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Adult Nurse Personal Statement

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A career as an Adult Nurse is not only diverse but encompasses many fields which allows the care of a patient to be holistic. Nursing has always been an important role within a care setting but nurses have never been more crucial in supporting the NHS, than what they are today; hence the high pressure and demand placed on the service. I have always admired the profession and I wish to be able to care for vulnerable patients as I have the relevant knowledge, skills and work ethic to pursue this career. As an individual I am able to adapt to new and changing situations whilst maintaining empathy. I believe that I have great stamina, as I study full time and have a part-time job, which is an important disposition to have as continuity of patient care is vital. I have a particular interest in perioperative care and enjoy learning about procedures and their associated risks, with the aid of virtual simulators. My chosen …show more content…
Whilst maintaining my studies I also have a part-time job within the fast food sector. I possess the skills to provide great customer service and satisfaction and have actively solved problems in an empathetic manner when customers have had issues with their experience. I have also worked to develop a rapport with customers to make them feel more at ease and not simply a number whilst remaining professional. In this fast paced environment I have quickly developed acumen for working under pressure and to strict time constraints and as such my communication skills have developed accordingly especially as my performance can affect others within my team. I have also began volunteering for a local charity shop, where I have further developed my communication skills as well my

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