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Introduction – Air Asia Berhad Pengenalan - Air Asia Berhad

Air Asia is a Malaysia Low Cost Carrier Airline Company which was founded in 2001 by Tony Fernandes. Air Asia adalah Kos Carrier Rendah Malaysia Airline Syarikat yang diasaskan pada tahun 2001 oleh Tony Fernandes. It was the first successful and is one of the largest low cost airlines in Southeast Asia. Ia adalah yang pertama berjaya dan merupakan salah satu daripada kos terbesar syarikat penerbangan rendah di Asia Tenggara. Also, it has become Malaysia first international low cost carrier. Selain itu, ia telah menjadi Malaysia antarabangsa pertama penerbangan tambang rendah. Air Asia Company's simple philosophy 'Now Everyone Can Fly' has successfully positioned itself in customers' mind where majority of the customer would choose Air Asia as their choice of transport. Semua falsafah mudah Air Asia Syarikat 'Sekarang Boleh Terbang' telah berjaya meletakkan dirinya dalam minda pelanggan di mana majoriti pelanggan akan memilih Air Asia sebagai pilihan mereka pengangkutan. In add, Air Asia succeed through the company's effective and efficient operational. Di tambah, Air Asia berjaya melalui operasi yang berkesan dan cekap syarikat. The company provides a totally different type of service in line with the nation's goal which is to benefit all people and worldwide travellers. Syarikat menyediakan jenis yang sama sekali berbeza perkhidmatan selaras dengan matlamat negara yang memberi manfaat kepada semua rakyat dan pelancong di seluruh dunia. The main service takes the form of no frills. Perkhidmatan utama mengambil bentuk no frills. Before 2011, it is a money losing airlines operated by the government which after that became a successful airline company after being taken over by Tony Fernandes. Sebelum 2011, ia adalah kehilangan wang syarikat-syarikat penerbangan yang dikendalikan oleh kerajaan yang selepas itu menjadi syarikat penerbangan yang berjaya selepas diambil alih oleh Tony Fernandes. It can be said it is a remarkable transformation of the airline. Ia boleh dikatakan ia adalah satu transformasi yang luar biasa syarikat penerbangan itu. Kuala Lumpur International Airport serves as the main hub for Low Cost Carrier Terminal in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur International Airport berfungsi sebagai hab utama bagi Low Cost Carrier Terminal di Malaysia. By the year 2005, Air Asia has operates in 6 countries worldwide which serves more than 5millions customer. Menjelang tahun 2005, Air Asia telah beroperasi di 6 buah negara di seluruh dunia yang berfungsi lebih daripada pelanggan 5millions. Until today, the company is currently operating in 25 countries which provide domestic and international flight. Sehingga hari ini, syarikat itu kini beroperasi di 25 buah negara yang menyediakan penerbangan domestik dan antarabangsa. In this assignment, we are going to discuss regarding the information system and technology implemented by Air Asia which make the company become so successful, the current and future business alignment strategy and business operation of Air Asia. Dalam tugasan ini, kita akan membincangkan mengenai sistem teknologi maklumat dan dilaksanakan oleh Air Asia yang menjadikan syarikat itu menjadi begitu berjaya, perniagaan semasa dan masa depan penjajaran strategi dan operasi perniagaan Air Asia.

History – Air Asia Sejarah - Air Asia

Establishment Penubuhan
AirAsia was established in 1993 and commenced operations on 18 November 1996. AirAsia telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1993 dan memulakan operasi pada 18 November 1996. It was originally founded by a government-owned conglomerate DRB-Hicom. Ia pada asalnya diasaskan oleh konglomerat milik kerajaan DRB-Hicom. On 2 December 2001, the heavily-indebted airline was purchased by former Time Warner executive Tony Fernandes's company Tune Air Sdn Bhd for the token sum of one ringgit (about $USD0.26 at the time) with USD$11 million (RM40... [continues] Pada 2 Disember 2001, syarikat penerbangan banyak berhutang telah dibeli oleh syarikat bekas Time Warner eksekutif Tony Fernandes Tune Air Sdn Bhd bagi jumlah token sebanyak satu ringgit (kira-kira $ USD0.26 pada masa itu) dengan USD $ 11 juta (RM40

Malaysia Airline (MAS) dan Air Asia adalah pengangkutan udara utama di Malaysia. The passengers of this two flight company are increasing every year. Penumpang syarikat ini dua penerbangan semakin meningkat setiap tahun. Their have also creates a lot of destinations to let the customers choose. Mereka juga telah mencipta banyak destinasi untuk membolehkan pelanggan memilih. I have chosen three articles for my reference. Saya telah memilih tiga artikel untuk rujukan saya.

The first article is about interview of new Malaysia Airlines chief executive Azmil Zahruddin. Artikel pertama ialah tentang temuduga baru Malaysia Airlines ketua eksekutif Azmil Zahruddin. “We are constantly monitoring our network and focusing on the religion that we feel will have high demand, and allow us to increase yields,” says Azmil (2010). "Kami sentiasa memantau rangkaian kami dan memberi tumpuan kepada agama yang kita rasa akan mempunyai permintaan yang tinggi, dan membolehkan kita untuk meningkatkan hasil," kata Azmil (2010). He has ordered 35 aircraft and other 20 on option to increase the services and frequencies to destinations in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and North Asia including China, South Asia and Australia. Beliau telah mengarahkan 35 pesawat dan 20 yang lain pada pilihan untuk meningkatkan perkhidmatan dan frekuensi ke destinasi di Timur Tengah, Asia Tenggara, dan Asia Utara termasuk China, Asia Selatan dan Australia. He decided to introduce the new flight that will join the fleet at the start of 2011 to use for new routes such as London, Sydney and Amsterdam. Beliau memutuskan untuk memperkenalkan penerbangan baru yang akan menyertai armada pada awal tahun 2011 untuk digunakan untuk laluan baru seperti London, Sydney dan Amsterdam. Azmil also says: “The strategy behind the fleet renewal is to provide customers with the better products and match demand with capacity.”(2010) From the article we will know that Malaysia Airlines is always providing the better service to their customers. Azmil juga berkata: "strategi di sebalik pembaharuan kumpulan pesawatnya adalah untuk menyediakan pelanggan dengan produk yang lebih baik dan memadankan permintaan dengan kapasiti." (2010) Dari artikel kita akan tahu bahawa Malaysia Airlines sentiasa menyediakan perkhidmatan yang lebih baik kepada pelanggan mereka. In my opinion, Malaysia Airline is introducing more routes but the price for the tickets has to be reasonable, because I think not all the people can accept the ticket's price unless they are economy seat. Pada pendapat saya, Syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia akan memperkenalkan lebih banyak laluan tetapi harga bagi tiket hendaklah munasabah, kerana saya fikir tidak semua orang boleh menerima harga tiket melainkan mereka adalah kerusi ekonomi.

Second article is about Air Asia. Artikel kedua ialah tentang Air Asia. Mr. Anthony Fernandes mortgaged his house to bought Air Asia together with friends and inventors. Encik Anthony Fernandes digadaijanjikan rumahnya untuk membeli Air Asia bersama-sama dengan rakan-rakan dan pencipta. Now he has succeeded in bringing out the big companies. Sekarang dia telah berjaya dalam membawa keluar syarikat-syarikat besar. Air Asia is now the region's largest low-cost operator, with a network of 122 routes. Air Asia kini merupakan yang terbesar di rantau ini pengendali kos rendah, dengan rangkaian sebanyak 122 laluan. “I've had a lot more white hair in the process, but it has been worth it,” says Fernandes (2009). "Saya telah rambut lebih banyak putih dalam proses, tetapi ia telah berbaloi," kata Fernandes (2009). From the talk, we know how hardworking he is to meet his target. Dari ceramah tersebut, kita tahu bagaimana rajin dia adalah untuk memenuhi sasaran beliau. He introduces the low-cost fee of flight ticket that is acceptable by everyone. Beliau memperkenalkan yuran kos rendah tiket penerbangan yang boleh diterima oleh semua orang. Based on what Fernandes (2010) said he is an aggressive entrepreneur, but Asian airport are slow to respond, and if anything... [continues] Berdasarkan apa Fernandes (2010) berkata beliau adalah seorang usahawan yang agresif, tetapi lapangan terbang Asia adalah lambat untuk bertindak balas, dan jika apa-apa ...

Kisah Air Asia

Inspired by the LCC business model of Southwest Airlines inspired Tony. Diilhamkan oleh model perniagaan LCC Southwest Airlines inspirasi Tony. Southwest Airlines was established in 1971 and had been profitable every year since 1973. Southwest Airlines ditubuhkan pada tahun 1971 dan telah menguntungkan setiap tahun sejak tahun 1973. Then model adopted by Europe after liberalization of aviation industry. Maka model yang diguna pakai oleh Eropah selepas liberalisasi dalam industri penerbangan. Ryanair (Ireland) and easyJet (London) are the largest LCC in Europe and follow the same business model. Ryanair (Ireland) dan easyJet (London) LCC terbesar di Eropah dan mengikuti model perniagaan yang sama.

Air Asia was established initially by DRB-Hicom Bhd in late 1996, asian financial crisis in 1997. Air Asia telah ditubuhkan pada mulanya oleh DRB-Hicom Bhd dalam krisis akhir 1996, asian kewangan pada tahun 1997.

Government studied Tony's proposal to start a LCC carrier and refused to issue a new licence and had requested Tony to buy over an existing airline. Kerajaan mengkaji cadangan Tony untuk memulakan sebuah syarikat penerbangan LCC dan enggan untuk mengeluarkan lesen baru dan telah meminta Tony untuk membeli sebuah syarikat penerbangan yang sedia ada.

Tune Air, set up by Tony and his investors bought Air Asia over from DRB-Hicom on 8th Dec 2001 for a token sum of RM1, with its 2 x Boeing 737-300s, a tiny route network and nearly RM 40 million in debts. Tune Air, yang ditubuhkan oleh Tony dan pelabur membeli Air Asia lebih daripada DRB-Hicom pada 8 Dec 2001 untuk jumlah token RM1, dengan x 2 Boeing 737-300s, rangkaian laluan kecil dan hampir RM 40 juta dalam bentuk hutang.

Tony Fernandez (VP, Times Warner Music, SEA), from music industry had RM 1 million in hand (mortaged house and sold off Times Warner Share Options) to pump into Air Asia. Tony Fernandez (VP, Times Warner Music, SEA), dari industri muzik mempunyai RM 1 juta dalam tangan (rumah mortaged dan dijual Times Warner Kongsi Pilihan) untuk mengepam ke Air Asia.

Air Asia's LCC runs short-haul (less than 3 hours) and is low-cost, no-frills carrier serving routes within Asia. Air Asia LCC berjalan jarak pendek (kurang daripada 3 jam) dan adalah kos rendah, no-frills pembawa berkhidmat laluan dalam Asia.

Air Asia was re-launched in January 2002, with fares lower than bus ticket for local destinations and even gave away free tickets. Air Asia semula dilancarkan pada bulan Januari 2002, dengan tambang yang lebih rendah daripada tiket bas untuk destinasi tempatan dan juga memberikan tiket percuma. First day of operations started with RM 1 promotional price. Hari pertama operasi bermula dengan harga RM 1 promosi.

Air Asia started with routes from KL, and then from Senai Airport in Johor in 2003. Air Asia bermula dengan laluan dari KL, dan kemudian dari Lapangan Terbang Senai di Johor pada tahun 2003.

By Dec 2002, the revenue was stated to be RM 113 million and profits of RM 19.4 million, 1.1 million passengers and most debts settled. Dis 2002, hasil telah dinyatakan untuk menjadi RM 113,000,000 dan keuntungan RM sebanyak 19.4 juta, 1.1 juta penumpang dan kebanyakan hutang diselesaikan.

Cost cutting measures such as : Fuel consumption being cut by half, and landings being doubled with the tyres. Pemotongan kos langkah-langkah seperti: Penggunaan bahan api yang dipotong separuh, dan pendaratan yang dua kali ganda dengan tayar. Safety and service were given same priority as cost cutting measures. Keselamatan dan perkhidmatan yang telah diberi keutamaan yang sama seperti langkah-langkah memotong kos. Problems raised were resolved within 24 hours as a KPI. Masalah yang dibangkitkan telah diselesaikan dalam tempoh 24 jam sebagai KPI.

Air Asia Financial Performance Air Asia Prestasi Kewangan

FY Ended TK Berakhir
30th June (RM Millions) JUN 30 (Juta RM)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Revenue 217 330 392 666 1,058 1,603 Hasil 217 330 392 666 1.058 1.603
Pretax Profit/(Loss) (1.6)... [continues] Keuntungan / (Kerugian) sebelum cukai (1.6) ... [terus]

AirAsia FAQs - About AirAsia
What is the Premium Customer Service Line?
The Premium Customer Service Line is an exclusive service that provides convenient and quick solutions for all your queries. It is available to all guests who are on the Malaysian telecommunications network provided by either Telekom, Celcom, Maxis or DiGi. Services are only available from 7am to 7pm, daily by calling 600 85 9999.
What can I do when I call the Premium Customer Service Line?
The Premium Customer Service Line is dedicated to bring you exclusive customer service for convenient and quick solutions to meet all your needs. You'll be able to make bookings, make amendments to existing bookings or get queries sorted out, all by just calling AirAsia's exclusive customer service line. Where can I go to view AirAsia's route map?Please go to AirAsia's home page and obtain the Route Map under flight info for AirAsia and AirAsia X destinations. Does AirAsia publish an in-flight magazine?Yes, Travel3Sixty is available on all AirAsia's flights.What is your Call Centre number and operating hours?You can obtain AirAsia's call centre number and address from the Contact Us tab on AirAsia's website.How much will I be charged if I call the Premium Customer Service Line?You will be charged RM 1.95 per minute in 4 second blocks. To obtain the most out of your call, guests are encouraged to have the necessary details in hand when calling.What are the benefits of becoming an AirAsia member?Sign up now as an AirAsia member for: 1. FREE e-newsletter on latest promotions 2. Freebies 3. Invites to exclusive events 4. Latest updates on new routes 5. Faster booking process without having to re-enter your personal details 6. Updates on holiday/tour promotions 7. New route and frequency updates.What is AirAsia X?AirAsia X is AirAsia's long-haul counterpart, focusing on flights which are four hours or more in distance. For further details on AirAsia X, please view AirAsia's Corporate Profile.Where does AirAsia X fly to?AirAsia X flies to long-haul destinations (more than 4 hours flight time) across Asia, Australia and Europe. To view AirAsia's route map, please see Route Map.How can I advertise with AirAsia?For details, please browse AirAsia's Advertising page on AirAsia's website. | | Other AirAsia FAQs | * AirAsia FAQs - About AirAsia * AirAsia FAQs - Before You Travel * AirAsia FAQs - Booking * AirAsia FAQs - Booking Management * AirAsia FAQs - Flight Disruption * AirAsia FAQs - Lost and Found | Frequently used AirAsia services * Route Map * Manage My Booking * Pick A Seat * Self Check-In * Fee Schedule * Contact Us * Sales Office * AirAsia Insurance |

| Does AirAsia have a credit card?
AirAsia's credit cards are available in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. You can check for the availabity of credit cards on AirAsia's website under Credit Card.
Where can I purchase AirAsia merchandise?
You can purchase AirAsia's merchandise on all AirAsia flights, at the airport sales counter in LCCT, KL and on AirAsia's online portal,
How can I register to be an AirAsia member?
Kindly go to AirAsia's home page and click on Sign Up under Member Login. Registration is free of charge. All AirAsia members will enjoy special privileges and the latest updates on low fares.
January 2013 Promotions * 1,000,000 Seats * FREE SEATS * Travel More in 2013 * New Year Holiday to China * I Love Beaches * 10,000 Free Seats * Great Deals, Let's Fly * Seoul or Busan * Low Fares 2013 * Fly from RM39 * New Year Special * Incredible Indochina * Book The Lowest Fares * Contact AirAsia
Great Deals, Let's Fly!

Fly from Kuala Lumpur to Alor Setar, Bali, Bangalore, Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu, Phnom Penh, Singapore, all-in fare from RM39* | Book from 7 January 2013 - 13 January 2013
Travel from 1 March 2013 - 31 May 2013 | | |

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Words: 1378 - Pages: 6

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Airasia Analysis

...PEST and SWOT analysis of AirAsias international business operations 1.1Background AirAsia was set up by Dato' Tony Fernandes in 2001. In December 2001, Fernandes and his partners set up Tune Air Sdn Bhd (Tune Air), an airline holding company then bought over AirAsia. Now, AirAsia has become one of the most successful airlines in the Southeast Asian region and the pioneer of low cost and no frills travel in Malaysia. The leading low fare airline in the Asia - AirAsia has been expanding rapidly since 2001, to become an award winning and the largest low cost carrier in Asia. With a fleet of 72 aircrafts, AirAsia flies to over 61 domestic and international destinations with 108 routes, and operates over 400 flights daily from hubs located in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. To date, AirAsia has flown over 55 million guests across the region and continues to spread its wings to create more extensive route network through its associate companies, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia. AirAsia believes in the no-frills, hassle-free, low fare business concept and feels that keeping costs low requires high efficiency in every part of the business. Efficiency creates savings which are then passed on to guests so that affordable air travel can become a reality. Through our philosophy of ‘Now Everyone Can Fly’, AirAsia has sparked a revolution in air travel with more and more people around the region choosing AirAsia as their preferred choice of transport. As AirAsia continuously strives to...

Words: 3109 - Pages: 13

Premium Essay

Airasia Training

...AirAsia Bhd (AirAsia) announced yesterday that it had signed with CAE, a global leader in flight training solutions, a joint venture agreement to set up a world-class aviation training centre that would offer state-of-the-art training for airlines throughout Asia. The signing was witnessed by the Deputy Minister of Higher Education of Malaysia, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. The centre, to be aptly named the Asian Aviation Academy, was the initial effort and a part of the joint venture between AirAsia and CAE which formed the company Asian Aviation Centre of Excellence Sdn Bhd. The establishment of the training centre would positively contribute to AirAsia’s vast expansion plans by providing highly skilled and certified personnel required for the airline’s fast growing fleet and operations. The facility would provide AirAsia and other airlines training services for pilots, flight attendants, engineers, ramp handlers, guest services staff and aviation management. Pilot training programs at the centre would be available from July 1, and non-pilot training programs would commence on October 1 this year. The training centre would be located at what is now the AirAsia Academy, a short distance from the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal in Sepang, Selangor in Malaysia. Tan Sri Dr Tony Fernandes, group chief executive officer (CEO) of AirAsia, said, “The Asian Aviation Academy reflects AirAsia’s commitment towards developing the aviation industry in Asia. “The new centre will offer world-class...

Words: 503 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Airasia Leadership

...Introduction AirAsia Group, a well-known low-cost airline around the Asia, which ownsby a parent company name “Tune Group”. This company was actually founded by “DRB-Hicom”, which is a company own by Malaysia’s government back in 20th December 1993 and started their operations on 18th November 1996. Unfortunately, the company’s performance not doing very well for few years until it was 2nd December 2001, the day that this airline taken over by Tony Fernandes, the CEO of Air Asia Group. Since then, Tony Fernandes performance was astonishing, he brought the airline back to life, and they even start making profits since year 2002 and launched their airline hubs in that particular year too. They even beat down their competitor which is used to monopoly Malaysia’s carrier service. Due to the extraordinary performance of the airline, they expanded their business in Thailand by placing a subsidiary at there. Now, we may easily found subsidiary airlines of AirAsia Group in India, Indonesia, Philippines, and even Japan. Their headquarters is currently located at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2, Malaysia. At the year ended of 2014, there are more than 10,000 employees that still working within the organizations. Nature of business of AirAsia Group is simply focusing on providing low-cost airline services. But their values to the customers are, “Safety conscious, Caring, Passionate, Full of integrity, and Hardworking but keeping the Fun within.” Vision of AirAsia Group is to be...

Words: 3617 - Pages: 15

Premium Essay

Airasia Strategic the AirAsia Company strategic management: “ How AirAsia can be a leader in the lowest cost carrier in the airplane industry” August 31, 2009catatanraufmenduniaLeave a commentGo to comments 1.0 Introduction “Without a strategy the organization is like a ship without rudder, going around in circles”. (Joel Ross and Michael Kami) Nowadays, the competition among airplane industries is very tough. According to Daniel Chan (2000), with just about two years to go to the turn millennium, air wars over Asia are hotting up, with some of the world’s biggest airlines engaged in intense over Asian skies[1]. Each Of Airplanes Company in the world trying to conduct some strategies to compete with another competitor in their industry. A lot of airplane companies come out with different strategies to make their company better than their competitors. To compete with their competitor in the business environment, a company needs to make a strategy to achieve their long terms objective and can be successful for doing their business. Moreover, to be successful in their long terms objective and their business, company need to identify their strategic management, because with good strategic management company can be achieving their vision and mission to achieve the successfulness in their business. Regarding this issues, the strategic management becomes important due to the following reason such as globalization to survival their business, and...

Words: 6436 - Pages: 26