Premium Essay

Hyeoneseo Lee Character Analysis

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(H)Not everyone gets the grand opportunity to be deserted on an island in the middle of the ocean. (B) However we all go through everyday battles. Some might even call it surviving. The skills we obtain make us survivors. (T) Hyeoneseo Lee and her ability of adaptation in her escape from North Korea, Aron Ralston’s ingenuity in his autobiography “Trapped”, and Hazel Lancaster, from “The Fault in Our Stars” selflessness, they survived each situation they faced, making them all survivors.

(C)When it comes to North Korea we have an idea of what it would be like: cold, starving, cruel, and most of all communistic. For a young girl named Hyeoneseo Lee this was her reality. Until her true ability of adaptation was challenged when during a famine …show more content…
For some it is running water, indoor plumbing, a companion. For Aron Ralston it was these and more when on April 26, 2003 he found himself in a barren and deserted canyon alone with his hand crushed between a canyon and a refrigerator sized chock stone. The situation could of easily been the end for Ralston, however because of his ingenuity he was able to survive. For example he states, (E)“I need somethings more flexible than the tubing and more elastic than the…Thats it! Elastic! The neoprene tubing insulation from my CamelBak is supple but strong.” (A) Ralston using the tubing from his CamelBak as a tourniquet so he can amputate his arm and escape the bolder. Without the inginuity Ralston displays he would of bled out and died. Another example of Ralstons inginuity was (E) when he made a harness to hold himself. He uses his rock climbing gear to make himself giving him the opportunity to regain his strength in his legs.(A) Ralston's inginuity with the ropes was able to help him regain his strength; Without it, his legs would have given out, sending himsto his doom.(CL) If it weren;t for Ralston's inginuity in various situations Ralston would of surely died. His inginuity saved him so that today we can call him a

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