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Aesthetician Research Paper

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I would like to start this journal by addressing the main topic. What is an Aesthetician? To me the definition of an Aesthetician is a trained individual who provides specialised skin care treatments to clients. These treatments are non-medical. There are many types of treatments offered but generally speaking they are either aimed to help cleanse and revitalise the skin or to provide relaxation. For example having a facial massage is a relaxing treatment whereas microdermabrasion is targeting dead skin cells and leaving you with smoother and younger looking skin.
Presentation plays a major role not only in this industry but in everyday life. The way in which you present yourself can heavily impact how the treatment will proceed. You are not just providing a …show more content…
I know I possess great communication skills and my level of professionalism never drops. Both of these are highly regarded is most positions so I like to make these known during the interview process.
The beauty industry is constantly growing and becoming more and more competitive by the day.
With the constant growth of people come new ideas and more changes. I don’t consider myself as someone who follows the pack but sometimes you have to. If you are not up to date with the latest technology or the latest treatment there will always be somebody else who is and in turn your clientele is likely to drop. I plan to embrace every change and see it as a new learning experience and a chance to expand my knowledge. Change is a good thing as long as I remain open to all ideas and stay flexible. The more I challenge myself the better I will become. One of the biggest trends I have noticed is the industry changing from looking beautiful to not only looking beautiful but feeling beautiful. Anyone can have treatment to help their physical image but a lot of places are offering new ways to improve how you feel as well as look. A simple one being increased mindfulness- that

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