...with unfinished business. This belief is what leads to a society of souls. If people did not believe in anything beyond the physical aspects of death, there would be no afterlife. 2nd and also related, is from the second paragraph on page 85. It says, “All those who die a violent death or by accident…roam the earth forever.” This too is a form of life after death and adds to the idea of a society of souls. Old ghost stores are retold time and again, especially through the media. Although mostly told for entertainment, the very idea of ghosts, make an afterlife something to believe in or fear. In Hertz's paper, Hertz makes the connection between society and death. for a very long time, death has been regarded as just another phase of existence. People, as a species, cannot think of death as the end of something, because the person who died was such a part of society that it is impossible of thinking that he or she is gone. There are connections between birth, marriage, and death, because they are regarded as phases of life. Death is not the end, but merely a continuation into the next phase of life, the afterlife. Some societies believe that the soul separates into two parts, the physical, and the non-physical. They believed that the only way that the person can move on and become part of the afterlife is when the...
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...Name Instructor’s Name Subject Date Afterlife A new version and creation of afterlife: This has been mainly the topic of religions to talk about afterlife and relating the life in the world with the afterlife. They link the good or bad conditions in afterlife as reflecting the deeds of human beings in the life before death. It is an effective way to direct anyone’s behavior by frightening him that if he would do wrongdoings then he must have to face the aftermath afterlife. Despite of their effectiveness, the description and ideas of afterlife by these religions or popularly held views may have some contradictions and they need to be thought upon from the beginning. In this essay, a new version of afterlife has been created while getting help from the literature on this topic. However, the originality of the version in this essay is that such depiction of afterlife has never been made earlier to the best of knowledge and the aspects of afterlife which are already popular have been kept intact so that it is convenient to understand the points in this essay. First, it is useful to reflect on major points of afterlife which make it effective and influential over the lives of common man. One of the main points of afterlife is it guarantees continuity of life because it links itself with the life in this world or life before death. Another aspect of afterlife is its relation with the life before death as rewards and punishments in afterlife are based on deeds in life before death...
Words: 1676 - Pages: 7
...THE AFTERLIFE Bailey Miller Cultural Anthropology Dr. Su Il Kim December 1, 2014 In many cultures there is the idea of religion and its ever changing. Even in similar faiths, such as all the derivatives of Christianity, there is variation in their beliefs. In Roman Catholicism their belief in salvation and the afterlife is that it must be earned by being part of the church community, basically meaning that a Roman Catholic would only gain entry into the afterlife if they attended church [Stewart]. In Baptist churches they believe that only those who believe, who have been baptized and also believe Christ is their savior may enter the afterlife [Buschart]. On the other hand there are the non-Christians, sometimes referred to as pagans; though in this age the term is more used for polytheists who aren’t Hindu believers or ancestral worshipers. In my own religious beliefs, Wicca, the afterlife varies based on the god or goddess being followed. In Greek based Wicca there is an afterlife and depending on how your soul acts in that life varies on where you’ll be sent [Marks]. In Cherokee following paganism, how my mother follows, they do not believe in a literal place like heaven but more that when a person dies they go on as ghosts, wandering the earth [The Tradition Belief System]. Then there are the non-theistic groups like agnostics and atheists. Agnostics tend to vary from person to person on death and the afterlife so it’s hard to tell what they believe [Agnostics]. Atheists...
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...Since the beginning of human life on Earth, one question has bothered our society more than anything else. This question, as easiest as it might sound, is the one question that had driven our society more and more towards new ideas, new inventions, and new perspectives. Is the one question that while trying to give an answer to it, has defined us: from reasonable to unreasonable, from the most intelligent creation that has ever walked on the face of the Earth, to simply: beasts Man, by nature, is a curious being, always wondering, always asking, and always searching for one thing that he does not have, for one thing that he does not know. Always why and how and what. These questions has driven human society to the edge, only to know that there is something more, only to know that no man can know everything, no man can learn everything, no man can have everything. Despite giving a bunch of answers to the matter and at the same time the inability to give a proper one which would have satisfied everyone, humanity, is still in search for the real truth. Is there life after death? Does our existence ceased once we stop breathing? Do we experience a rebirth, or do we go someplace else? The quest for answering these questions is still on going and humanity will never stop wondering what is his purpose here on Earth and beyond. Throughout ages different explanation were provided, form ancient scriptures, to religions perspectives...
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...Afterlife Afterlife is a multifaceted and dynamic topic, which is perceived differently by different religions. Jewish sacrosanct writings and writing have less opinion in regards to what happens in the afterlife. This may appear to be astonishing to people who are not Jewish since Christian sacrosanct writings and Islamic hallowed writings - both have their foundation in Judaism - expound rather completely about existence in the of afterlife. Christian convictions about existence in the afterlife differ in the middle of categories and individual Christians, yet by far most of the Christians have confidence in some paradise, in which the perished appreciate the nearness of God and friends and family for endlessness. The discussion below clearly...
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...The afterlife is really uncharted territory for me. The ideals that come with death and the afterlife were given to be at a young age were I didn't really question what heaven or hell was and which one I was going to. I had always assumed that because I wasn't the best catholic I would go to hell due to poor grades and falling asleep in church even when seated in the front pew. I think that because of the time that I was given these set ideals my life had just begun and I am not one who is particularly fond of thinking of the future. But now I am left with this confusing problem of deciding to believe if the afterlife even exists. I can't just believe in something because my 7th grade religion teacher told me to right? It's hard for me to wrap my mind around my supposedly set destiny of dying and then moving on to the afterlife....
Words: 465 - Pages: 2
...Afterlife? No one truly has a relationship with death until they die. Nevertheless, there are those who clinically die and then come back to life. Many of these individuals return with incredulous stories ranging from meeting god to being in space. This phenomenon is referred to as a near death experience (NDE). Common phrases alluding to NDEs are “going towards the light” and “my life flashed before my eyes.” This anomaly dates back centuries ago, perhaps even further. In “Ascent of the Blessed,” a painting by fifteenth century artist Hieronymus Bosch, figures are lifted by angels into a welcoming, warm tunnel of light. Bosch depicted the most typical NDE of them all. Was this painting inspired by a NDE account or is it only a representation of religious beliefs? Nowadays, many believe that NDEs provide proof that there is life after death. While the aforementioned notion is enticing, it is not a scientifically or psychologically sound argument. Near death experiences are a product of brain chemistry and individual socio-environmental history, not validation of an afterlife. The dying brain is sometimes more...
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...I do believe in afterlife. And I will tell you why in three stories. The first story is about our kids age. When we watch a lot of stories, when there are some unreal factors. You watch that, you do not think about that and you do believe. When you are older, you can see that lot of these thinks you were watch in TV are unreal. And you start more think about it. Where the dead people go, what is happened with their soul, etc. My second story is about my relationship between my grandparents. My grandfather was in a hospital for couple days. My grandmother with her daughter's family in their house. Early morning my grandmother woke up my aunt, that grandfather is outside and knocked on the window. My aunt lived on place, where were just her house, woods, plants and nothing around. Another houses was about 2 – 2,5miles far. Anyway, my aunt took her dogs and went check area around house. Nobody was there. After while my grandma again called her daughter. She said he is really there and want to go inside. But again nothing and nobody there. Next morning the hospital called, that my grandfather died. He died around the time, what my grandma saw him. And another and last story, is from my vacation last year in Galveston. Me and my husband took a Ghost tour. The guide of the tour told us, if somebody will unexpected die, their soul can stay here with us. These souls had in their life to take care about something, for them, important. Their soul will stay here until their mission will...
Words: 306 - Pages: 2
...Nature served as an explanation for forces occurring after death. Through being able to observe the characteristics of nature around them they knew to be real, like the sun cycles and river flows, Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians accredited the environmental patterns to patterns happening in the afterlife. Thus, nature served as a backbone and an outline through which afterlife myths were constructed. In both lands, the journey of death was a supernatural journey consisting of crossing a river, with the help of cosmology, to an unknown place. 248: O spirits who are in the waters Take heed of the lake You will purify yourself in the celestial waters Follow behind your sun… with Re united in darkness 249: And you will rise in the horizon…where...
Words: 408 - Pages: 2
...212 July 13th 2015 Afterlife is an interesting subject. If you ask anyone in the United States where you go after death they will most likely say that you go to heaven or hell. However, if you travel to India where Hinduism is one of the most popular religions, they are more likely to say that the deceased will get reincarnated. It is all in a culture and religions aspect of the other world. Where do we go when we die? Do we really know? The United Church of Bacon says that they enjoy the life they are living now and don’t believe in an afterlife as there is no proof. Christians believe we go to heaven or hell depending on how we lived our life and Jains see afterlife as a depiction of what you did when you were alive. You can either be reborn, go to one of the eight levels of hell or join the liberated souls in the highest level of heaven. Afterlife is a big part of all religions as many religions live by the fact of what you did during your lifetime will make the ultimate decision for when you die. There is no definite answer on where we go because so many of us believe in different things. Whilst studying the different afterlife’s it was interesting to learn everyone theories. If you are Muslim you are spending your present life getting ready for your next life. “According to Hinduism, death is regarded as a natural process in the existence of soul as a separate entity” (Religious Movements). Many religions are based on the thesis of an afterlife, where you will go after...
Words: 945 - Pages: 4
...The Ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. The Egyptians saw life as a rehearsal for the perfect afterlife. In order to pass into the perfect afterlife, you needed to prepare for death. Egyptians prepared for the afterlife by embalmed the body after the person was deceased. The Egyptians mummified their dead because Ka, the essence of the person, needed a home in the afterlife. Ka lives on after death and passes into the perfect afterlife if the proper preparations were made before death. One key element needed in order to protect Ka was the Book of the Dead. The Book of the Dead depicts the final judgment made by Osiris and his wife Isis, and the Book of the Dead also includes prayers that prepared the spirit for the final judgment....
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...a priest for the dying in a hospital. The boy gets sick and his appendix ruptured. When he wakes up he has visited heaven and met Jesus, he also knows things he shouldn’t such as his dad yelling at god in the hospital chapel. He explains that he saw the doctors working on him and angels singing. My views on religion are very diverse. I was brought up catholic, turned Christian when my mother converted, and now I am unsure. I believe all gods are as possible as another. When I think of gods or the afterlife I picture the Christian version with Jesus, angels, cherubs, etc. Though I subconsciously hope for this outcome, I would accept any outcome be it God, Buddha, Allah, Zeus, Kali, or Osiris. I also see myself as powerless to do anything about what afterlife exists, but I’ll accept any of them. If I died and Buddha was the one to appear in front of me I believe he or any other god would be as forgiving and understanding to all of us. We may never fully understand how the afterlife is until we get there, later rather than sooner in my opinion. For now all we can do is have faith in something and act goodly towards others, as any god would ask of us. I truly enjoyed the movie and the paper for making me think of how I view...
Words: 292 - Pages: 2
...a priest for the dying in a hospital. The boy gets sick and his appendix ruptured. When he wakes up he has visited heaven and met Jesus, he also knows things he shouldn’t such as his dad yelling at god in the hospital chapel. He explains that he saw the doctors working on him and angels singing. My views on religion are very diverse. I was brought up catholic, turned Christian when my mother converted, and now I am unsure. I believe all gods are as possible as another. When I think of gods or the afterlife I picture the Christian version with Jesus, angels, cherubs, etc. Though I subconsciously hope for this outcome, I would accept any outcome be it God, Buddha, Allah, Zeus, Kali, or Osiris. I also see myself as powerless to do anything about what afterlife exists, but I’ll accept any of them. If I died and Buddha was the one to appear in front of me I believe he or any other god would be as forgiving and understanding to all of us. We may never fully understand how the afterlife is until we get there, later rather than sooner in my opinion. For now all we can do is have faith in something and act goodly towards others, as any god would ask of us. I truly enjoyed the movie and the paper for making me think of how I view...
Words: 292 - Pages: 2
...POINTS: ( 44 /45) Letter Grade: _A__ SECTION I: State Your Position: ( 2.5/2.5) I am a: (Theist) SECTION II: State Your Belief: ( 2.5/2.5) I believe that: (God and the afterlife exist ) SECTION III: Clarify Your Belief and Position: (10 /10) A Supreme Being: (Maximum 200 words) I am a theist and I believe that God exists. One key reason why is because my mom has raised me to believe that there is a God since I was a baby, I have been to church multitudes of times and also have read the bible many times so naturally I am going to believe that he is real. Yes my mom “raised me in the church” but that’s not the only reason I believe in God though, I believe because after observing and living life on this planet for the past 20 years I have came to my own conclusion God exists. I feel life it self is too far too complex and diverse for there not to be one (The Teleological Argument). Just like how we know a car or a skyscraper was created by people because of the complexity of the creation so is the same logic I use when I defend the existence of God, after taking biology this year it only made my belief in a God stronger by learning how life on earth works, from my point of view It really amazes me how people think that there is no God. The Afterlife: (Maximum 200 words) I am a theist and I believe that there is an after life. I am a firm Believer in God so naturally that would make me a firm believer in the after life as well. Proving that...
Words: 1667 - Pages: 7
...The Egyptian's burial rituals were more focus on the path to the after life, than the actual after life itself. There was three different types of burials that was performed based on how affordable it was. Everyone had deserved one, even if you were too poor to pay for one of the three you still was able to have some form of one to go to the afterlife. Even the mourning was dramatic according to Herodotus (413 BCE), they would plaster their faces in mud, leave the dead with relatives and then wear a girdle while beating themselves on the chest. Mourning was sorrowful but it was to hope the dead would find eternal bliss. Mummification was practiced around 3500 BCE, because they had believed that the dead needed a body to go onto the afterlife in. According to Mark, "The soul was thought to consist of nine separate parts: the Khat was the physical body; the Ka one’s double-form; the Ba a human-headed bird aspect which could speed between earth and the heavens; Shuyet was the shadow self; Akh the immortal, transformed self, Sahuand Sechem aspects of the Akh; Ab was the heart, the source of good and evil; Ren was one’s secret name." Because of these nine parts, they lead to the reasoning behind why they needed to preserve the body. Also during this time it should that Egypt had created a complex form of the soul for their time. But their wealth decided their mummification process. They also decided what the body would be put in to. The first process was the most expensive for when...
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