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Pre-Trial Process Paper


Submitted By angelinafnava
Words 382
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Pretrial Detention
Pretrial detention is when the government moves to hold a defendant without posting bail pending a trial.
If someone is facing a third or fourth or fifth or more offense DUI for example or a serious felony that may have a use of force as an element of the case the government can move for detention. Another way to face detention if you have a pending case and you get arrested for a new case in that instance a prosecutor could move to have you detained while you're waiting for your trial. The third way is if you’re on probation and you are a rested or charged for a new offense this could result in your detention upon request by the probation department. If a detention motion is filed or a request is made in the court has to hold a hearing as to whether there are conditions of release that would adequately secure the safety of the community or whether you simply possess such a threat that you should be detained.
Concept of Bail

A bail bond is a type of an assured bond and it's a contract between the bail bond company the defendant and the courts. What the contract states is that the defendant will appear at a later time which is required by the court. Assuming that the defendants finalize is the matter in court the bondsman really won't be involved after the defendant is released from jail. Most people that bailout return to court with no problem; it's probably less than one percent fail to appear. Usually when someone fails to appear simply some kind of misunderstanding perhaps they didn't know what score to go to or whenever the wrong time or got the court date wrong whatever the issue is those type of problems are easily resolved. Where it becomes a huge problem is when the defendant fails to appear when this happens the bail bondsman has approximately six months to locate the defendant and return them back into the legal system if the defendant cannot be located ultimately it is the person who signed for the bond that is financially responsible for the bond. If the person who signed for the bond can't pay then the Bail Bonds Company will be responsible.

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