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Sudanese Refugees Research Paper

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My research paper intends to explore whether ethnocentric education helps Sudanese refugee YOUTH to reclaim their culture or IF it ALIENATES alienated from Egyptian society and at the same time makes Egyptian society rejects them. I will explore the effects of resettlement on refugees economically, socially and psychologically. Due to persecution and genocide that the Sudanese people encounteEDr in the second civil war, they seek asylum in Egypt. I want to write about this topic for many reasons. First of all, I want to describe the tough life that the Sudanese people live. They are forced to leave their homeland and immigrate to any country seeking peace. Second, children are the most likely to suffer from stress disorder. These children …show more content…
Imagine this huge number of people died because of the war; besides the two million US dollars, which was invested by the Sudanese government each day. This means that not only the life of the Sudanese people is lost but also the country is economically destroyed. In only one year, between 1983 and 1984, 500,000 Sudanese people died because of the war between the Khartoum Government and the rebels of the Sudan People's Liberation Army, the SPLA (Biel). Many children lost their parents in the war and many families and children walked a long distance seeking peace, food and education in any country offers these essentials. In the article "The Civil War in Southern Sudan and Its Effect on Youth and Children", Biel stated that "In 1995 there were about three million internally Displaced Persons (DPS) living in and around the Sudan capital of Khartoum"(Melha Rout Biel). Moreover, the health system was controlled and limited to rich people in Sudan (Biel). In addition, schools, homes and shelters which are the essentials of life are destructed. All of these reasons, the consequences of the war, make Sudanese people do leave their homeland seeking for essential of …show more content…
It chooses the Sudanese curriculum, students and teachers, which in return affect the child and makes him feel as if he or she is living in his or her homeland. Moreover, all of his friends are from the same country with the same national culture and share the same behaviors. Brooke comer in her article "refugees education in Cairo" evaluates the educational centers as stars, sakkakini and African hope separately and without controverting them with public schools. In comer's article she mentioned Executive Director Shane Bristow who said that "Stars, which is housed in the gated St. Andrews’ church compound (the school is not faith based and maintains equal numbers of Christians and Muslims) and is thus secure, “gives children a safe space to learn and grow, which is unfortunately rare for refugees in Egypt"

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