...CANON 15: RUTHIE LIM-SANTIAGO vs ATTY. CARLOS SAGUCIO A.C. No. 6705 March 31, 2006 FACTS: Respondent, atty Sagucio was a former Personnel manager and Counsel of Taggat Industries Inc. Thereafter in 1992, he was appointed as Asst. Provincial prosecutor of Tuguegarao Cagayan . Employees of Taggat filed criminal charges against the complainant who took over the management and control of Taggat, withheld the payment of their wages and salaries without a valid cause. The complainant charges respondent with the engaging in private practice of law while working as a government prosecutor and for violation of Rule 15.03 of CPR. ISSUES: 1. Whether or not the respondent violated Rule 15.03 of CPR. 2. Whether or not being a former lawyer of Taggat posits conflict of interests with his work as Asst. Provincial Prosecutor HELD: The Court finds that there is no conflict of interest on the part of the respondent when he handled the preliminary investigation of the criminal charges filed by the Taggat Employees. The issue of the matter of the criminal complaint was pertaining to the withholding of the wages and salaries of the Taggat employees which occurred from April 1, 1996 to July 15, 1997. Evidently, the respondent was no longer connected with the Taggat Inc during such period since he is working as Assistant Provincial Prosecutor since 1992. Should there be apparent conflict of interest, it must be supported by sufficient evidence that Taggat, respondent’s...
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...沃克‧珀西(Walker Percy,1916-1990)是「南方作家」,上世紀六十年代後,他和杜魯門‧卡波蒂、威廉‧斯泰倫等人,逐漸代替了老一輩的南方作家如福克納、弗蘭納裡‧奧康納、卡森‧麥克勒斯、尤多拉‧韋爾蒂等人,成為20世紀下半葉南方文學創作的主力。珀西最初學醫,後因肺結核回鄉療養,對存在主義哲學產生了濃厚的興趣,他本人還皈依了天主教。他所創作的小說主要以天主教與存在主義的觀點通過愛情、性與個人責任等關係,探討人生的意義。主要作品有長篇小說《看電影的人》(1961)、《最後的紳士》(1966)、《廢墟裡的愛》(1971)等。 長期的哲學沉思讓珀西看待事物有獨特的視角。在《萬物不再》(The Loss of Creature)這篇散文裡,作家以觀光客和在校學生為例,揭示了現代人在認知活動中自甘淪為消費者的普遍困境:喪失獨立自主,難見本真卻又渾然不覺。本文選譯自《瓶子裡的啟示》(The Message in the Bottle,紐約,法勒斯特勞斯出版公司,1975年)。 ‧胡 朗‧ 探險家發現島嶼,個個皆稱「福爾摩薩」(Formosa)——美麗的意思。對他而言,美哉、壯哉,因為他,空前一人,有幸抵近,得以見其本色。但對他人、別人,卻美壯從來不再——除非其人罕異卓立,重新發現了它;罕異卓立,知道必須重新發現它。 加西亞‧洛佩茲‧德‧卡德納斯[1]發現了大峽谷,嘆駭不已。可以想見:你穿越瀚海沙漠,披荊斬棘,峽谷就在腳下。後來,政府辟此地為國家公園,希望把卡德納斯的體驗也傳達給千百萬人。你從光明天使客棧憑欄望,眼前景觀豈不正是卡德納斯當年所見? 人們想當然地以為,大峽谷風光奇絕,美不勝收,故而若對卡德納斯有P值若干,則同等P值也可傳至數量無限的觀光客,一如班廷發現的胰島素[2]可以注入數量無限的糖尿病人。然而,反作用出現了。更近於事實的說法是,如果這個地方被百萬人擁睹過,則一名觀光客所見便並非P值,而是P值的百萬分之一。 人們想當然地以為,既然大峽谷的興味指數恆定為P,那麼組團前往觀光,人數多少都行。一個波士頓人決定去大峽谷度假。他找到旅行社,查看線路手冊,報了一個兩週游。他和家人上了路,看了大峽谷,回到波士頓。我們能說這人見過大峽谷了嗎?有這種可能。但更有可能的是,他的所作所為讓他必然見不到大峽谷。 為什麼在這些情形下,人幾乎無法直面大峽谷,見其本色——一如你從自家的後院撿起一個異物,直面而凝視之?所以如此是因為,大峽谷,本色本貌的大峽谷,已然被觀光客頭腦裡早已形成的象徵集合體吞併了。在約定俗成的條件下看峽谷,迎面看到的就是那個像徵集合體。你現在眼中所見已非西班牙人當年面前所對,而是已然被構建出來的東西——被明信片、地理課本、旅遊手冊和大峽谷這三個字所構建。有此構建在先,觀光客的快樂之源便起了變化。當年那西班牙人因深入峽谷腹地,因移步換景,深淵、地勢、色彩、光影等漸行漸露而驚喜交集,而今的觀光客卻以大峽谷與預製象徵集合體的契合度來衡量自己的滿意度。如果兩相一致,峽谷正像明信片上的模樣,他便開心;沒準甚至會說,「啊,真和明信片上一模一樣地美!」他覺得沒有上當受騙。可如果不相一致,如果峽谷色彩暗淡,他便無法直面,而只會意識到現實與想像間的距離。以後他會說,他不走運,去的不是時候。最最重要的已不是獨立自主發現眼前的事物,而是以預製的象徵集合體為尺度,衡量這個事物。這就是觀光客的心滿意足。 ...
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...Scope Jason: 可唔可以sd番今日傾過既野嚟睇? 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: IMG-20141016-WA0001.jpg (file attached) 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: IMG-20141016-WA0000.jpg (file attached) 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: Sori我唔知係我電話 13 Oct 11:32 am - Scope Jason: Thx 13 Oct 11:32 am - Prudence: Thx 13 Oct 11:40 am - Scope Ray: Thx 14 Oct 12:54 am - Scope Luee: 各位有無email 我fd有份pm嘅project借左黎參考 腥俾你地睇下 14 Oct 12:55 am - Scope Michelle: chung1994abcd@yahoo.com.hk 唔該晒 14 Oct 1:00 am - Scope Ray: raylau512@gmail.com 14 Oct 1:01 am - Scope Luee: 仲有每個項目解釋大約一至兩句is ok 原來果一大段係成個project description 14 Oct 1:09 am - Prudence: wongprudence@gmail.com 14 Oct 1:09 am - Prudence: Thx 14 Oct 1:10 am - Scope Luee: 法國妹咁慢又腥多次 14 Oct 1:15 am - Prudence: Sorry岩岩先見到個msg 14 Oct 1:15 am - Scope Luee: Sd jor la,plz check 14 Oct...
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...7/15/2014 Image source| canon Canada Canon Marketing Plan Prepared for Phillip Fletcher Red River College P411-160 Princess Street Winnipeg, MB R3B 1K9 Prepared by Rafid Hasim, 0267906 13 August 2014 Contents Overview 4 Executive Summary 5 Company Profile 6 Mission Statement 6 Vision 6 Product Categories 6 Recent awards 7 Recent Success 7 Principal Competencies 8 Situation Analysis 10 Pestle Analysis 10 SWOT Analysis 11 Competitor Analysis 11 Market Segmentation Strategy 12 Target Market 12 Product 14 Product Life Cycle 14 Branding 15 Adoption curve 15 Pricing Strategy 17 Strategy 17 Evaluation 17 Policy 17 Circulation Chanel and Strategy 18 Retailing Strategy: 18 Straight marketing 18 Promotion 19 Sales promotion 19 Events and experiences 19 Media Advertising 20 Bibliography 21 Overview This paper covers Canon Inc. various aspects of the marketing mix. It talks about their new entry-level camera Canon Rebel T3II or 600d. This paper is structured to show Canon Inc. four categories of marketing such as product, price, placement, and promotion. This paper also goes over benefits and potential competitors, as well as company profile and there mission & vision. The Company overview section focuses on the opening to the company, its business, financial overview, market share and competitors. The second part inspects the situation analysis of the company in...
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...CICLO ESCOLAR 2013-2014 |TEACHER: |Objective: By the end of this unit Ss will be able to talk about themselves, their families, and| |GROUP: 5012 WEEK: 0 / 1 |their favorite things using present and past simple of be statements. | |DEVELOPMENT AREAS: ACADEMIC WRITING / READING STRATEGIES/GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY |Objective: By the end of this unit Ss will be able to talk about themselves, their families, and | | |their favorite things using present and past simple of be statements. | |MATERIAL: Touchstone 3 Student´s Book / Touchstone 3 Workbook | | |MONDAY, AUGUST 12TH |WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14TH |FRIDAY, AUGUST 16TH | |13:20 – 14:10 |Intro: Ice breaker- |12:30 – 13:20 |Class presentation/ Synthesis delivering |12:30 – 13:20 |Diagnostic test application...
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...below table we observe that the difference between 16th and 15th value is the highest =4.5. Thus, the number of cluster taken is 4. Agglomeration Schedule | Stage | Cluster Combined | Coefficients | Stage Cluster First Appears | Next Stage | | Cluster 1 | Cluster 2 | | Cluster 1 | Cluster 2 | | 1 | 1 | 19 | 11.000 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 2 | 11 | 20 | 15.000 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 8 | 9 | 15.000 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 17.000 | 0 | 0 | 11 | 5 | 5 | 13 | 18.000 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 6 | 14 | 18 | 19.000 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 7 | 7 | 15 | 20.000 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 8 | 2 | 8 | 20.500 | 0 | 3 | 14 | 9 | 16 | 17 | 22.000 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 10 | 4 | 12 | 23.000 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 11 | 6 | 11 | 24.000 | 4 | 2 | 13 | 12 | 1 | 5 | 24.000 | 1 | 5 | 13 | 13 | 1 | 6 | 26.750 | 12 | 11 | 16 | 14 | 2 | 16 | 28.000 | 8 | 9 | 17 | 15 | 7 | 14 | 28.000 | 7 | 6 | 18 | 16 | 1 | 4 | 32.500 | 13 | 10 | 19 | 17 | 2 | 3 | 32.800 | 14 | 0 | 18 | 18 | 2 | 7 | 36.250 | 17 | 15 | 19 | 19 | 1 | 2 | 44.300 | 16 | 18 | 0 | Step 2: Final Cluster Centers: From this table we identify the major characteristics of the respondents belonging to different clusters, which will help us to create a Cluster Profile. Final Cluster Centers | | Cluster | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | v1 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | v2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 4 | v3 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | v4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | v5 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | v6 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 4 | v7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | v8 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | v9 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | v10 | 3 | 4 |...
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...Within this paper two companies will be discussed concerning their business decisions of diversification. The first company, Circuit City, was unsuccessful at broadening their business, and eventually had to shut down the business. The other company, Canon, was successful at broadening their brand and scope of the business. This paper will compare and contrast their businesses, outcomes and reasons for the differences. Circuit City was established by Samuel S. Wurtzel in 1949 as the Wards Co. that sold Televisions and home appliances. Over the course of time, it expanded into a national retail powerhouse that rebranded itself Circuit City in 1984. When the store was still operating, it was the “nation’s second-largest consumer electronic retailer” (Mui, 2008, p.D1). When it closed in January 16, 2009, it had 567 stores to close and 34,000 employees out of work. (Haynes, 2009, p.D1). In 2007, the company “posted nearly $320 million in losses, its second consecutive annual shortfall. (Mui, 2008, p.D.1) In 2008, the companies “most recent quarterly showed that it had assets of $3.4 billion with $2.3 billion in liabilities.” (Mui, 2008, p.D1). Circuit City did not have much of an international presence, but it did have stores in Canada which did not account for much of its business. In the economic downturn, “Circuit City neglected to improve its web presence, just as other on-line retailers like Amazon.com were hitting their stride” (Hamilton, 2008). The Circuit City...
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...THE CANON STORY 2 012 2012 / 2 013 Kyosei Contents 01 02 04 22 24 27 Kyosei : Canon’s Corporate Philosophy Message from Top Management Canon Now Excellent Global Corporation Plan Phase IV Canon up to Now Activities Focused on Tomorrow The corporate philosophy of Canon is kyosei. A concise definition of this word would be “Living and working together for the common good,” but our definition is broader: “All people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future.” Unfortunately, the presence of imbalances in our world in such areas as trade, income levels and the environment hinders the achievement of kyosei. Through corporate activities based on kyosei, Canon strives to resolve imbalances in the world. Truly global companies must foster good relations, not only with their customers and the communities in which they operate, but also with nations and the environment. They must also bear the responsibility for the impact of their activities on society. For this reason, Canon’s goal is to contribute to global prosperity and the well-being of mankind, which will lead to continuing growth and bring the world closer to achieving kyosei. 01 Message from Top Management We aim to transform ourselves through flexible ideas in response to the changing times. 02 2012 is a year Canon embraces new challenges. In 2011, we faced many ordeals, beginning with the Great East Japan Earthquake. But Canon has always viewed...
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...Canon leads digital camera market * Brand: Canon * Subject: Corporate * Category: Source of Information * E-mail to a friend * Print article * Bookmark this page ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form Photokina report Friday 25th, August 2006 Posted by: Mark Peters Canon is strengthening its leadership position as America's choice for digital cameras. In a recent IDC study, the Canon brand captured number one position for total digital camera shipments in the first half of 2006, with a market share of 21.0 percent (which is up from 20.2 percent in 1H05). "As the digital camera market matures, it is more important than ever for camera vendors to meet dealer requirements for timely product introductions, and properly address consumer desires with compelling designs and feature sets," said Christopher Chute, research manager for the worldwide digital imaging practice at IDC. "Canon continues to properly execute on these critical principles." Canon history of Photographic industry "Canon's long 70-plus year history of expertise in the photographic industry positions us for such market leadership," said Yukiaki Hashimoto, senior vice president and general manager of the consumer imaging group at Canon U.S.A., Inc. "We are proud to be the camera of choice for consumers and professionals. We are the only camera company today that truly offers a full line of consumer and professional digital imaging solutions...
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...The Decision Making Process Lately I’ve been feeling the need to upgrade my main digital SLR camera. I knew that I needed something with a higher mega pixel than my last one, more focus points and something able to record high definition video in regular speed as well as slow motion. I would’ve loved to have the feature of built in wifi to transfer my photos wirelessly to my smartphone but that didn’t weigh in so heavy on my criteria list. I began my search and ended up finding three separate cameras, all made by Canon and had slightly different functions. I ended up reading a number of reviews as well as watched tutorial videos on each camera over the course of a week. As I analyzed I realized only one of those cameras would serve me best in the long run. Yes, it had the most expensive up front cost but because of the professional grade added quality it brought to table I wouldn’t have to upgrade another camera for a while now. I relied a lot on the internet for my research since I didn’t get a chance to try out the camera before making the purchase. I used existing knowledge of photography to help me make the choice of a camera that would benefit me. I’ve made a lot of purchases in life and I normally wouldn’t research for an entire week before making that purchase. I started reading Chapter 2 and quickly realized that I could relate it to my existing search. I learned that I feel a lot better about making a well thought out decision. I got a chance to learn about...
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...Canon Inc. Firm Profile Report Econ. 102, Principles of Microeconomics Tuesdays 7-9:30 pm. 4-08-14 INTRODUCTION Canon Inc., a global company that is a based manufacturing company located in Japan. This company has an extensive history, in which it has gone through many ups and downs. Founded in 1933 and incorporated in the year of 1937, predating World War II. Canon has become one of the most recognizable brands in the world because of its leadership in manufacturing electronics, mainly optical. Throughout the years, Canon has been one of the top ten companies receiving multiple US patents, and collecting a wealth of history and innovation that has led the company to a competitive leading position in copiers, laser and bubble jet printers, facsimile machines, cameras and camcorders. Also, later on, adding on more diversification in the production of personal computers, binoculars, calculators, electronic typewriters, word processors, medical broadcasting, and semi conductor equipment. Canon Inc. is a company that conducts business worldwide. After the fledging company navigated through the turmoil of World War II, postwar while Japan was occupied, Takeshi Mitarai the main founder of the company persuaded the allied occupation to stock precision optical cameras in their post’s and ship’s stores. This agreement would lay the groundwork for Canon’s later success as an exporter;...
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...Canon Inc. Goro Yoshida was born in Hiroshima; he worked as an apprentice in a company repairing and remodelling motion picture cameras and projectors in 1920. In those days a high-end camera was very expensive, thus not many people can afford it. But he had a chance to disassembling it due to his job requirement. When he disassembled it, he realised that the inside of the camera was not made of anything expensive. This made him unhappy because the cameras were sold at an exorbitant price but there is nothing expensive in it. Thus from there on, he was determined to create an affordable camera for everyone. Goro Yoshida, Saburo Uchida and Takeo Maeda started a small laboratory dedicated to making high-quality cameras in a simple apartment room in the Roppongi area of Tokyo in 1933. This was also an important stepping stone to the creation of Canon. The three succeeded in building the first prototype, which was named Kwanon after the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy. Then in 1935, Japan's first-ever 35 mm focal-plane-shutter camera, the Hanza Canon, was born, marking the origins of the Canon brand. Today, Canon has successfully become one of the giants in the production of photographic equipments. Their core products remained as digital, film cameras and lens production while they expend their business to camcorders, photocopiers, printers, scanners, projectors, calculators, binoculars and as well as their own ink cartridges. Canon has sales and marketing headquarters around the...
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...Our user-friendly k-x model Digital SLR camera has been the most technologically advanced, under-$1,000 cameras we sell. In the last eighteen months our international sales have dropped twenty percent, leaving us with only twelve percent of the market, in fourth place behind Canon, Nikon and Sony’s comparable models. Although we have accomplished our goals of gaining popularity within the advanced amateur photographer demographic, it is necessary for us to open up the market to entry-level users. The k-x has received stellar reviews from cnet.com and techreview.com, putting us above our more popular-brand competitors. Now because of our decreasing-sales dilemma, we must change our marketing methods. For too long we have relied on our meager website ads, hoping that the quality and reputation of our cameras will keep our sales up. But with them we have only been reaching our long-time faithful Pentax photographers, and not developing a new customer base – at least one that is truly measurable. With the current digital age and the lowering of prices for high-tech cameras, we need to bring our product into a new light with the public. Unlike watching TV, people don’t just consume content on social networks; they actively share it. As television becomes more digital – in the form of sharable video clips or articles on a show’s premier, for example – social media will continue to play an increasingly important role on how consumers discover and engage with all forms of content...
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...Having an in-house photographer can get very costly for a business. There is a lot of equipment that is necessary for high quality photos. There are many equipment options available to photographers and the costs can vary depending on what a business owner is looking for. Providing a salary for a good photographer is very important as well. The price of a photographer can vary greatly depending on many things but this is something to take into consideration when choosing to hire someone. All of these aspects are important when choosing to start doing in-house professional photography. When hiring someone in-house to do professional photography of products, there is a lot of equipment that would need to be purchased. A camera is the most obvious purchase. The best camera for this job would be a DSLR camera. The two top brands for DSLR cameras are Nikon and Canon’s. Everyone has their own preference and both are around the same price. A DSLR camera can range in price, from $300 - $1000 and up. Then a good lens is important to focus and get the best quality pictures. A good lens for organic products would be a 40mm f/2.8 and these range from $250 to $400. Aside from the camera and lens there are other tools that are needed to take good photographs. Some of the tools that are important for good photography are: softboxes, reflectors, photo editing software, and a backdrop of some sort. Softboxes can be used to help diffuse the light on the product. According to "What Is A Softbox...
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...Canon Inc.Прежние названия: Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory (до 1937); Precision Optical Industry Co. Ltd. (до 1947); Canon Camera Co. Inc. (до 1969);Год основания: 1937;Расположение: Токио, Япония;Ключевые фигуры: Горо Ёсида, Сабуро Утида, Такеси Митараи;Специализация: производство технического оборудования;Число сотрудников: около 200 тысяч;Денежный оборот: $35 млрд; | В начале деятельности Nikon и Canon не соперничали между собой, даже напротив — сотрудничали. Королями фототехники тогда были немцы — Contax и Leica (Nikkor, например, появился уже после появления массового малоформатного фотоаппарата Leica I). Поэтому основной задачей для Canon и Nikon было составить конкуренцию именно немецким производителям. Основатели Canon изучали свойства немецких фотоаппаратов, прежде чем выпустить в свет свой первый Hansa Canon, кстати, оснащенный объективом производства компании Nikon. Тогда компания Canon могла себе позволить выпуск лишь десяти камер в месяц. Для развития был необходим достойный капитал, и компания публично размещает акции для продажи. Стратегия сработала: в 1937 году инвестиций оказывается достаточно, и с уставным капиталом в 1 млн иен стартует Precision Optical Industry Co. Ltd. На новый виток своего развития компании переходят после Второй мировой войны. Nikon разрабатывает среднеформатную камеру, но специализируется все-таки на более востребованных малоформатных. Прекращение поставок объективов для камер Canon — это фактически начало противостояния...
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