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Affordable Care Act Case Summary

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The Affordable Care Act: A Case Study
LaTonya Bolden
EDU 806
November 26, 2017
Dr. Steven Moskowitz
University of New England

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………3

Introduction ...……………………………….…………………………………………………………….3

Bardach’s 8 Step Process and FMLA ……………...……………………………………………..……….5



Executive Summary
This case study will analysis the Affordable Care Act from its creation to its implementation during the Obama Administration. It will also discuss the challenges that the law currently faces. In the analysis, the eight step process created by Eugene Bardach will …show more content…
As Americans become more transient, barriers to quality health care become more apparent. In Health Care Reform and Disparities : History, Hype, and Hope, Toni Miles (2012) writes, “Most Americans, at one time or another in their lives, encounter a barrier that slows health care access. These barriers are most likely to appear at predictable points in the life cycle— birth, transition to young adult independence, transitions between jobs, transition to retirement, and dependency in old age” (p. 30). The defined problem was the access to quality health and the attempt to remove those barriers. This is the first step of the policy creation process. It answers the question of why the policy is needed. With the rising cost of healthcare and the limited access that many Americans experienced was a driving force to the creation of the …show more content…
The Health care costs have skyrocketed over the years, resulting in it being the number one cause of personal bankruptcies (Amadeo, 2007). Health care “contributed $3.2 trillion, or 17.8 percent, to gross domestic product. That's the highest percentage in the developed world (Amadeo, 2007). Treating people during the first ten days and the last ten days of life (newborn and geriatric care) caused a spike in medical bills. In recent years, there has also been a dramatic increase in the number of malpractice lawsuits. This caused doctors to be extremely cautious and order more costly tests for patients. Moreover, with less competition in the pharmaceutical industry, there was less bargaining for fair prices. Because of the co-pay system, the real costs of health care were not known by the average American

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