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To What Extent Is Globalisation Deemed to Be More of an Opportunity or Threat to Businesses?


Submitted By masteraa
Words 1009
Pages 5
The definition of globalisation is the growth of a business or organisation on international/global scale. Globalisation is the integration of the national economies into the international economy through trade, investment, migration, capital flows and spread of technology.
One reason why globalisation can be deemed to be more of an opportunity is that the one outcome of globalisation is that the business can become more cost efficient. With increased competition the business can react to the change in market conditions by becoming more competitive themselves through being more efficient. Increased efficiency can be a result of the business reducing sales and increasing output in order to achieve economies of scale. This will allow the business to produce more products allowing sales to increase if there is demand available for the products whilst reducing the average costs per products. Another way in which the business may become more efficient is that there is an increased level of innovation within the business. Large business can be differentiated from their competitors through the innovation displayed by their products and product range demonstrating the ideas of the business, also with innovation increasing the quality of the workforce will increase as they employees will try to perform to their best standards in order to become more competitive this will allow waste to decrease reducing the costs of the business which in turn will help improve profits.
Another reason why globalisation is more of an opportunity than a threat is that there is ease of movement and advancement of technology. Due to this businesses having taking the initiative to more operations abroad so that they can exploit the benefits such as improved infrastructure and communication, cheaper labour and supplies costs and movement of employees. This will give the business the incentive

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