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Aec and International Financial Management


Submitted By inass
Words 871
Pages 4

What is Asean Economic Community?
More than a decade ago , the Asean leaders have agreed to form a single market in the area of southeast asia in the end of 2015 . It is conducted to increase as well as Asean foreign power could compete with China and India to attract foreign investment .Foreign capital investment in this region is needed to generate jobs and improve the welfare .With the Asean Economic Community, it will allow one country sells goods and services easily to other countries in all of Asia . AEC not only for the current trade goods or services , but also professional labor market , like a doctor , a lawyer , an accountant , and so on.
Need to know that the formation of the Asean Economic Community is not a ‘gabare’ project, without a clear roadmap . AEC 2015 is a project of all members of Asean that has long been prepared with a strong vision . AEC 2015 is only one pillar of the 10 asean community realize the vision .The tenth of the pillars of the asean community vision are outward looking, economic integration, harmonious environment, prosperity, caring societies, common regional identity, living in peace, stability, democratic, dan shared cultural heritage.
Opprtunity, challange, and risk for Indonesia with the emergence of AEC
First , countries in south east asia will be used as a region of the unity of the market and the basis of production .With the creation of the unity of the market and production base it will make the flow of goods, services, investment, and capital in large quantities, and skilled labour being of no obstacles from one country to country in southeast asia .
Second , AEC would be set up as the area with a high economic competition , that requires a policy which includes competition policy, consumer protection, intellectual property rights ( IPR ), taxation, and e-commerce.Thus, climate can be

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