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National Right To Life Committee: A Case Study

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The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) states that their mission is “to protect and defend the most fundamental right to humankind, the right to life of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death”. The NRLC is a nonprofit, political action committee (PAC) that lobbies to end federal funded abortion, end infanticide, end euthanasia, end assisted suicide, and to end the killing of unborn children for their stem cells. They promote this agenda by using education, political action and legislation. They provide education materials, research, information and leadership training and sponsor legislation that protect human life and support public, federal and state, officials.
During the mid 1960’s, a group of Catholic journalists got together and decided that they should take an active role in abortion reform. The National Conference for Catholic Bishops selected James T. McHugh to lead the NRLC in 1967. The NRLC was finally created in 1968, is a national organization and is the largest and oldest grassroots pro-life …show more content…
Not much information was provided on their website, but it was found out that there is a full time attorney who lobbies on behalf of the NRLC on Capitol Hill meeting with legislators in hopes to create change in issues such as abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. It was found that so far in 2017, there has been $150,000 spent on lobbying about anti-abortion. In 2010, The NRLC asked its members to grassroot lobby by calling and sending emails to federal legislators during the time when our nation celebrated the 37th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade to legalize abortion in hopes that members of the NRLC could effect change to end federal abortion funding in health care

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