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Advantages Of Integrative Hypnotherapy

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The difference between “complementary” and “alternative” therapies is important and essential to recognize. “Alternative” therapies are typically promoted as literal, viable options for use in lieu of mainstream care. They are not. There are no viable “alternatives” to mainstream care. Instead, these are bogus products and regimens that draw patients with unsubstantiated, often fanciful, claims of easy cure. Typically they are unproven or dis- proved, invasive, and biologically active. Such “alter- natives” are heavily promoted to all patients with all cancer diagnoses, and patients with lung and other poor-outlook cancers are particularly vulnerable. Et al Barrie (2007)
The advantages of integrative hypnotherapy is it can cover so many …show more content…
When I do the yoga and meditation I’m in better control of myself, physically and mentally. Not that it works all the time. Doing meditation on a regular basis takes self-discipline. Now it’s to the point that if I don’t do it, I really notice it. Things go haywire. (First order construct, Mackenzie et al., 2007: 63)
One advantage with NLP and Hypnotherapy too is to a certain point you can coach content free to a certain point so it is possible to coach with NLP in groups and teams ( I Know this as I'm a Master Practitioner in NLP) and every team member will be able to sort out a problem and turn it into a positive with the same technique as his/her team mate but it will be a different problem.
Other approaches have drawn on organisational psychology such as team coaching (Hackman & Wageman, 2005) or attempted to develop integrated models of developmental coaching (Laske, 1999) or executive coaching (Pass- more, …show more content…
Clinical hypnosis can be especially useful in identifying thoughts and feelings outside our awareness. These thoughts can be considered to be unconscious. (Robin A. Chapman, PsyD, ABPP 2013)
Another advantage with Solution Focused Based Therapy it is exactly what it says! It is solution focused so it is about results and quick. The disadvantages for me with CBT is that it isnt a quick solution and it can take many sessions to have a solution.
In another meta-analysis, Stams, Dekovic, Buist, and de Vries (2006) found small to moderate effects that SFBT was consistently better than no treatment and as good as other treatments. It also found that the best results were for personal behavior change, and that SFBT required fewer sessions than other therapies that had similar results.
When you integrate different therapies they mostly go hand in hand as one therapy will focus on a certain angle and hypnotherapy will allow you to use the other therapy at a deeper level – Eg CBT will help someone understand not to be so rigid with their thoughts. If we use hypnotherapy with CBT then we can integrate CBT at a much deeper level where then CBT in my opinion becomes so much more

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