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Healthcare In Ecuador Research Paper

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Healthcare in Ecuador

When looking for places to retire or buy a second home, healthcare has to be one of the major considerations. Fortunately, it is not a deterrent when considering moving or buying a second home in Ecuador. You will find that as a resident of Ecuador, you will receive high-quality, low-cost healthcare. Under President Correa, 18 new hospitals and 250 health centers have been built throughout the country, including clinics in small villages and rural towns. Currently, approximately 6.8% of the national budget goes towards healthcare.

If you decide to move to Ecuador, you will have access to excellent healthcare. In major cities like Quito, Guayaquil, and Cuenca, hospitals are equipped with the latest in medical technology and are staffed with fully trained and qualified doctors and nurses in all fields. On average, a visit to a general practitioner costs between $25 to $30, while a visit to a specialist is about $30 to $40. A visit to the psychiatrist also goes for approximately $30 to $40 per half-hour session. In addition, simple ambulatory procedures such as removal of a small lump (under local anesthetic) or a biopsy are equally inexpensive, at approximately $100. Furthermore, brand name medicines in Ecuador usually cost less than they do in the United States, and …show more content…
If you need to go in for surgery, you will undoubtedly be in good hands, and you will be glad to receive quality healthcare at a lower cost. For example, surgery to repair a shoulder after a torn tendon is a two-hour procedure performed under a general anesthetic. The total bill for the operation, including anesthesia, pre- and post-operative care, an overnight stay in the hospital, and all the supplies and medications costs approximately $2,900. This is about a quarter of the total amount it would cost to get this surgery in the United

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