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Age and Time for Crime


Submitted By tiemau
Words 3422
Pages 14
The Age and Time for the Crime in Juvenile Justice
Natasha Yancey
Strayer University
March 16, 2014

The Age and Time for the Crime The adult criminal system is designed for the prosecution of adults not children. Both state and federal legislative have responded to juvenile crime by focusing on sending more and younger children to adult criminal court. How and where do we draw the line between adults and children? Where do we draw the line between justice and malice? Juveniles that commit crimes should be punished for the crimes that they commit, but they should not be tried as an adult. This paper will offer information on why there needs to be changes in the juvenile justice system, and it will analyze why the increased prosecution of juveniles in adult court is disastrous and nothing but a threatening policy. This policy is unjust, harmful to children and does nothing to increase public safety; consequently punishing adolescents as adults does more harm than good. Thomas J Bernard a professor of criminal justice and sociology at Pennsylvania State University explained how psychologists and sociologists saw young offenders. Bernard’s (2010) book The Cycle of Juvenile Justice recognized that minors are children and not adults. (p. 45) Bernard (2010) further explains that during the 18th century children were tried as adults. Juveniles as young as the age of seven could be tried and sentenced in criminal courts. (Bernard 2010) His research expounds on the Society for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and their role as “child savers.” A child savers movement resulted in the first juvenile court. The child savers group was opposed to the confrontational adult criminal system, where the state's role was to prosecute the offender. However, the juvenile court had a more compassionate mission, which was flexible, easy going and tailored to the

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