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Afghanistan Women Research Paper

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Afghanistan Women The women who live in Afghanistan have suffered massive and horrific violations of their human rights because of the Taliban. The Taliban have issued many laws to control every part of these women's lives, and every aspect of their behavior in both public and private atmospheres. They enforce their unjust laws through arbitrary punishment by the Religious Police. Daily, the Taliban are violating international human rights laws. Though the women are stripped of more freedoms, the men have also been stripped of theirs under the taliban's rule. These edicts the taliban are enforcing have stripped these afghanistan's of their culture and their traditions. They take away from any possible happiness that could have been found. Afghanistan's are not allowed to engage in any kind of cultural celebration or the fact that anyone who converts from Islam to any other religion will be executed. They are stripped of all freedoms but the worst of it is the laws for women. These laws imposed on women give these men who are already upset at these freedoms being taken from them someone to take it out on. It gives the male the right to dictate any woman and because of the burqa …show more content…
So then, who would see a woman patient in a hospital? Women are essentially stripped of the right to treat any illness or get any kind of medical attention according to these laws. Women literally do not have the voice to speak up for themselves or oppose any of these laws, because they simply lack basic human rights. Women are to speak in a low-tone and never, laugh with a stranger, or with anyone for that matter. Women cannot wear color and are to stay in the house. They cannot be photographed and the windows of the house will be painted so that they cannot be seen in their

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