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War On Terror Analysis

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Another approach to studying the oppression of Muslim women that the U.S. portrayed in the media to fuel the War on Terror is that the U.S. portrayed Islam as backwards and an uncivilized culture because of women’s oppression. Evelyn Alsultany’s analysis of news broadcast stations like CNN, NBC, and CBS after the 9/11 attacks examined that these news stations portrayed women’s veiled oppression, female genital mutilation, and honour killings as the nature of Islam’s backwardness and oppressiveness. Many media stations like CNN have viewed the invasion of Afghanistan as bringing light to the darkness of oppressed women and when they rid the towns of Taliban, women were depicted as in high heels and free women. The depiction of Muslim women as …show more content…
to justify the War on Terror, however these justifications were deceptions and lies that the U.S. used to propagate the War on Terror because their main concern was to secure the rich oil reserves in the Middle East. The lies and deceptions of the U.S. must be uncovered to reveal the truth about the War on Terror to show how that the U.S. did not act out of humanitarian concern to help the women of Afghanistan, but it was for self interest in securing oil. Noam Chomsky’s theory of manufacturing consent is the idea that the media is controlled by high ranking elites that are businessmen and control the means of production in society, so they use the media to persuade the majority of the population to side with the issue at hand. The theory of manufacturing consent can be used to understand the War on Terror because President George Bush was an ex-oil executive and during his campaign oil companies sponsored him with millions of dollars, Bush’s administration had 41 former oil executives, and Dick Cheney is most notably known for his ties to Halliburton Oil. This relates to the theory of manufacturing consent because Bush, Chaney, and oil executives owned massive amounts of assets in media corporations where they used the media to their advantage and selectively portrayed news that justified the War on Terror. The manipulation of the media by elites was used to avert the public’s attention from the real reason for the War on Terror, which was for oil, and justified that the U.S. wanted to intervene to stop terrorism and free oppressed women in the Middle East. Cramer and Thrall argue that the biggest motivation for the War on Terror was because Dick Cheney had major assets with the company Halliburton Oil in the Middle East and wanted to protect the oil supplies and maintain oil price stability so he could gain massive amounts of

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