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Book Of Choice Research Paper

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Books. There are so many books in the world, but wouldn’t the reader of the book rather have chosen a book for themselves, or have had a teacher chosen it? Students should be able to choose the books they read in class. First, they would be more engaged with the book, Second, they would understand the book better, Finally, students would score better on reading tests. Although teachers may choose books that the students would be engaged in, students would be 100% engaged knowing their book of choice is something they will enjoy. If students choose a book that they know they would be interested in, they would enjoy the book and not be weary or bored with the book as if the teacher chose the book. Wouldn’t the reader want to choose a book that just came out and was part of the readers favorite series, or let a teacher choose a book that has never been heard of or know anything …show more content…
My friend Walker loves to fish. Would Walker understand a book about fishing or a book about car manufacturing? A book about fishing would better fit his understanding. He could use his background knowledge about the book to fit his understanding. If there is no background knowledge, the content might not be understood as easily. So, choosing a book the reader is familiar with and can understand would be better than letting the teacher choose for that person that they maybe wouldn’t fully understand. I understood the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books more than I did A Wrinkle in Time. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid books were books of my choice and A Wrinkle in Time was my teacher’s choice. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid books were more age appropriate for me (given my child-like mind) and more relevant to my life. So, students would understand their book better if they were the ones who chose

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