death, less active...
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...Every hour 85 teens become pregnant, but why? Girls are told that the more sexual they are the more men value them, which unfortunately leads to high rates of teen pregnancy. Teens in this decade are so worried about what society thinks about them. Peer pressure is one of the biggest effects on teens having sex. Girls buy and dress in the most expensive brands to fit in. Some of them will do anything to me accepted in the “cool” crowd including; having sex at a young age. With teens lack of eduction, some teens use no protection which leads to them becoming pregnant. Also with the popularity of partying and drinking, some girls do not even realize what is happening before it is to late. Younger teens just do not understand the significance in having sex. Why is everyone so concerned with teens becoming pregnant though? The psychological affects on teens when they become pregnant has such a negative impact on their lives. They start feeling so many different types of emotions such as; fear, frustration, confusion, resentment, and most of all depression. Their depression levels shoot up. Not only are the mental effects strong, but so are the physical effects. Becoming pregnant as a teen increases the chance of Anemia, Cervical Cancer, Miscarriage, and pregnancy induced hypertension. Often being a teen mom, you receive a lower level of eduction, earn less money, social isolation, and limited job opportunities. But not only does becoming pregnant effect the teen mom, it effects...
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...PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: WHY IS THE PERIOD OF ADOLESCENCE OFTEN REFERRED TO AS A PERIOD OF STRESS AND STORM? The “father of adolescence,” Granville Stanley Hall coined the phrase “storm and stress” with reference to adolescence and applied the phrase as he saw turmoil during adolescence as universal and inevitable. Adolescence derived from the Latin word adolescere meaning "to grow up" is a transitional stage of physical sex and mental human development generally occurring between puberty and legal adulthood but largely characterized as beginning and ending with the teenage stage.Hence,an adolescent is a person between the ages of 13 and 19. Adolescence is viewed as a transitional period whose chief purpose is the preparation of children for adult roles. It is important at this point to address directly the question of what is included under the concept of adolescent storm and stress. Taking historical and theoretical views in combination with contemporary research, the core of the storm and stress view seems to be the idea that adolescence is a period of life that is difficult; more difficult in some ways than other periods of life and difficult for adolescents as well as for the people around them. This idea, that adolescence is difficult, includes three key elements, these are: Conflict with parents and other authority figures: Adolescence is a time when the wisdom and advice of parents and teachers is overtopped, and...
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...Middle Childhood and Adolescence Paper PSY/280 April 17, 2013 Rosita Rodriguez Middle Childhood and Adolescence Paper Childhood years can be one of the most wonderful times in life. These years can be full of fun. At this age of innocence a child is most impressionable by learning from their surrounding environment. The beginning of a child’s life can be broken down into different stages leading into an adult. In this paper the focus will be on the middle childhood and adolescence. The research will focus on evaluating the effect of functional and dysfunctional family dynamics on development such as family structure, function, and shared and non-shared environments. Examination of additional pressures that are faced in adolescence versus middle childhood, also the research will help to determine the positive and negative impact of peers and changes in peer relations from middle childhood to adolescence. The research will then discuss the development of moral values from middle childhood and adolescence. “It is human to have a long childhood; it is civilized to have an even longer childhood. Long childhood makes a technical and mental virtuoso out of man, but it also leaves a life-long residue of emotional immaturity in him.” — Erik Homburger Erikson (1902-1994) Erik Erikson a theorist believes that our temperament traits are inborn. Other characteristics such as competency or inferiority can be learned according to the challenges or support an individual receives...
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...During the period of adolescence there are the discovery and exploring of feelings and attractions, as well as finding their identity. The same sex attraction increases during adolescence but the behavior of involvement is also likely to increase or peak. Next to sleeping and eating, a sexual encounter seems to have an important drive a human being life. It also seems to occupy a lot of time in thought and behavior, that it sometimes revolves around persons lives to a certain extent. Unlike animals, humans do not play out their sexual behaviors to reproduce, but there are many reasons as to what leads people into having sexual behaviors. There is a point in time when solitary sexual behavior occurs, when and individual self stimulate with the intension of causing sexual arousal to oneself. This generally occurs at the beginning, before or during...
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