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Mohammed Research Paper

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Mohammed A Man Of His Time Writing Assignment

Mohammed The Prophet has made a huge impact in history. He was known for the prophet that help people understand the quron, and how to live the messages through their daily lives.

Mohammed was born around 570 A.d. It is not certain because Mohammed was a regular boy and no one knew about him. He was born in town called Mecca which is in Saudi Arabia. Mohammed parents died when he was only six years old. As an orphan Mohammed moved with his uncle. Mohammed was an outsider and he started to see what it felt like to be left out in a society where family was the key to everything important. Family in the Arabian pennisula stands for the key to suceess, honor and dignity and Mohammed did not have …show more content…
Khalija and Mohammed both had benefit in the partnership. Khalija had a wise and intelligent worker and Muhammed had connections to traders from all around the world. Khalija proposed to Muhammad and they got married.

Muhammed had a way with people. The cobba needed to be fix and Mohammed suggested that they use a large rock that all four leaders could fix it back together. They was so appreciative and they trusted him. They gave him the nickname “The Trusted One”.

Muhammed would always meditate in a cave high up in the mountains.Then one day an angel told Muhammad to recite God’s words. It was so shocking and life changing to him. Every since that day Muhammad life changed.

Muhammad had many powerful words but the one message that was main message was that their is only one God. He started to bring different tribes together and he wanted them to know everyone is equal.

There were many people that did not believe the messages that Muhammad was saying. To some tribes to them he was saying that everything they ever known and their ancestors was wrong. It made traders stop coming to their town because they was scared. kobba wanted him gone even if that meant they had to murder

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