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Advantages Of Plea Bargaining

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9.3 Other Benefits

o Getting Out of Jail- the accused who are held in custody, who do not qualify for release on right to bail or cannot afford bail, may get out of the jail depending on the charge levied, he may get out altogether on probation, with or without some community service obligations. Or he may require to serve more time, but will get out much sooner than the case might have been if he had gone for trial. o Resolving the Matters Speedily- This has an impalpable benefit, as this can provide solution to the stress of being charged with a crime. Going to trial, usually is time consuming and this causes more stress, than going for plea bargain. o Having Lesser or Fewer Serious Charges on One’s Record- Resorting to plea bargain for …show more content…
o Avoiding Hassles- In cases of minor offences, people should prefer plea bargaining as it will be a speedy alternative. 10.0 DISADVANTAGES OF PLEA BARGAINING: o The ‘negotiation’ taking place during the process of plea bargaining, may hamper the basis of the justice system. o The notion that ‘all are equal in the eyes of law’ can fail to be held true in such cases, as financially sound persons may resort to plea bargaining to avoid being convicted. o Prosecutors and Police might take advantage of the plea bargaining to over-charge the accused in some cases. o In negotiations and bargain, the complete truth of the matter may not come into light. o Morale of the Police can be affected when their hard work is nullified by a negotiation. o Contempt against the system may increase among the class of people who are unable to go in for plea bargaining due to several reasons such as lack of monetary capability, lack of knowledge of this process …show more content…
The CBI investigated and initiated prosecution under sections 420, 468 and 471 of the Indian Penal Code. The accused proposed to plea bargain and the both parties (ONGC and CBI) had no objection. However, the trial court rejected it on the ground that Affidavit under Section 265B was not filed by accused and compensation was not fixed. Justice Prafulla Pant of Uttarakhand High Court, hearing this Criminal Miscellaneous Application ordered the trial court to accept the plea bargaining

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