Premium Essay

Advertising Is the Best Way to Compete with Rivals


Submitted By zhazika
Words 301
Pages 2
Thesis statement: Advertising the best strategy to build the competitive advantages of a company
1.0 Argument
1.1. Advertising generates sales revenue
Supporting1.1.1 Advertising enticed to buy and choose products when they see it.
Supporting1.1.2. Advertisement is help to make more money while creating a brand value and goodwill which invaluable to growth in market competition.
1.2. Creating the right marketing mix help to build great competitiveness.
Supporting1.2.1 Company’s marketing mix help to promote and really reach the target consumers market effectively.
Supporting1.2.2. Advertising is one of the aspects in company, which persuade and informing product aspects customer of company’s presence in the market.
Supporting1.2.3. Advertising is unique offering and company’s competitive edge over others.
1.3. Increased convenience for customers
Supporting1.3.1 Advertisement help to be aware about the new arrivals in market and consumers able to choose which one is better.
Supporting1.3.2. Actually patrons already know what kind of a particular brand, and do not waste of time in searching out for the best one.
2.0 Counter-Argument
2.1. Artificial living
2.1.1. Despite all sometimes in advertising amplifies the need of people encourage wasteful consumption.
2.1.2. Moreover manufacturer creates and produces artificial differences in the goods to develop brand loyalty through advertising.
2.2 Misleading
2.2.1. On other hand advertising is often deceptive and misguides consumers.
2.2.2. Also, false and fabulous claims are made in the advertisement.

3.0 Refutation
3.1 Nonetheless high educated consumers already know what they want to buy and will not waste of money for no necessary goods.
3.2. Nevertheless nowadays in advertisement most manufacturers claims that the original product may differ from the picture in

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