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Standardized Testing Persuasive Research Paper

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Just imagine. You’re sitting at your school desk. You're staring a a huge packet of white paper, filled with unanswered questions. You hear the clock ticking. It feels like it's mocking you, making your feel stupid for taking your time to thoroughly read the question, and carefully choose an answer. “10 minutes!” your teacher announces. You still have yet to answer a few more questions, and write an open ended response. You feel trapped. It's like the walls are caving in on you. Your face is getting hot, you palms are sweaty, your heart is pounding. You're stuck. This is what we put our students through when we make them take standardized tests. Standardized testing should be stopped in schools. We should do this because, teachers are just …show more content…
Standardized testing does not help with a student’s academic placement, academic placement, nor does it accurately measure a student’s knowledge or how much they’ve learned in this past school year. According to the U.S. Secretary of Education (, Arne Duncan “Results come back months later, usually after the end of the school year, when their instructional usefulness has expired,”. So, if these results aren't even coming back in time for schools to make a judgement on a student's academic placement, then how can these tests be beneficial to students? Students that are in fourth grade have to take test of their knowledge at the end of fourth grade. also says “by the time schools receive the data, those students are already in fifth grade, preparing for fifth grade exams.” So this doesn’t allow a teacher to adjust their teaching style, or make adjustments for individual students. On the contrary, standardized tests can help see if a teacher is teaching well, and how well students can grasp a topic. According to “...teachers and schools are responcible for teaching students what they are required to know for these standardized tests”. However, the tests have topics that the students have learned ranging from the months September to March. On top of all that stress and anxiety, how can students remember all that information in just a few

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