... An introduction to counselling Introduction Stories of counselling Paula’s story: coming to terms with trauma Myra’s story: being depressed Matthew’s story: everything is getting on top of me Laura’s story: finding the right counsellor What is counselling? Defining counselling The relationship between counselling and psychotherapy Counselling and other helping professions The diversity of theory and practice in counselling The aims of counselling Counselling as an interdisciplinary area of study A user-centred definition of counselling Conclusions Chapter summary Topics for reflection and discussion Key terms and concepts Suggested further reading Introduction Counselling is a wonderful twentieth-century invention. We live in a complex, busy, changing world. In this world, there are many different types of experience that are difficult for people to cope with. Most of the time, we get on with life, but sometimes we are stopped in our tracks by an event or situation that we do not, at that moment, have the resources to sort out. Most of the time, we find ways of dealing with such problems in living by talking to family, friends, neighbours, priests or our family doctor. But occasionally their advice is not sufficient, or we are too embarrassed or ashamed to tell them what is bothering us, or we just don’t have an appropriate 2 An introduction to counselling person to turn to. Counselling is a really useful option at these moments. In most places, counselling is available fairly quickly...
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...Both experience and new qualified practitioner are aware of the many models and theories in the counselling profession. Critical reflection, supervision, observation and client feedback all support and develop better Practitioner in the counselling field. The skill of using different theoretical approaches depending on the Practitioner and the condition the client presents assist with outcome and length of counselling required for clients. The approach of using both hope and the placebo affect with clients during counselling will be discussed to show how useful a tenchquie it can be for a range of clients and conditions that are presented in the counselling domain. Counselling Practitioner use a range of different tenquies, the hope and placebo approach are one that allows the client to establish goals for the future with positive thoughts, with a successful outcome in mind. As a practice within the counselling arena, acknowledge that the present situation clients find themselves in must be at a point in their life where guidance and support are required in the form of a counselling, hope and placebo tequniques have positive, long term outcomes for clients. When using tenquies that promote hope and placebo affects for clients it is important to use practices that you would with most of your clients in your counselling practice....
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...iNTEGRATIVE Perpetual evolution: A dynamic integrative approach to developing praxis in counselling psychology Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Theory Building in Counselling Psychology 2 The Impulse Toward Eclecticism 4 My Bohartian History 6 Adlerian Psychotherapy as Structured Eclecticism 10 My Adlerian Roots 11 Beyond Adler: Robertsonian Meme Therapy 13 The Nature of Self 13 The Potential for Using Memes in Counselling 15 A Use of Meme Theory in Counselling a Suicidal Youth 17 Holistic, Dynamic and Integrative: Looking Forward in Our Profession 21 Summarizing the Foundational Principles of My Practice 21 Revisiting Holism 23 Future directions 25 Footnotes 27 Theory Building in Counselling Psychology An early text lamented, “A good theory is clear, comprehensive, explicit, parsimonious, and useful. We appear to have a paucity of good theories in psychology” (Stefflre & Matheny, 1968). Lent attempted to reduce this paucity by formulating his own theory: Wellness is intended to capture the notion of health as a dynamic state or process rather than a static endpoint; psychosocial wellness acknowledges the importance of both intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning. The multiple aspects of wellness would include a) self-perceived (domain and/or global) satisfaction (hedonic well-being), b) domain/role satisfactoriness, c) presence of prosocial versus antisocial behavior, and d) low levels of psychologistical...
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...INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELLING SKILLS FOR A TRAINEE COUNSELLOR: INTRODUCTION: I am going to address some of the main points and processes that a trainee counsellor will need to understand, to use in counselling sessions. It will include the process of initiating, maintaining and developing a relationship between a counsellor and anyone using counselling for the first time. INITIATING A RELATIONSHIP: The initiating of a relationship in counselling could involve a telephone consultation to arrange appropriate appointment time and location where the first meeting will be held it will also have the name of the counsellor who will be holding the sessions. A letter could also be sent to start the initiating process between a counsellor and the client. It will contain the appointment time, location and the name of the counsellor who will be conducting the sessions. Before the initial meeting takes place the counsellor will ask the reception to inform them that the client has arrived. They will prepare the consultation room by setting the chairs in a position where eye contact can be maintained, but personal space respected. They will make sure the room is at the right temperature, if warm having a window open a little. Have tissues on the table in case they are required and check that any paper work is in the right order and the correct forms if any are required. On the arrival of the client the counsellor introduces...
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...of our vocabulary. Traditionally, for example, social workers, youth workers and support workers, guidance counsellors and psychologist have been talked about as members of the helping professions. The question, do you need some help? Should be part of our daily business as informal and formal educators and guidance counsellors. Yet what we mean by ‘helping’ is not that obvious and the qualities we look for in ‘helping relationships’ need some thinking about. Here we try to clear away some of the confusion. What do we mean by helping? For many people within the social professions, such as social work, counsellors, community workers and psychologist. The notion of helping is tied up with counselling and guidance. Many students such as myself major in psychology and or guidance and counselling because I am fascinated by people. I want to learn more about why people behave as they do and are motivated to help people improve their lives. However, there are key ingredients of a helping relationship in helping anyone includes acceptance, this is the act of relating to another person without judging him or her. Respect which is also an attitude of giving dignity to each individual by being open and non-judgemental. Understanding is the third characteristics and this include listening carefully and being able to relate to that person’s experience, trust is also crucial in helping anyone this will make the client feel safe by letting them understand and believe that as counsellor in...
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...Page 1 PSYCHOLOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE • What is ‘psychology’ and why is it so important in the context of health and social care? • What do we mean by ‘health’ and why is psychology central to the effective delivery of health and social care? • What are the main approaches to psychological thinking and research? • Who are psychologists and what do they contribute to the promotion of health and well-being? Introduction This chapter emphasizes the importance of psychology in the context of health and social care. For many years, psychology and the other social sciences were viewed by the medical profession as ‘soft sciences’, interesting but unimportant. With the advent of research into the links between physical and mental states in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries it is now possible to demonstrate that psychology can make a fundamental difference to physical as well as mental health. In this chapter, we explore the nature of psychology and its relevance to health and social care. We outline the different schools of thought and methods of inquiry in psychology. We seek to distinguish between psychology as an academic discipline and popular notions of psychology, and identify professionals whose practice is mainly concerned with the application of psychology. In order to show how psychology can be applied to health and social care, we introduce a family scenario whose characters appear in examples throughout the book. What is psychology...
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...Diploma in Counselling Studies Title Describe the four major theories of counselling: Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioural, Behavioural and Humanistic with reference to relevant literature (3000 words). Student: asdfdsf Date: 28th May, 2014 Words: 3097 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Key Figures 4 Basic Assumptions and Key Concepts 7 Therapy – goals, clinical relationship and techniques 10 Conclusion 14 Appendix A – References 16 Introduction This essay will present and contrast the workings of the three major theories of counselling psychology mainly – psychodynamic, cognitive behavioural and person-centred. First I will describe what psychology is and what counselling entails, then I will explain why there are different schools of thought around counselling psychology, before introducing each in turn. My discussion will examine the three theories or approaches for a history of the founder and a rationale for why they were led to introducing a new therapy approach and a sketch of the key concepts. Further, I will look at methods and processes employed by each theory, the respective roles played by the therapist and the client and the various situations to which the theory can be applied. Finally I will examine the limitations of the theory and how well it integrates with other approaches. Throughout...
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...Diploma in Counselling Studies Title Describe the four major theories of counselling: Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioural, Behavioural and Humanistic with reference to relevant literature (3000 words). Student: asdfdsf Date: 28th May, 2014 Words: 3097 Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Key Figures 4 Basic Assumptions and Key Concepts 7 Therapy – goals, clinical relationship and techniques 10 Conclusion 14 Appendix A – References 16 Introduction This essay will present and contrast the workings of the three major theories of counselling psychology mainly – psychodynamic, cognitive behavioural and person-centred. First I will describe what psychology is and what counselling entails, then I will explain why there are different schools of thought around counselling psychology, before introducing each in turn. My discussion will examine the three theories or approaches for a history of the founder and a rationale for why they were led to introducing a new therapy approach and a sketch of the key concepts. Further, I will look at methods and processes employed by each theory, the respective roles played by the therapist and the client and the various situations to which the theory can be applied. Finally I will examine the limitations of the theory and how well it integrates with other approaches. Throughout...
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...necessary for professional practice and a critical understanding of relevant theoretical approaches. 2. To understand how to plan for and design a career learning programme within an educational institution , training or guidance organisation and evaluate good practice 3. To enable students to develop an awareness of the online tools available to use within career coaching practice, how to critically evaluate their effectiveness and an understanding of the learning theories as applied to online interventions 2. TEACHING/ LEARNING EXPERIENCES To enable the achievement of learning outcomes we offer the following: * Teaching sessions/ seminars * On-line learning through Moodle * Undertaking independent study and group work * Practice days with a range of clients Main Topics of Study 1 Delivery of group work in the guidance context, including competing theoretical approaches and skills and methods required for competent workshop facilitation in career coaching 2 Group theories including group dynamics, peer to peer coaching and learning and teaching theories 3 Career Learning Theory & frameworks and their relevance to development of learning programmes in educational and other career coaching contexts. 4 Critical understanding of approaches to evaluation of careers learning programmes. 5 Critical review of contemporary approaches to using ICT within career learning Programmes and online...
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...GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Dr. Santhosh Areekkuzhiyil Asst. Professor, Govt. College of teacher Education, Thalassery, Kerala 9447847053 santhoshclt@gmail.com Teachers as helping professionals have to come across many situations which demand guidance and counselling help from them. Students require counselling and guidance. Now a day the guidance and counselling is an integral part of teaching. In this lesson we will discuss meaning, types and importance of guidance and counselling. GUIDANCE Guidance is a personalised assistance made readily available by a sympathetic, mature, experienced and personally qualified person to a needy person. A variety of definitions are available for guidance. “Guidance is a process of helping individual’s through his own efforts to discover and develop their potentialities for personal happiness and social usefulness” -Moris “Guidance as kinds of help given by one person to another in developing ability, making adjustments and problems that confront him in attainment of his goals” - Jones Guidance is an ‘umbrella term’ involving several functions such as publications, information, institutions, testing, counselling services, etc. Guidance is not carrying others burden, but enabling them to carry their burden themselves. Types of Guidance 1. Educational Guidance Educational guidance is aimed to help students to solve their problems related to education at different levels of education...
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...Student Learning Guide Counselling Methods 1 © South African College of Applied Psychology (Pty) Ltd Developed and produced by the South African College of Applied Psychology Sunclare building, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708, South Africa. 2012. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means of electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Copyrighted materials reproduced herein are used under the provision of the South African Copyright Act 98 of 1978 section 12 (1) (a)(b) (3), for private study only by students. STUDENT LEARNING GUIDE: COUNSELLING METHODS 1 2 Table of contents How this guide works ........................................................................................................................ 10 Module Readings .............................................................................................................................. 11 Prescribed text book ......................................................................................................................... 11 Prescribed and recommended readings ........................................................................................... 11 Session One: An Overview of Theories of Psychotherapy and Counselling ..................................... 14 Reading for the session .....................................................................
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...Reality therapy Reality therapy is a person-centered approach that focuses on the here and now rather than issues from the past. Developed by William Glasser in the 1960s, it promotes problem-solving and making better choices in order to achieve specific goals. Central to reality therapy is the idea that mental distress is not the result of a mental illness. Instead it is the result of a socially universal human condition that occurs when an individual has not had their basic psychological needs met. These are: * love and belonging * power and achievement * survival (nourishment and shelter etc.) * freedom and independence * fun (enjoyment and pleasure). According to Glasser, whether we are aware of it or not, we are all the time acting to meet these needs. While we may struggle to choose our feelings and physiology, we are able to directly choose our thoughts and actions. Sometimes however, we don’t act effectively, and this can have negative repercussions for our health and well-being. Reality therapy is therefore designed to find ways of meeting a person's basic needs, whilst facilitating clients to become aware of, and change negative thoughts and actions. This is to help them take control of their behavior, as well as the world around them. Ultimately, reality therapists take the view that changing what we do is key to changing how we feel and to getting what we want. How does reality therapy work? Reality therapy is a collaborative process between therapist...
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...language learning. The Behaviourist Approach The Cognitive Approach Linguistic Universals Social Models The Humanist Approach Some definitions of ‘theory’ Theory is a model or framework for observation and understanding, which shapes both what we see and how we see it. Theory allows the researcher to make links between the abstract and the concrete; the theoretical and the empirical; thought statements and observational statements etc. Theory is a generalised statement that asserts a connection between two or more types of phenomena – any generalised explanatory principle. Theory is a system of interconnected abstractions or ideas that condenses and organises knowledge about the world. Theory explains and predicts the relationship between variables. Some characteristics of ‘theory’ Theory guides research and organises its ideas. The analogy of bricks lying around haphazardly in the brickyard: ‘facts’ of different shapes and sizes have no meaning unless they are drawn together in a theoretical or conceptual framework. Theory becomes stronger as more supporting evidence is gathered; and it provides a context for predictions. Theory has the capacity to generate new research. Theory is empirically relevant and always tentative. Theories vs....
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...Marriage Guidance – Summary MGG201W MGG201W – Marriage Guidance – facilitative couples counselling Theme ONE – Understanding couples Intimacy involves: love, affection and caring, deep attachment to another person. The TRIPOD of couple relationships An intimate relationship consists of three factors that form a tripod on which the relationship rests. 1. Passionate attraction (PA) 2. Mutual expectations (ME) 3. Personal intentions (PI) Passionate attractions (PA) → Individual experiences intensely pleasurable sensations when thinking about or being with a new partner. → Blushing, trembling, breathlessness, high sexual desire → Referred to as infatuation = passing love “a foolish and unreasoning love’ → Infatuation is not a realistic / accurate appraisal of the relationship / idealisation → Negative / flaws in the idealised beloved may be intellectually recognised, but disregarded as endearingly special. Person chooses to ignore the negatives → Normal phase in the process of relationships → Infatuation can lead to a lasting relationship – but it mostly fades away and relationship based on infatuation alone will fail. Love → Involves physical attraction - deeper → Love encompasses PA, ME and PI → People rely mostly on life experiences to guide them to their own unique way of demonstrating love. → Eric Fromm “love is active concern for the life and growth of the person we love” → Love is deep, unselfish, caring, deep respect Hauck’s basic principles about love • It is not just...
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...accepting of all experiences—be it positive, negative, or neutral (Germer, 2004). Defining Mindfulness What, exactly, is mindfulness? Although there has been a call in the literature to reconstruct aspects of current mindfulness models, including the establishment of a mutually agreed upon definition and application of the term (Germer 2004), mindfulness is best known for its Buddhist roots and translation of the Pali word sati, meaning awareness, attention and remembering (Brown and Ryan, 2003). Germer, for example, describes the term very simply as “moment-by-moment awareness” (Germer, 2004). Mikulas, on the other hand, takes a more comprehensive approach when explaining mindfulness: “…the biggest problem in Western academic and popular approaches to...
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