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Should Schools Get Rid Of Standardized Testing

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Standardized Stress Maker
Schools in the united states should get rid of standardized testing. Standardized testing keeps students from learning, puts stress on the teachers, and it is a useless and costly tool used by the education system in the united states to determine what school get what amount of funding. A lot can be said about what needs to be changed to make standardized testing better but the only thing that can make it better would be to get rid of them all together.
One reason standardized testing should be disbanded is because it restricts what the students can be taught. Teachers spend most of their time in class going over what may or not be covered in standardized tests at the end of the year. This means that students aren’t learning anything besides what they need to in order to pass these tests. This may not seem like that much of a problem when it comes time to take the test but it could cause problems further down the road and the students are looking for jobs. At this point putting down high school graduate on your resume just means you passed a test it doesn’t mean you know or have learned anything. …show more content…
These days if a school’s standardized test scores are high the school’s staff is seen as effective and vice versa. (Popham. J. 1999) this tells us that the system in which the government determines who has the most effective teaching staff. When it comes down to it when the test scores come back it is not the student that is ridiculed for low scores it is the teaching staff. This can lead to good teachers that care about their students being dismissed because the class she was teaching had the lowest scores in the school. This is unfair to the teachers and causes an enormous amount of pressure that falls to the teacher to

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