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Adventure And The Way Of Jesus: Movie Analysis

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Ryan at the beginning of the movie was self-centered. He didn't care what his brother wanted or was going through, he just cared that he found a job so that he could go to a university. During camp however, we see a new side to Ryan as he learns to see that other people are hurting too. He first learns to understand Ratface and begins to show him kindness and to listen to him when his father dies. He begins to understand that his brother didn't have a lot when he was away with the family that was taking care of him. He begins to see that all Sullivan wants is to have his brother pay attention and listen to him. He wants Ryan to care about him and wants to be with his brother. Ryan grows out of his self-centeredness and becomes more selfless and caring about others. The …show more content…
When I was watching the movie, I noticed that there wasn't a very sense of community among the campers. Of course, this could be attributed to the fact that we were paying more attention to Ryan and Sullivan, but it never seemed like the community was very strong. When you're out camping you want to build that sense of community with your leaders and your fellow campers. Greg Robinson in his book, Adventure and the Way of Jesus, talks about community and how important it is. He writes that "[c]ommunity is both the product of and path to spiritual formation… Consequently, it is important for us to understand the kind of community that will lead to spiritual formation, for not all community leads us to this end. (45)" Community is important in a camp setting. Without that sense of community how can you trust your fellow campers. How can you experience change or help when you don't have people with you who care about you? I think the camp directors tried to make a strong sense of community with the campers but there are a few things that would have helped with

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