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Submitted By alecia
Words 801
Pages 4
African Ethics

A hateful misconception of African Culture ethics and thought is that it is fundamentally primitive, unsystematic, unsophisticated, and lacking rigid philosophical analysis. An additional stereotype in African thought is it cannot have a real system of ethics due to the behavior dictated by local customs. To label African ethics in this way forms a huge disregard to the rich African indigenous heritage and traditional ethos. The African ethos are based upon tradition, authority, and well-being of their communities. Just currently living in one place is not considered an African community. An African community consists of those who are living and have lived and dies, known as ancestors. African ethics is very complex considering that there is fifty-three nations and almost twelve hundred diverse groups. This leads to difficulties regarding generalizing anything as African perspectives or thought. African culture is diverse and detailed in areas such as polygamy, identity, authority, customs, morality, and religion. In African ethics, behavior is dictated by local customs. This brings confusion to people between customs and morality. Customs are like social rules, they are either explicit or implicit, social rules reflect values. Not all social values have moral rules behind them. For example a social values in African cultures would be a beautiful speech, which is logical, but it is not considered immoral if one is to lack in value. When it comes to etiquette, it becomes more complex. Social etiquette does reflect social values in African cultures. Many social values do have moral relevance much like the Confucianism idea of li. Li is defined as propriety, better known as etiquette.
This may shock many, but the act of polygamy is something that can be found in African culture today. Polygamy is completely normal and acceptable to Africans and

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African American

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