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Big Game Hunting Research Paper

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Big game hunting is a very controversial subject, however, it is also a very widely practiced

sport among the wealthy, but should it remain a legal activity? In media, there is a clear bias

against big game hunting, and you can see why as animals to most people are amazing and

beautiful, but what we never see is the other side or the big game hunter’s perspective. In the

duration of this essay, I hope to show you both sides of the argument from a nonbiased

perspective, and also clearly state my perspective on the legality of this sport.

Should Big Game Hunting and Canned Hunts continue to be a legal industry in our world? The first thing I’d like to bring into question is the legality of the sports. The sports are legal …show more content…
Restrictions are a very key part to Big Game Hunting and

Canned Hunting’s legality. Regulations and permits for hunting vary from place to place. The

variations in ruling and permits for hunting most likely depend on the natural animals there, and

the cost of importing them to hunting grounds. Weapons also have some legal restrictions, but

these are dependant on local government. Due to the great legal control over Big Game Hunting

and Canned Hunts, It seems like a very controlled legitimate sport.

Public opinions on the subject of hunting and the ownership of guns in general are very

opposing to the opposite belief, and the people are very strong about their opinions.

1 “Animal rights activists at Humane Society International argue that the practice is inhumane,

unethical and bad for South Africa’s image.” 1 This quote from The Huffington Post in reference to

the business of breeders in South Africa is obviously said to invoke negative thoughts about the

breeder’s business. 2 This argument unless backed up by statistics is a clear bias against

breeders, however if they were to gather information and form legitimate arguments, then …show more content…
4 Local governments also get to decide what weapons are appropriate to hunt with, this

includes specified rules for bows and archery methods, and the caliber of certain guns. 2 The

ability to restrict a weapon or apply rules and regulation may make for a more humane hunting

style, or one that preserves the physical integrity of the animal. Based off of the total authority of

the government over hunting, hunting in the United States seems like a perfectly legitimate sport.

To conclude my thoughts and the information provided, I do think Big Game Hunting and

canned hunting should continue to be legal. Governments having complete control, and citizens

and tourists alike following the rules set in place shows that the sport will most likely not affect the

animal's numbers if steps are taken when a scare occurs. Personally I have never killed an

animal, I like them a lot, but hunters like a challenge, and the prize of succeeding, and for some it

may even be the only form of income for them. To understand a situation, you must put yourself

on both sides of the argument, and think in the mindset of “how does the opposing party feel” and

I have done my best to do this, and review information to come up to my

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