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Aggression in Human Behavior


Submitted By Sunshine14
Words 1634
Pages 7
Final Paper
Aggression in the Human Society The topic I have chosen is aggression. I want to try to show that everyone can be affected by aggression. I want to show the different stimuli that will bring anger out in people thus causing them to have aggressive behavior. I want to discuss the different types of aggressive behavior as well as who else can be affected by aggressive behavior besides the victim.
I have been a victim of aggressive behavior which is the reason I picked this topic. I want to try to understand the causes behind the behavior. Understanding from my own experiences the aggressor may know the victim in one of many different roles; such as, and intimate partner, a family member, a close friend, or they could be a stranger.
Aggression is an attacking, hostile behavior by one person toward another person with the intention of causing pain or doing harm. Aggression is usually thought of as physical acts against another person. However, verbal assaults meant to cause psychological harm are also considered acts of aggression (FAQs, 2013).
Direct aggression is the physical act of attacking someone; indirect aggression can be overt or covert. While indirect aggression may be less passive it can cause just as much pain and harm to an individual as direct aggression. Indirect aggression is a behind-the-back behavior that reduces the chances for retaliation by the victim (Archer, 2005).
Aggression may be considered as a hostile act or as an instrumental act of aggressive behavior. Hostile aggression stems from feelings of anger and its main intention is to cause pain to the victim. The intention to hurt another person with instrumental aggression is actually a means toward another goal (Aronson, 2012). A football play is a perfect example of instrumental aggression. Negative ads during a political campaign would be another. Both,

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