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Vincent's Argument Against Racial Profiling

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Does not everyone deserve to be treated the equally, no matter their sex, religion, or race? Then why the instances of racial profiling in the news lately, with some cases leading to excessive force by law enforcement. In a Washington Post analysis of 990 fatal police shootings in 2015 the research "suggests that police exhibit shooter bias by falsely perceiving blacks to be a greater threat than non-blacks to their safety." and "seven times as likely as unarmed white men to die from police gunfire" (Lowery 2016). Not only law enforcement but also fellow American's is displaying racial profiling against minorities. Instead of looking at each person as an individual, some Americans categorize people, according to a group, such as black American's …show more content…
Without, being in the store Vincent was accused of the crime. The store owner pointed him out to officers and without looking at the security camera they started acting aggressively toward him. Vincent explains "the man wanted and I were wearing different clothing and I'm a good foot taller" (Vincent 2016). In reality, the only common factor was their skin color. It is very common, of officers, to make rash decisions without getting all the facts and acting aggressively towards the suspect, causing injury or death to some. The arresting officers "immediately threw me against a wall and handcuffed me" (Vincent 2016) they wouldn't listen to him even when he told them to check his credentials, he was a police officer. The officers tried to manipulate the situation to be his fault "if you hadn't been acting like that this would not have happened," (Vincent 2016) after they discovered he was not the perpetrator. Officers violated his civil rights: a person has the right to non-discrimination and to feel safe. Americans also have the right to "due process of the law" and allowed to tell their side of the story. When law enforcement believe someone is dangerous or the individual resisted a little because they did nothing wrong they resort to excessive force. Everyone wants …show more content…
He talks about feeling "alienated, always a suspect, and a fearsome entity" because of being black (Staples 191). They deserve honor, respect, and fair treatment by everyone. Minorities also should not have to feel less than equal to whites because of their skin color. Nor should they have to conduct their lives any different because "where fear and weapons meet…there is always a possibility of death." (Staples 191). Without judgment by others, they should be able to walk down the street and not thought of as a threat. All Americans should be "innocent until proven guilty" not only by law enforcement but by everyone. However, this is not always the case, "it was clear she thought herself the quarry of a mugger, a rapist, or worse… I was indistinguishable" (Staples 191) the stereotype such as young black men are dangerous has tainted people's minds. Staple's hadn't done anything wrong, why should he have "to take precautions to make myself less threatening…move about with care… give a wide berth to nervous people on the subway" (Staples 192) all because his skin color is different. It is unfair minorities feel less than whites, to be considered a threat when they are no different. It is everyone's civil right to life without discrimination and feeling

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