...The Case for Polyamory In this essay, I am going to argue that it is possible for a legitimate romantic relationship to include more than two adults as long as everyone is freely participating and is fully aware of the circumstances involved. While monogamy still represents the ideal form of romantic relationships for many people, some would argue that it is simply not a realistic practice and not the only relationship choice that can work. Polyamory is the practice of having more than one romantic relationship at the same time. This is accomplished by everyone’s full knowledge and consent. Polyamorists place so much emphasis on having an honest, responsible and open communication in their relationships that they are able to overcome issues of jealousy. And lastly, by the acceptance and consent of all the parties involve, a person is able to have an extended support network that they can connect with on both the emotional and physical level. These premises are how I am going to argue my case for polyamorous relationships. What is polyamory? Polyamory is the practice of having a romantic relationship to include more than two consenting adults. I point out “consenting” as an important piece of the definition because a central principle of polyamory is garnering your partner’s consent to date, have sexual relations with or even fall in love with multiple people. The notion of consent to me is significant in that I think it is a necessary condition in order for this type of relationship...
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...Polyamory Polyamory “from the root words Poly meaning many and Amour meaning love hence "many loves”." In other words people who love more than one person at a time but not only love but claim to be in love with all these people. And I feel like loving someone and being in love are two different things. Polyamory is said to be the “non-possessive, honest, responsible and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously.” (Polyamory Society) Not to be mistaken with swinging or what is “also known as wife swapping or partner swapping. It is also a non-monogamous behavior, in which partners in a committed relationship engage in sexual activities with others as a recreational or social activity.” People who participate in the lifestyle of polyamory live by a lot of rules. The rules vary but some are about whom will be allowed within the relationship, how people will conduct themselves within those relationships, and who will or won’t use protection with what partners. It is said that if you’re a cheater this lifestyle isn’t for you but I believe it’s just the opposite. Please do not get me wrong, I am not trying to knock anyone for their lifestyle but this seems more pleasure oriented than an emotional attachment. It’s supposed to leave room for you to explore different loves and not to close yourself off from loving or being loved in return. But I also think it does just that. It doesn’t give you the ability to fully love someone. As I stated earlier...
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...Polygyny, Polyamory Defining and Identifying Multi-bonding Non-monogamous relationships can take any number of forms, including, but not limited to, serial pair-bonding (known most frequently as serial monogamy), polygamy, polyandry, communal living, and “open” pair-bondings, where sexual or sexual-emotional relationships outside of the primary one are tolerated to a greater or lesser degree (cf. Robinson, 1997). Polygyny has been defined as “the marriage of a man to two or more women at the same time” (Moorehead, 1991: 311), or the “practice of plural marriage” (Altman and Ginat, 1996: 3). The term polygamy has also been used synonymously with polygyny, although it could also be used to encompass polyandry (Welch and Glick, 1981). Polyandry refers to the marriage of one woman to two or more husbands, while polygynandry contemplates a situation in which two or more women are simultaneously married to two or more men (Al-Krenawi, Graham, and Slonim-Nevo, 2002). Polygynandry has also been used to refer to group marriage (Anon., 2004). The term informal polygamy has been used to describe relationships characterized by the simultaneous existence of a legal marriage of one man to one woman and an affair with a second woman that has become a stable feature of the family structure (Rivett and Street, 1993). In contrast, polyamory refers to “group marriage” or the existence of one or more sexual 27 28 • Multi-Bonding: Polygamy, Polygyny, Polyamory relationships...
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...Polygamy, Polygyny, Polyamory Defining and Identifying Multi-bonding Non-monogamous relationships can take any number of forms, including, but not limited to, serial pair-bonding (known most frequently as serial monogamy), polygamy, polyandry, communal living, and “open” pair-bondings, where sexual or sexual-emotional relationships outside of the primary one are tolerated to a greater or lesser degree (cf. Robinson, 1997). Polygyny has been defined as “the marriage of a man to two or more women at the same time” (Moorehead, 1991: 311), or the “practice of plural marriage” (Altman and Ginat, 1996: 3). The term polygamy has also been used synonymously with polygyny, although it could also be used to encompass polyandry (Welch and Glick, 1981). Polyandry refers to the marriage of one woman to two or more husbands, while polygynandry contemplates a situation in which two or more women are simultaneously married to two or more men (Al-Krenawi, Graham, and Slonim-Nevo, 2002). Polygynandry has also been used to refer to group marriage (Anon., 2004). The term informal polygamy has been used to describe relationships characterized by the simultaneous existence of a legal marriage of one man to one woman and an affair with a second woman that has become a stable feature of the family structure (Rivett and Street, 1993). In contrast, polyamory refers to “group marriage” or the existence of one or more sexual 27 28 • Multi-Bonding: Polygamy, Polygyny, Polyamory relationships inside...
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...The topic of relationship styles has generated much debate about whether monogamy or non-monogamy are more suitable and beneficial for long-term relationships. Taken together, Conley, Ziegler, Moors, Matsick, and Valentine (2013) discussed the benefits and outcomes between monogamous and non-monogamous relationships, whereas Potârcă, Mills, and Neberich (2015) extended the same topic by targeting relationship preferences among gay and lesbian. People’s tendency of moving towards monogamy at the end of the life cycle can always be observed regardless of individual and cultural differences; however, I believe only truthful and ethical relationships may contribute to intimacy, emotional support, and healthy partnership. Many assume that our long-term...
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...Using Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships Speech 5 Santa Monica College Using Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships I. Introduction A. Statement of Problem Communication “can be understood as the practice of producing meanings, and the ways in which systems of meanings are negotiated by participants in a culture” (Schirato and Yell 1). Effective communication is imperative to creating healthy relationships in general. Specifically, what we will be addressing in this paper is how effective/ineffective communication can make or break intimate relationships. We are also analyzing effective/ineffective communication within arguments in intimate relationships, what the main issues are that contribute to conflict within these relationships, and what are the different outcomes in the dispute resolution process. The article we used to develop our questionnaire and ultimately the subject basis of this research paper is “19 Steps to Effective Communication”, taken from http://www.shaadimatchmaker.com/static/dating_tips/communication_in_relationship.do. We took these points, and created questions to analyze if our subjects were using the tactics described within the article to be effective in exercising their communication skills within their intimate relationships. This paper serves to analyze the results of our 15-question questionnaire. Our paper serves to analyze how age and level of education affects different types of intimate...
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...1. What is the question or issue addressed? Why open relationships work. 2. Who is asking this question? Jesse Marczyk Evolutionary Experimental Psychologist. Ph.D. 3. What data and facts are used to support the assertion? Where do these data and facts come from? The article uses facts from the how non human animals uses this as an avenue to support the idea of why it may be beneficial for a male to have additional relationships with other women. It also discussed the disadvantages of this happening and how stressful it could be. They then reversed roles and told the story from the female perspective. The writer used Mitchell, M., Bartholomew, K., & Cobb, R. (2014). Need fulfillment in polyamorous relationships. Journal of Sex Research, 21, 329-339, to provide facts and data to support his ideas. Rubin, A. & Adams, J. (1986). Outcomes of sexually open marriages. The Journal of Sex Research, 22, 311-319. 4. Be sure to provide a link or a source the non-empirical reference as well! Are People in Open Relationships Happier? (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2016, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/strictly-casual/201412/are-people-in-open-relationships-happier Cook, E. (2005). C O M M I T M E N T I N P O L Y A M O R OU S R E L A T I ON S H I PS. 5. What inference is reached based on these data? Do these data, in fact, support the claim being made? The inference that I reached was that is a lot more beneficial to be in a open relationship than people believe...
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...“Polyandry is officially defined as the practice or condition of having more than one husband or male mate simultaneous” (Parkin, 1997, p. 29). It is also described as a woman with multiple husbands at the same time. Different types of polyandry are also described; fraternal polyandry that involves marriage to multiple brothers, and Non-fraternal polyandry is characterized by unrelated husbands (Levine and Silk 1997, p. 378), where the husbands are not related. Although it is illegal to have more than one husband in Lebanon, it does occur in some cultures. The practice of polyandry is very rare these days; it is thought to be practiced between the Bahama of Africa and The Tibetans where there is economic hardship and too few women. However, this phenomenon has advantages but people are unaware of its numerous disadvantages. First, opponents claimed that polyandry might injure the health of women who develop many viral diseases because of sexual intercourse with several males and since the same woman has to satisfy the sexual desire of several husbands, and according to some thinkers this custom encourages barrenness among women. It adversely affects women’s health, since women with multiple husbands are more prone to Sexually transmitted disease. It also destroys the family, which is the foundation of a healthy society. I think that it is usually not easy for a woman to perform her duties as a wife and a mother despite having several husbands. It increases sterility among women...
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...Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Department of Philosophy MODR 1770 6.0 G SU 2013 Techniques of Persuasion Inquiry (worth 15%) Due: June 26, 2013 The purpose of this assignment is for you to engage in an Inquiry, “carefully examining an issue in order to come to a reasoned judgment.” Choose a topic that interests you - there is an extended list suggested below. Develop an issue from the topic, and then investigate the issue from different angles and perspectives to derive a conclusion about it. The course focus is on “techniques of persuasion,” so ultimately you want to focus on any topic of interest, and persuade a universal audience of your argument. The medium of this project has a creative element to it. This assignment is not an essay, and should in no way resemble one. You can create a poster that indicates your inquiry and conclusion, for example. Other mediums that could demonstrate your inquiry include a blog, a website you create, a magazine layout, a video, etc. If you do decide on a video to demonstrate your Inquiry, use Youtube or Vimeo as a platform for the rest of us to watch it. There is a forum on Moodle, under “Assignment Submissions,” where you can upload, or direct us to a web link of, your assignment. Assignments not submitted by the due date lose 5% a day. You are encouraged to submit your assignment before the end of the day, June 26, to avoid late penalties. You can work on this individually or in small groups. If you decide to take on a more...
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...Equality in Marriage for Gay and Lesbians. Growing support for same-sex marriage allowing same-sex couples the right to marry legally has been significant. Support for same-sex marriage has increased up to 70% from 51% back in 2003 with the millennial generation, according to the Pew Research Center March 13-17, 2013. There has been an increase with generation x and baby boomers. Reasons for the increase in the support of same-sex marriage can range from, knowing someone gay or a lesbian, and recognizing same-sex couples should be able to marry whoever he or she love regardless of sexual preference not to mention infringement of one’s civil rights. Homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality, and there is not one societal benefit for denying same-sex unions. Seems the argument against same-sex marriage it is forbidden in the Bible and thinking of the act itself. Acceptance continues to increase among generations, marriage equality will be law and such unions will be recognized. Historically marriage is seen as a heterosexual privilege, not even interracial marriage was acceptable and many people continue to believe this, regardless of the many changes in today’s world. Times have changed and advocates argue same-sex couples deserve right to the same benefits of marriage appreciated by heterosexual couple, and by denying same sex marriage is unconstitutional discrimination. On the other hand the oppositions argues changing the acceptable definition of marriage...
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...ESSAY - 2 Final Assignment- Essay (Question 3) Intro to Children's Lit (S2)(F13) DATE: 2013,Nov 26 Submitted by:- Prithish Poojari - 4234386 Submitted to:- Priti Sharma Traditional marriages V/s Nuclear Marriages There are lots of commonalities among conventional relationship as well as exact same sexual relationship, however the way they tend to be seen as well as handled are extremely various. The only real distinction between two is the fact that exact same sexual relationship is actually among a couple of the identical sex. Dedication as well as intention from the relationship is totally exactly the same. Whenever a couple is actually wedded they have got specific legal rights which are provided which without having this particular agreement partners tend to be rejected. Without having to be lawfully married essential things for example health advantages, healthcare choices, medical center visitation legal rights, regulations, as well as kid custodianship tend to be withheld or even created more challenging. A distinct advantage is the fact married couple may have the right to visit directly to healthcare choices as well as medical center appointments. In case a male's spouse gets sick and it is accepted towards the medical center, they have the justification to choose the girl destiny in case she actually is disabled. They have the justification to check out the girl within the ICU, remain through the girl part the entire medical center...
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...two people. Slowly, society has begun to redefine the institution of marriage. Not too long ago, two people of the same sex could not come together as one and have it legally recognized. Those days have come to an end, with more and more states granting homosexuals the right to marry. Although not yet widely accepted, a movement has taken place, and its supporters no longer feel shamed upon. Granted, that same zeal should arise for open marriage. Though it varies by definition, open marriage is generally considered ”a committed” marital relationship between two people who, under a set of mutually-agreed upon rules, engage in sexual encounters with various partners other than their spouse; nevertheless, it is not to be confused with polyamory, a lifestyle that promotes multiple “romantic relationships” between any combinations of people at the same time. Truthfully speaking, people want excitement in their lives. People get...
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...I am in favor of gay marriage due to multiple reasons. For better understanding one must understand the meanings of marriage and civil union first. The Merriam-Webster definition of marriage is: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. The gay marriage definition is: the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. A civil union is a legal recognized contract between partners (not necessarily same sex only), with rights that are similar to marriage rights. The main difference between marriage and civil union is that power they hold. Marriage is a legal status that is recognized by all governments. It has obligations, rights, and protections up to a federal level. A civil union is a legal status that is granted by the state that also provide legal protection but only at a state level. For example a civil union will be recognized in the state the union was made but not necessarily in other states. Civil unions do not have equal rights as compared to marriage. “Married couples have 1,138 federal rights, protections and responsibilities.”(NOW: Civil Marriage v. Civil Unions) Some of the rights included are: “Social Security benefits upon death, disability or retirement of spouse. Exemptions from penalties on IRA and pension rollovers. The right to visit a sick or injured loved one, and have a say in life and death matters...
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...Perceived Determinants of Mental Health for Bisexual People: A Qualitative Examination Melissa Mongiovi NUR 263 March 29, 2010 Mr. Thomas DeVoy, RN, MS Instructor The article "Perceived Determinants of Mental Health for Bisexual People: A Qualitative Examination" (Eady, Dobinson, Ross, 2010) is based on a research conducted in Ontario, Canada between 2006 and 2007. This study shows the poor physical and mental health outcomes on treatment for gay men, bisexuals, and lesbians versus heterosexuals. The authors are with the Social Equity and Health Research Section, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada. The purpose of this article is to identify the factors that contribute to the growing numbers of these patients in not getting positive results on their medical treatments. Although, some review of literature was found , the authors could not find specific data regarding studies on health care for bisexuals. The authors realized, that more likely, this specific group of individuals were incorporated along with gay men and lesbians studies. With this thought in mind they decided that research needed to be done specifically on bisexuals by conducting a community-based participatory action research project. By doing so, the results of this study, will help to find out why and how these individuals cannot achieve the same positive results for their mental and physical treatment as the other social groups. It was determined...
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...What is marriage? The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, the bible describes marriage as the relation that is used to represent the union between God and his people (Isa. 54:5; Jer. 3:1-14; Hos. 2:9, 20). In Malachi 2:14 we see that marriage is a holy covenant before God. In the Jewish custom, God's people signed a written agreement at the time of the marriage to seal the covenant. The marriage ceremony, therefore, is meant to be a public demonstration of the couple's commitment to God’s covenant. It's not the "ceremony" that's important in a marriage, it is the couple's covenant commitment before God and men. Marriage was designed for companionship and intimacy, as the Scriptures say, "A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." Husbands are urged to lay down their lives in sacrificial love and protection, while women are to submit to their husband. Marriage is also defined as a legally sanctioned contract between a man and a woman.Entering into a marriage contract changes the legal status of both parties, giving husband and wife new rights and obligations. The traditional principle upon which the institution of marriage is founded is that a husband has the obligation to support a wife, and thata wife has the duty to serve. In the past, this has meant that the husband has the duty to provide a safe house, to pay for necessitiessuch as food and clothing, and to live in the house. A wife's...
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