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Why Do Professional Athletes Use Steroids?

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There are professional athletes all over the world. Being looked up to by their fans and peers. What would happen if professional athletes...weren’t being all that professional? Imagine Tom Brady, one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL, what would happen to his fans if they found out that he was using drugs? Everyone who loves and admires him would be heartbroken, even a little betrayed, people don’t want that to happen. Everyone can stop athletes from using drugs which can lead to a lot of bad things.
Professional athletes should be tested for drugs frequently every year throughout their career for many reasons. PEDs(Performance Enhancing Drugs), HGH(Human Growth Hormone), and other substances can be very dangerous for the body internally …show more content…
That can be the exact opposite effect for athletes who use drugs like cocaine and oxycodone. Athletes don’t take drugs to level the playing field with their opponent, they do it to get an advantage. “And if everyone else is doing what they’re doing, then instead of taking 10 CC’s or 10 grams or whatever it is; they’ll take 20 or 30 or 40, and a vicious circle simply gets bigger” (Richard Pound, BCL). This shows how competitive professional sports can be, some athletes feel they need to get an advantage and they don’t care what they have to do to get …show more content…
He was a very aggressive man with a kind heart. He was one of the best Defensive tackles, he had been bounced around from the Denver Broncos to the Cleveland Browns and finally found a place where he belonged in 1982 when the Oakland Raiders signed him. He was one of the most aggressive players in the NFL, his father was very abusive and he was emotionally unstable. He made the NFL create a rule called the Alzado rule, it banned using the helmet as any source of weapon- the players were not able to intentionally hurt other players with their helmets. Throughout his 16 year career he had 112.5 sacks, at one point do a 500-pound bench press and he even got in the ring with Muhammad Ali...but he had a deep secret. He had been using steroids “most of my pro career” (A Football Life). He wanted to be able to succeed at the highest level possible and he did not care what he had to do to achieve his goal. When he was asked about steroid use (multiple times) he denied it and got very angry and mean about it. He was diagnosed with a very rare form of brain cancer in the spring of 1991 and first started noticing symptoms when he went to sign an autograph; he couldn’t write his name, he could only draw circles. Even with the steroids, he was never satisfied, his brother said that he “made a deal with the devil” and now it was time for the devil to collect. When the

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