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Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

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ĿĚǺĐĚŘ (Ų.Ș.) ňįẄ ǿŤ ťųǾ ťİ ěķųĐ ģňįěǿB đňǻ șųbřįǺ ŀǻěĐ ǻįřěbİ ěvįťǻřčųĿ

Bỳ ĐǺŇİĚĿ MİČĦǺĚĿȘ Șțǻff Řěpǿřțěř ǿf Țħě Ẅǻŀŀ Șțřěěț Jǿųřňǻŀ
Ųpđǻțěđ Mǻřčħ 10, 2003 12:01 ǻ.m. ĚȚ
MǺĐŘİĐ -- Ǿňě đǻỳ ŀǻșț Ǻpřįŀ, țẅǿ mǿđěŀ ǻįřpŀǻňěș ŀǻňđěđ įň țħě ǿffįčěș ǿf İběřįǻ
Țħěỳ ẅěřěň'ț țǿỳș. Țħě Șpǻňįșħ čǻřřįěř ẅǻș șħǿppįňģ fǿř ňěẅ jěțŀįňěřș, ǻňđ țħě mǿđěŀș ẅěřě čǻŀŀįňģ čǻřđș fřǿm Bǿěįňģ Čǿ. ǻňđ Ǻįřbųș, țħě ẅǿřŀđ'ș ǿňŀỳ țẅǿ přǿđųčěřș ǿf bįģ čǿmměřčįǻŀ ǻįřčřǻfț.
İț ẅǻș țħě fįřșț ěňčǿųňțěř įň ẅħǻț ẅǿųŀđ běčǿmě ǻ mǿňțħș-ŀǿňģ đǿģfįģħț běțẅěěň țħě țẅǿ ǻvįǻțįǿň țįțǻňș -- ǻňđ İběřįǻ ẅǻș pŀǻňňįňģ țǿ čŀěǻň ųp.
Ǻįřbųș ǻňđ Bǿěįňģ mǻỳ ǿẅň țħě jěțŀįňěř mǻřķěț, ẅįțħ įțș přǿjěčțěđ șǻŀěș ǿf mǿřě țħǻň $1 țřįŀŀįǿň įň țħě ňěxț 20 ỳěǻřș, bųț řįģħț ňǿẅ țħěỳ đǿň'ț čǿňțřǿŀ įț. Țħě čřįșįș įň țħě ǻįřțřǻvěŀ įňđųșțřỳ mǻķěș țħě țẅǿ mǻňųfǻčțųřěřș đěșpěřǻțě țǿ ňǻįŀ đǿẅň ǿřđěřș. Șǿ țħěỳ ħǻvě ģřǿẅň įňčřěǻșįňģŀỳ đěpěňđěňț ǿň ǻįřŀįňěș, ěňģįňě șųppŀįěřș ǻňđ ǻįřčřǻfț fįňǻňčįěřș fǿř čǿňvǿŀųțěđ đěǻŀș.
Ǿňčě țħě ųňđěřđǿģ, Ǻįřbųș ħǻș čŀǿșěđ țħě ģǻp fřǿm jųșț fǿųř ỳěǻřș ǻģǿ -- ẅħěň Bǿěįňģ bųįŀț 620 pŀǻňěș țǿ Ǻįřbųș'ș 294 -- ǻňđ țħįș ỳěǻř țħě Ěųřǿpěǻň pŀǻňě mǻķěř ěxpěčțș țǿ ǿvěřțǻķě įțș Ų.Ș. řįvǻŀ. Fǿř Bǿěįňģ, İběřįǻ ẅǻș ǻ čħǻňčě țǿ șțěm țħě țįđě. Fǿř Ǻįřbųș,
İběřįǻ ẅǻș čřųčįǻŀ țųřf țǿ đěfěňđ.
İběřįǻ ǻňđ ǻ fěẅ ǿțħěř ǻįřŀįňěș ǻřě fįňǻňčįǻŀŀỳ ħěǻŀțħỳ ěňǿųģħ țǿ bě ǻbŀě țǿ ǿřđěř ňěẅ pŀǻňěș țħěșě đǻỳș, ǻňđ țħěỳ ǻřě ǻŀŀ đřįvįňģ ħǻřđ bǻřģǻįňș. Ěňřįqųě Đųpųỳ đě Ŀǿmě,
İběřįǻ'ș čħįěf fįňǻňčįǻŀ ǿffįčěř ǻňđ țħě mǻň ẅħǿ ŀěđ įțș șěǻřčħ fǿř ẅįđěbǿđỳ jěțș, měǻňț fřǿm țħě șțǻřț țǿ řųň ǻ řěǻŀ ħǿřșě řǻčě. "Ěvěřỳțħįňģ ħǻș běěň șțřųčțųřěđ țǿ mǻįňțǻįň țěňșįǿň ųp țǿ țħě ŀǻșț 15 mįňųțěș," ħě șǻįđ.­wsj 1/9


Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

Țħřǿųģħǿųț țħě čǿmpěțįțįǿň, țħě pǻřțįčįpǻňțș ǻț İběřįǻ, Bǿěįňģ ǻňđ Ǻįřbųș ģǻvě Țħě
Ẅǻŀŀ Șțřěěț Jǿųřňǻŀ đěțǻįŀěđ břįěfįňģș ǿň țħě pįțčħěș, měěțįňģș ǻňđ đěŀįběřǻțįǿňș. Țħě řěșųŀț įș ǻ řǻřįțỳ fǿř țħě șěčřěțįvě ẅǿřŀđ ǿf ǻįřčřǻfț ǿřđěřș: ǻň įňșįđě ŀǿǿķ ǻț ǻň ǻŀŀ-ǿųț șǻŀěș đěřbỳ ẅįțħ ģŀǿběțřǿțțįňģ ěxěčųțįvěș, ħųģě přįčě țǻģș ǻňđ țǿřțųǿųș ňěģǿțįǻțįǿňș ǿvěř ěvěřỳțħįňģ fřǿm șěǻțș țǿ mǻįňțěňǻňčě ǻňđ čǻbįň-ňǿįșě ŀěvěŀș. Țħě řįvǻŀș' ǿffěřș ẅěřě șǿ čŀǿșě țħǻț ǿň țħě fįňǻŀ đǻỳ ǿf ħǻģģŀįňģ, İběřįǻ șțǿǿđ řěǻđỳ ẅįțħ mųŀțįpŀě přěșș řěŀěǻșěș ǻňđ ěxțřǻčțěđ ŀǻșț-mįňųțě čǿňčěșșįǿňș įň ǻ pħǿňě čǻŀŀ běțẅěěň țħě ǻįřŀįňě'ș čħǻįřmǻň ǻňđ țħě ẅįňňįňģ bįđđěř.
Bỳ țħǻț pǿįňț, bǿțħ șųįțǿřș fěŀț ŀįķě țħěỳ'đ běěň țħřǿųģħ țħě ẅřįňģěř. "Ẅįțħ 200 ǻįřŀįňěș ǻňđ ǿňŀỳ țẅǿ pŀǻňě mǻķěřș, ỳǿų țħįňķ ẅě'đ ģěț ǻ ŀįțțŀě mǿřě řěșpěčț," șǻįđ Jǿħň Ŀěǻħỳ,
Ǻįřbųș'ș țǿp șǻŀěșmǻň.
Ǻįřbųș, ǻ đįvįșįǿň ǿf Ěųřǿpěǻň Ǻěřǿňǻųțįč Đěfěňșě & Șpǻčě Čǿ., řěčķǿňěđ įț ħǻđ ǻ bįģ ěđģě. İț ħǻđ șǿŀđ İběřįǻ mǿřě țħǻň 100 pŀǻňěș șįňčě 1997. Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ țħǿųģħț ŀǻșț șųmměř țħǻț ħě mįģħț ěvěň bǻģ țħě čǿňțřǻčț ẅįțħ mįňįmǻŀ čǿmpěțįțįǿň. İň Jųňě ħě ħǻđ čŀįňčħěđ ǻ șěpǻřǻțě đěǻŀ ẅįțħ İběřįǻ fǿř țħřěě ňěẅ Ǻįřbųș Ǻ340 ẅįđěbǿđįěș.
Bųț Mř. Đųpųỳ mǻđě Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ fįģħț fǿř țħě ǿřđěř -- ǻňđ șǿ ěňțįčěđ Bǿěįňģ țǿ čǿmpěțě mǿřě ǻģģřěșșįvěŀỳ. Țħěň, "jųșț țǿ mǻķě țħįňģș įňțěřěșțįňģ," Mř. Đųpųỳ șǻįđ, ħě ųppěđ țħě přěșșųřě bỳ ģǿįňģ șħǿppįňģ fǿř șěčǿňđħǻňđ ǻįřpŀǻňěș. Țħěșě ǻřě șpįŀŀįňģ ǿňțǿ țħě mǻřķěț ǻț čųț-řǻțě přįčěș ǻș țħě ǻįřŀįňě įňđųșțřỳ'ș přǿbŀěmș fǿřčě čǻřřįěřș țǿ ģřǿųňđ ǿŀđěř jěțș ẅįțħ țħěįř ħįģħěř ǿpěřǻțįňģ čǿșțș.
İběřįǻ įș ǿňě ǿf țħě įňđųșțřỳ'ș fěẅ ħįģħŀỳ přǿfįțǻbŀě čǻřřįěřș, țħǻňķș țǿ ǻ țħǿřǿųģħ řěșțřųčțųřįňģ běfǿřě țħě ňǻțįǿňǻŀ čǻřřįěř ẅǻș přįvǻțįżěđ įň ěǻřŀỳ 2001. Țħě ẅǿřŀđ'ș Ňǿ. 18 įň pǻșșěňģěř țřǻffįč, ẅįțħ ǻ fŀěěț ǿf 145 pŀǻňěș, įț ħǻș běňěfįțěđ bỳ fŀỳįňģ fěẅ řǿųțěș țǿ
Ňǿřțħ Ǻměřįčǻ, ẅħěřě ǻįř țřǻvěŀ įș įň țǻțțěřș, ǻňđ bỳ đǿmįňǻțįňģ țħě ŀǻřģě Ŀǻțįň
Ǻměřįčǻň mǻřķěț.
Țħě Șpǻňįșħ čǻřřįěř ẅǻș ŀǿǿķįňģ țǿ řěpŀǻčě șįx Bǿěįňģ 747-200 jųmbǿ jěțș mǿřě țħǻň 20 ỳěǻřș ǿŀđ. İț ẅǻňțěđ ǻș mǻňỳ ǻș 12 ňěẅ pŀǻňěș țǿ čǿmpŀěțě ǻ 10-ỳěǻř mǿđěřňįżǻțįǿň přǿģřǻm fǿř İběřįǻ'ș ŀǿňģ-ħǻųŀ fŀěěț. Bǻșěđ ǿň ŀįșț přįčěș, țħě 12-pŀǻňě ǿřđěř ẅǻș vǻŀųěđ ǻț mǿřě țħǻň $2 bįŀŀįǿň.
İběřįǻ'ș Mř. Đųpųỳ, 45 ỳěǻřș ǿŀđ, ǻ șǿfț-șpǿķěň čǻřěěř fįňǻňčě mǻň, fįřșț ňěěđěđ țǿ ẅǿǿ
Bǿěįňģ țǿ țħě țǻbŀě. Țħě Ų.Ș. přǿđųčěř ħǻđ ŀǻșț șǿŀđ İběřįǻ pŀǻňěș įň 1995, ǻňđ șįňčě țħěň țħě čǻřřįěř ħǻđ bǿųģħț șǿ mǻňỳ Ǻįřbųș jěțș țħǻț Bǿěįňģ čǿňșįđěřěđ ňǿț ěvěň čǿmpěțįňģ.
Bųț įň ŀǻțě Jųŀỳ, Mř. Đųpųỳ měț Țǿbỳ Břįģħț, Bǿěįňģ'ș țǿp șǻŀěșmǻň fǿř jěțș. Ǿvěř đįňňěř įň Ŀǿňđǿň, ǻččǿřđįňģ țǿ bǿțħ měň, Mř. Đųpųỳ țǿŀđ Mř. Břįģħț țħǻț İběřįǻ țřųŀỳ ẅǻňțěđ­wsj 2/9


Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

țẅǿ șųppŀįěřș, ňǿț jųșț Ǻįřbųș.
Țħě Bǿěįňģ șǻŀěș čħįěf ẅǻș șķěpțįčǻŀ, ǻňđ ħě řěčǻŀŀěđ țħįňķįňģ ǻț țħě țįmě, "Ỳǿų'řě řųňňįňģ ǿųț ǿf ẅǻỳș țǿ șħǿẅ ųș." Ħǻvįňģ ẅǿřķěđ ǻș Bǿěįňģ'ș čħįěf șǻŀěșmǻň įň Ěųřǿpě,
Ǻįřbųș'ș ħǿmě țųřf, ħě ħǻđ ħěǻřđ șįmįŀǻř ŀįňěș fřǿm čųșțǿměřș ẅħǿ ěvěňțųǻŀŀỳ bǿųģħț
Ǻįřbųș pŀǻňěș. Șǿ ħě ẅǿňđěřěđ: "Ǻřě ẅě běįňģ břǿųģħț įň ǻș ǻ șțǻŀķįňģ ħǿřșě?" ěčňǻħČ ťșǻĿ

Ỳěț řěpŀǻčįňģ İběřįǻ'ș ǿŀđ 747ș ẅįțħ ňěẅ 777ș ẅǿųŀđ bě Bǿěįňģ'ș ŀǻșț čħǻňčě fǿř ỳěǻřș țǿ ẅįň bǻčķ İběřįǻ. Țħě ǻřģųměňț ǻģǻįňșț Bǿěįňģ ẅǻș țħǻț ǻň ǻŀŀ-Ǻįřbųș fŀěěț ẅǿųŀđ mǻķě
İběřįǻ'ș ǿpěřǻțįǿňș șįmpŀěř ǻňđ čħěǻpěř. Șțįŀŀ, ģǿįňģ ǻŀŀ-Ǻįřbųș mįģħț ẅěǻķěň İběřįǻ'ș ħǻňđ įň fųțųřě đěǻŀș. Ǻįřbųș ẅǿųŀđ ķňǿẅ țħǻț țħě čǻřřįěř'ș čǿșț ǿf șẅįțčħįňģ țǿ Bǿěįňģ ẅǿųŀđ řěqųįřě bįģ įňvěșțměňțș įň pǻřțș ǻňđ pįŀǿț țřǻįňįňģ.

PICKING PLANES mǿřf șěčįǿħč ěňǻŀ

řįǻ ș ǻįřěbİ

ģňįěǿB đňǻ șųbřįǺ

Catalog Price
Seats (Iberia configuration)
Engine maker
Earlier model

$190 million
$215 million
General Electric
(introduced 1993) (introduced 1998)

Șǿųřčě: țħě čǿmpǻňįěș

İň ěǻřŀỳ Ňǿvěmběř, Ǻįřbųș ǻňđ Bǿěįňģ přěșěňțěđ įňįțįǻŀ bįđș ǿň țħěįř ŀǻțěșț pŀǻňěș.
Țħě fǿųř-ěňģįňě Ǻįřbųș Ǻ340-600 įș țħě ŀǿňģěșț pŀǻňě ěvěř bųįŀț. Bǿěįňģ'ș 777-300ĚŘ įș țħě bįģģěșț țẅįň-ěňģįňě pŀǻňě.
Țħě ňěẅ Ǻ340 čǻň fŀỳ ǻ bįț fǻřțħěř ǻňđ ħǻș mǿřě ŀįfțįňģ pǿẅěř țħǻň țħě 777. Țħě ňěẅ
Bǿěįňģ pŀǻňě įș ŀįģħțěř, ħǿŀđș mǿřě șěǻțș ǻňđ bųřňș ŀěșș fųěŀ. Țħě Bǿěįňģ pŀǻňě, ẅįțħ ǻ čǻțǻŀǿģ přįčě ǻřǿųňđ $215 mįŀŀįǿň, ŀįșțș fǿř șǿmě $25 mįŀŀįǿň mǿřě țħǻň țħě Ǻ340.

Mř. Đųpųỳ, ẅħǿșě čǿňfěřěňčě řǿǿm įș đěčǿřǻțěđ ẅįțħ fřǻměđ ǻẅǻřđș fǿř įňňǿvǻțįvě ǻįřčřǻfț-fįňǻňčįňģ đěǻŀș, șěț ħįș ǿẅň țǿųģħ țěřmș ǿň přįčě ǻňđ pěřfǿřmǻňčě įșșųěș įňčŀųđįňģ fųěŀ čǿňșųmpțįǿň, řěŀįǻbįŀįțỳ ǻňđ řěșǻŀě vǻŀųě. Ħě ẅǿň'ț đįvųŀģě přįčěș, bųț pěǿpŀě įň țħě ǻvįǻțįǿň mǻřķěț fǻmįŀįǻř ẅįțħ țħě đěǻŀ șǻỳ ħě đěmǻňđěđ đįșčǿųňțș ěxčěěđįňģ 40%.
Ǻș ňěģǿțįǻțįǿňș běģǻň, Mř. Đųpųỳ țǿŀđ bǿțħ čǿmpǻňįěș ħįș řųŀě: Ẅħǿěvěř ħįțș įțș țǻřģěț, ẅįňș țħě ǿřđěř. Țħě řǻčě ẅǻș ǿň.
Mř. Břįģħț, ẅħǿ ħǻđ běěň ǻppǿįňțěđ Bǿěįňģ'ș țǿp ǻįřpŀǻňě șǻŀěșmǻň įň Jǻňųǻřỳ ǿf 2002, pįțčħěđ țħě Bǿěįňģ 777 ǻș ǻ "řěvěňųě mǻčħįňě." Ħě įňșįșțěđ țħǻț ħįș pŀǻňě čǿųŀđ ěǻřň
İběřįǻ ǻbǿųț $8,000 mǿřě pěř fŀįģħț țħǻň țħě Ǻ340-600 běčǻųșě įț čǻň ħǿŀđ mǿřě șěǻțș ǻňđ įș čħěǻpěř țǿ ǿpěřǻțě. Ǻ bųřŀỳ 50-ỳěǻř-ǿŀđ Ẅěșț Vįřģįňįǻň, Mř. Břįģħț jǿįňěđ Bǿěįňģ­wsj 3/9


Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

ǿųț ǿf čǿŀŀěģě ǻș ǻň ǻěřǿșpǻčě đěșįģňěř. Ħě ķňěẅ țħě ňěẅ Ǻįřbųș ẅǿųŀđ șŀǿț ěǻșįŀỳ įňțǿ
İběřįǻ'ș fŀěěț. Bųț ħě ǻŀșǿ fěŀț țħǻț Mř. Đųpųỳ'ș țǻřģěț přįčě ųňđěřvǻŀųěđ ħįș pŀǻňě.
Ǻț Ǻįřbųș, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ǻŀșǿ fųměđ ǻț İběřįǻ'ș přįčįňģ đěmǻňđș. Ǻ Ňěẅ Ỳǿřķ Čįțỳ ňǻțįvě ǻňđ țħě čǿmpǻňỳ'ș ħįģħěșț-řǻňķįňģ Ǻměřįčǻň, ħě pųřșųěș ǿňě ģǿǻŀ: ģŀǿbǻŀ đǿmįňǻțįǿň ǿvěř
Bǿěįňģ. Ŀǻșț ỳěǻř ħě șpěňț 220 đǻỳș ǿň șǻŀěș țřįpș.
Țǿ İběřįǻ, ħě ǻřģųěđ țħǻț ħįș pŀǻňě ǿffěřěđ ǻ běțțěř įňvěșțměňț řěțųřň běčǻųșě țħě Ǻ340 įș ŀěșș ěxpěňșįvě țǿ bųỳ ǻňđ įș șįmįŀǻř țǿ İběřįǻ'ș ǿțħěř Ǻįřbųș pŀǻňěș. Fřǿm ǻ ħǿđģěpǿđģě ǿf 11 mǿđěŀș įň 1997, İběřįǻ ňǿẅ fŀįěș fįvě țỳpěș, ǻňđ řěpŀǻčįňģ țħě ǿŀđ 747ș ẅįțħ
Ǻ340ș ẅǿųŀđ țřįm țħǻț țǿ fǿųř -- ǿffěřįňģ șǻvįňģș ǿň pǻřțș, mǻįňțěňǻňčě ǻňđ pįŀǿț țřǻįňįňģ. Ěvěň běfǿřě přěșěňțįňģ Ǻįřbųș'ș ǿffěř, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ħǻđ fŀǿẅň țǿ Mǻđřįđ įň Ǿčțǿběř țǿ mǻķě ħįș čǻșě. Ǿň Ňǿv. 18, ħě ǿňčě ǻģǻįň țǿǿķ ǻ čħǻřțěřěđ pŀǻňě fǿř țħě ǿňě-ħǿųř fŀįģħț fřǿm Ǻįřbųș ħěǻđqųǻřțěřș įň Țǿųŀǿųșě, Fřǻňčě, țǿ Mǻđřįđ. Fǿř țẅǿ ħǿųřș țħǻț ěvěňįňģ, ħě ǻňđ ħįș țěǻm șǻț ẅįțħ Mř. Đųpųỳ ǻňđ ǿțħěř İběřįǻ mǻňǻģěřș ǻřǿųňđ ǻ țǻbŀě įň Mř.
Đųpųỳ'ș ǿffįčě, đěbǻțįňģ ħǿẅ mǻňỳ șěǻțș čǻň fįț ǿň ǻ 777. Țħǿșě ňųmběřș ẅěřě čřųčįǻŀ țǿ țħě đěǻŀ běčǻųșě ěǻčħ șěǻț řěpřěșěňțș mįŀŀįǿňș ǿf đǿŀŀǻřș įň řěvěňųě ǿvěř țħě ŀįfě ǿf ǻ pŀǻňě bųț ǻŀșǿ ǻđđș ẅěįģħț ǻňđ čǿșț.
Bǿěįňģ ħǻđ țǿŀđ İběřįǻ țħǻț įțș 777 čǿųŀđ ħǿŀđ 30 mǿřě șěǻțș țħǻň țħě 350 İběřįǻ pŀǻňňěđ țǿ pųț ǿň țħě Ǻįřbųș pŀǻňě. Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ǻřģųěđ țħǻț țħě Bǿěįňģ čǻřřįěș ǻț mǿșț fįvě mǿřě șěǻțș. "Ģěț ģųǻřǻňțěěș fřǿm Bǿěįňģ" ǿň țħě șěǻț čǿųňț, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ přǿđđěđ țħě İběřįǻ mǻňǻģěřș. Ǻț Bǿěįňģ, Mř. Břįģħț ẅǻș ěǻģěř țǿ șǿfțěň İběřįǻ'ș přįčįňģ đěmǻňđ. Ħįș ǻččǿųňț mǻňǻģěř,
Șțěvě Ǻŀįměňț, ħǻđ ǻŀřěǻđỳ mǻđě șěvěřǻŀ vįșįțș țǿ pįțčħ țħě pŀǻňě, ǻňđ įň ŀǻțě Ňǿvěmběř,
Mř. Břįģħț șěňț ħįm ǿňčě ǻģǻįň țǿ přǿțěșț țħǻț İběřįǻ đįđň'ț ǻppřěčįǻțě țħě 777'ș řěvěňųě pǿțěňțįǻŀ. Bǿěįňģ đěșpěřǻțěŀỳ ẅǻňțěđ țǿ ǻvǿįđ čǿmpěțįňģ jųșț ǿň přįčě, șǿ Mř. Břįģħț pųșħěđ ǿpěřǻțįňģ čǿșț ǻňđ čǿmfǿřț.
Ǿň țħě Ǻįřbųș șįđě, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ǻŀșǿ ẅǻș fěěŀįňģ přěșșųřěđ běčǻųșě ǻ pǻșț șǻŀěș țǻčțįč ẅǻș čǿmįňģ bǻčķ țǿ ħǻųňț ħįm. İň 1995, ẅħěň İběřįǻ ẅǻș bųỳįňģ 18 șmǻŀŀěř Ǻ340ș ǻňđ Mř.
Đųpųỳ ěxpřěșșěđ čǿňčěřň ǻbǿųț țħěįř fųțųřě vǻŀųě, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ħěŀpěđ șěǻŀ țħě đěǻŀ bỳ ģųǻřǻňțěěįňģ ħįm ǻ mįňįmųm řěșǻŀě přįčě, ẅħįčħ ķįčķș įň ǻfțěř 2005. İf İběřįǻ ẅǻňțș țǿ șěŀŀ țħěm, Ǻįřbųș mųșț čǿvěř ǻňỳ đįffěřěňčě běțẅěěň țħě mǻřķěț přįčě ǿf țħě ųșěđ pŀǻňěș ǻňđ țħě ģųǻřǻňțěěđ fŀǿǿř přįčě.
Țħě ģųǻřǻňțěě įș ǿňě ǿf țħě țǿǿŀș țħǻț Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ħǻș ųșěđ țǿ bǿǿșț Ǻįřbųș'ș șħǻřě ǿf­wsj 4/9


Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

ẅǿřŀđ șǻŀěș țǿ ǻbǿųț 50% țǿđǻỳ fřǿm 20% įň 1995. Bǿěįňģ řǻřěŀỳ ģųǻřǻňțěěș řěșǻŀě vǻŀųěș. Mř. Đųpųỳ ħǻđ ẅǻňțěđ ģųǻřǻňțěěș běčǻųșě țħěỳ ŀǿẅěř ħįș řįșķ ǿf bųỳįňģ, ǻňđ țħųș čųț ħįș čǿșț ǿf bǿřřǿẅįňģ. Ẅħǻț mǻțțěřěđ ňǿẅ ẅǻș țħǻț țħě ģųǻřǻňțěěș ǻŀșǿ fřěěđ ħįm țǿ șěŀŀ țħě pŀǻňěș ǻț ǻ ģǿǿđ přįčě. Ěǻřŀỳ įň țħě čǿmpěțįțįǿň, ħě șųģģěșțěđ țǿ bǿțħ Ǻįřbųș ǻňđ
Bǿěįňģ țħǻț ħě mįģħț ěvěňțųǻŀŀỳ řěpŀǻčě ǻŀŀ ǿf İběřįǻ'ș Ǻ340ș ẅįțħ Bǿěįňģș -- ǻňđ pǿțěňțįǻŀŀỳ șțįčķ Ǻįřbųș ẅįțħ mǿșț ǿf țħě țǻb.
"İf ẅě đįđň'ț ħǻvě țħě ģųǻřǻňțěěș, țħě pǿșįțįǿň ǿf Ǻįřbųș ẅǿųŀđ bě věřỳ șțřǿňģ," Mř.
Đųpųỳ șǻįđ įň ǻň įňțěřvįěẅ. İňșțěǻđ, "ẅě ħǻvě ǻ pǿẅěřfųŀ bǻřģǻįňįňģ țǿǿŀ ǿň fųțųřě přįčěș." Ǿň Đěč. 4, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ fŀěẅ ǻģǻįň țǿ Mǻđřįđ țǿ țřỳ țǿ pěřșųǻđě İběřįǻ țǿ čŀǿșě ǻ đěǻŀ bỳ ỳěǻř'ș ěňđ. Řųňňįňģ țħřǿųģħ ǻ přěșěňțǻțįǿň įň Mř. Đųpųỳ'ș ǿffįčě, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ǻňđ fįvě čǿŀŀěǻģųěș țįčķěđ ǿff fųěŀ ǻňđ mǻįňțěňǻňčě čǿșțș fǿř țħěįř pŀǻňě. Țħěỳ ǻșșěřțěđ țħǻț pǻșșěňģěřș přěfěř țħě pŀǻňě běčǻųșě įț įș qųįěțěř țħǻň țħě 777 ǻňđ ħǻș ňǿ mįđđŀě șěǻțș įň bųșįňěșș čŀǻșș.
Mř. Đųpųỳ țħěň řǻțțŀěđ Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ'ș čǻģě ẅįțħ ǻ ňěẅ șčěňǻřįǿ: İběřįǻ mǻňǻģěřș ẅǿųŀđ bě fŀỳįňģ ǿff ňěxț ẅěěķ țǿ ŀǿǿķ ǻț ųșěđ Bǿěįňģ 747-400 jųmbǿ jěțș. Șįňģǻpǿřě Ǻįřŀįňěș ħǻđ șțǿppěđ fŀỳįňģ țħě pŀǻňěș ǻňđ ẅǻș ǿffěřįňģ țǿ ŀěǻșě țħěm ǻț bǻřģǻįň přįčěș.
Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ čħįđěđ Mř. Đųpųỳ, șǻỳįňģ țħǻț ẅǻș "ŀįķě bųỳįňģ ǻ ųșěđ čǻř," ẅħěřě ǻ bǻřģǻįň čǻň ěǻșįŀỳ bǻčķfįřě. Mř. Đųpųỳ řěpŀįěđ țħǻț șǿměțįměș bųỳįňģ ųșěđ mǻķěș șěňșě běčǻųșě įț ǿffěřș țħě fŀěxįbįŀįțỳ ǿf ǿțħěř ǿpțįǿňș. Țħě měșșǻģě: İběřįǻ čǿųŀđ đųmp įțș Ǻįřbųș fŀěěț.
Ẅįțħįň İběřįǻ, ǻňǿțħěř đěbǻțě ẅǻș ěňđįňģ. Mř. Đųpųỳ ħěǻřđ fřǿm ħįș mǻňǻģěřș țħě řěșųŀțș ǿf ǻ ỳěǻřŀǿňģ ǻňǻŀỳșįș ǿf țħě řįvǻŀ pŀǻňěș. Țħě Ǻįřbųș ẅǻș čħěǻpěř țħǻň țħě
Bǿěįňģ, ǻňđ țħě Ǻ340'ș fǿųř ěňģįňěș ħěŀp įț ǿpěřǻțě běțțěř įň șǿmě ħįģħ-ǻŀțįțųđě Ŀǻțįň
Ǻměřįčǻň ǻįřpǿřțș. Bųț İběřįǻ mǻňǻģěřș ħǻđ đěčįđěđ țħěỳ čǿųŀđ fįț 24 mǿřě șěǻțș ǿň țħě
Bǿěįňģ, bǿǿșțįňģ řěvěňųě. Ǻňđ İběřįǻ ěňģįňěěřș čǻŀčųŀǻțěđ țħǻț țħě 777 ẅǿųŀđ čǿșț 8% ŀěșș țǿ mǻįňțǻįň țħǻň țħě Ǻ340. Mǻįňțěňǻňčě ǿň bįģ pŀǻňěș čǿșțș ǻț ŀěǻșț $3 mįŀŀįǿň ǻ ỳěǻř, șǿ țħě șǻvįňģș ẅǿųŀđ bě ħųģě ǿvěř țħě ŀįfě ǿf ǻ fŀěěț.
Ųňǻẅǻřě ǿf İběřįǻ'ș ǻňǻŀỳșįș, țħě Bǿěįňģ țěǻm ǻřřįvěđ įň Mř. Đųpųỳ'ș ǿffįčě ǿň țħě mǿřňįňģ ǿf Đěč. 11 ẅįțħ țħřěě bǿųňđ șěŀŀįňģ đǿčųměňțș. Ǿňě čǿňțǻįňěđ Bǿěįňģ'ș řěvįșěđ ǿffěř, țįțŀěđ "İmǻģįňě țħě Pǿșșįbįŀįțįěș ... İběřįǻ'ș 777 Fŀěěț." Ķňǿẅįňģ Mř. Đųpųỳ ǻș ǻ ňųmběřș ģųỳ, țħě Bǿěįňģ țěǻm pěppěřěđ ħįm ẅįțħ đǻțǻ șħǿẅįňģ pǻșșěňģěřș ẅǿųŀđ čħǿǿșě İběřįǻ běčǻųșě țħěỳ přěfěř țħě 777.­wsj 5/9


Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

Mř. Đųpųỳ țǿŀđ țħě șǻŀěșměň țħěįř přįčě ẅǻș șțįŀŀ țǿǿ ħįģħ.
Bỳ mįđ-Đěčěmběř, İběřįǻ Čħǻįřmǻň Xǻbįěř đě İřǻŀǻ ẅǻș ģěțțįňģ įmpǻțįěňț ǻňđ ẅǻňțěđ ǻ đěčįșįǿň bỳ țħě ěňđ ǿf țħě ỳěǻř. Ǿň Đěč. 18, Bǿěįňģ'ș Mř. Břįģħț fŀěẅ țǿ Mǻđřįđ. Ǿvěř ǻ ŀǿňģ ŀųňčħ, Mř. Đųpųỳ řěįțěřǻțěđ ħįș přįčě țǻřģěț.
"İf țħǻț'ș ỳǿųř ňųmběř, ŀěț'ș ģįvě țħįș ųp," Mř. Břįģħț șǻįđ. Țǻŀķș čǿňțįňųěđ čǿřđįǻŀŀỳ, bųț țħě měň ŀěfț đǿųbțfųŀ țħěỳ čǿųŀđ čŀǿșě țħě ģǻp. Țħǻț Fřįđǻỳ, Đěč. 20, Mř. Đųpųỳ țǿŀđ
İběřįǻ'ș bǿǻřđ țħǻț přįčěș fřǿm Ǻįřbųș ǻňđ Bǿěįňģ ẅěřě șțįŀŀ țǿǿ ħįģħ ǻňđ ħě ẅǿųŀđ pųșħ țħě ųșěđ-pŀǻňě ǿpțįǿň ħǻřđěř. ťěJỳșǻĚ ģňįħčťǻM

Bỳ țħě șțǻřț ǿf țħě ỳěǻř, Ǻįřbųș'ș Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ, ģřǿẅįňģ fřųșțřǻțěđ, ǻřřǻňģěđ ǻ Șǻțųřđǻỳ měěțįňģ ẅįțħ Mř. Đųpųỳ. Ǿň Jǻň. 4, țħě İběřįǻ ěxěčųțįvě įňțěřřųpțěđ ǻ fǻmįŀỳ șķįįňģ ħǿŀįđǻỳ įň țħě Pỳřěňěěș ǻňđ đřǿvě țẅǿ ħǿųřș ǻŀǿňģ ẅįňđįňģ Fřěňčħ řǿǻđș țǿ měěț Mř.
Ŀěǻħỳ fǿř ŀųňčħ.
Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ șpěňț fǿųř ħǿųřș țřỳįňģ țǿ čǿňvįňčě Mř. Đųpųỳ ǻňđ ǻ čǿŀŀěǻģųě țħǻț Ǻįřbųș čǿųŀđň'ț ǿffěř ǻ běțțěř đěǻŀ. Mř. Đųpųỳ ǻřģųěđ țħǻț Ǻįřbųș ħǻđ jųșț ģįvěň șțěěp đįșčǿųňțș țǿ Břįțįșħ ǻįřŀįňě ěǻșỳJěț, șǿ įț șħǿųŀđ đǿ țħě șǻmě fǿř İběřįǻ. Ǻňňǿỳěđ, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ șǻįđ měđįǻ řěpǿřțș ǿf ǻ 50% přįčě čųț fǿř ěǻșỳJěț ẅěřě ňǿňșěňșě.
"Ỳǿų ģěț Bǿěįňģ țǿ ģįvě ỳǿų ǻ 50% đįșčǿųňț ǻňđ İ'ŀŀ șěňđ ỳǿų ǻ bǿțțŀě ǿf čħǻmpǻģňě," ħě țǿŀđ țħě İběřįǻ ěxěčųțįvěș.
Mř. Břįģħț ẅǻș fřųșțřǻțěđ țǿǿ. İň țħě fįřșț ẅěěķ ǿf Jǻňųǻřỳ, Mř. Đųpųỳ přǿpǿșěđ vįșįțįňģ
Șěǻțțŀě, ẅħěřě Bǿěįňģ bųįŀđș pǻșșěňģěř pŀǻňěș. Mř. Břįģħț'ș řěpŀỳ: İf İběřįǻ ẅǻș ųňẅįŀŀįňģ țǿ bųđģě, țħěřě ẅǻș ŀįțțŀě řěǻșǿň țǿ čǿmě. Șǿ, ẅħěň Mř. Đųpųỳ șǻįđ ħě ẅǿųŀđ mǻķě țħě
14-ħǿųř jǿųřňěỳ, Mř. Břįģħț ẅǻș ěňčǿųřǻģěđ.
Ǿň Jǻň. 14, Mř. Đųpųỳ ǻňđ țẅǿ čǿŀŀěǻģųěș ǻřřįvěđ įň Șěǻțțŀě. İň țħě přįvǻțě đįňįňģ řǿǿm ǿf Čǻșčǻđįǻ, ǻ ħįģħ-ěňđ đǿẅňțǿẅň řěșțǻųřǻňț, țħěỳ měț fǿř đįňňěř ẅįțħ țħě Bǿěįňģ șǻŀěșměň ǻňđ Ǻŀǻň Mųŀǻŀŀỳ, țħě čħįěf ěxěčųțįvě ǿf Bǿěįňģ'ș čǿmměřčįǻŀ-pŀǻňě đįvįșįǿň.
Mř. Đųpųỳ ẅǻș įmpřěșșěđ bỳ Mř. Mųŀǻŀŀỳ'ș ěǻģěřňěșș ǻňđ ẅǻș pŀěǻșěđ ẅħěň ħě ųřģěđ
Mř. Břįģħț'ș țěǻm țǿ fįňđ ǻ ẅǻỳ țǿ čŀǿșě țħě ģǻp.
Țħě ňěxț đǻỳ, țħě Bǿěįňģ șǻŀěșměň ǿffěřěđ ǻ ňěẅ přǿpǿșǻŀ -- įňčŀųđįňģ ǻ șŀįģħțŀỳ ŀǿẅěř přįčě, įmpřǿvěđ fįňǻňčįňģ ǻňđ běțțěř țěřmș ǿň șpǻřě pǻřțș, čřěẅ țřǻįňįňģ ǻňđ mǻįňțěňǻňčě șųppǿřț fřǿm Ģěňěřǻŀ Ěŀěčțřįč Čǿ. , mǻķěř ǿf țħě pŀǻňě'ș ěňģįňěș.­wsj



Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

Ẅħěň Mř. Đųpųỳ ŀěfț Șěǻțțŀě ǿň Jǻň. 16, Mř. Břįģħț fěŀț İběřįǻ ẅǻș řěŀěňțįňģ ǻ bįț ǿň přįčě ǻňđ țħǻț Mř. Đųpųỳ ẅǻňțěđ țǿ "fįňđ ǻ ẅǻỳ țǿ đǿ țħě đěǻŀ." Mř. Đųpųỳ ẅǻș ǻŀșǿ ǿpțįmįșțįč ǻbǿųț șțřįķįňģ ǻ đěǻŀ ẅįțħ Bǿěįňģ.
Bǻčķ įň Mǻđřįđ țħě ňěxț đǻỳ, ħě řǻčěđ ǿff țǿ jǿįň İběřįǻ'ș čħǻįřmǻň, Mř. İřǻŀǻ, fǿř ǻ měěțįňģ ẅįțħ Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ǻňđ Ǻįřbųș Přěșįđěňț Ňǿěŀ Fǿřģěǻřđ. Mř. İřǻŀǻ, ǻ běǻř ǿf ǻ mǻň ẅħǿ įș čřěđįțěđ ẅįțħ șǻvįňģ İběřįǻ fřǿm bǻňķřųpțčỳ ěįģħț ỳěǻřș ǻģǿ, țǿŀđ țħě Ǻįřbųș ěxěčųțįvěș țħǻț Mř. Đųpųỳ'ș přįčě țǻřģěț řěmǻįňěđ fįřm. Ẅħěň țħě Ǻįřbųș měň řěŀěňțěđ ǿň ǻ fěẅ pǿįňțș, Mř. İřǻŀǻ ỳįěŀđěđ ǻ bįț, țǿǿ, ǻňđ șpěŀŀěđ ǿųț İběřįǻ'ș řěmǻįňįňģ țǻřģěțș fǿř
Ǻįřbųș. Mř. Fǿřģěǻřđ șǻįđ ǻ đěǻŀ ŀǿǿķěđ pǿșșįbŀě.
Ǻș țħě měěțįňģ břǿķě ųp, Mř. Đųpųỳ ẅǻș pŀěǻșěđ. Ħě fěŀț țħǻț Bǿěįňģ ǻňđ Ǻįřbųș ẅěřě đįģģįňģ đěěp. Ǻňđ ňǿ ẅǿňđěř. Țħě ẅǿřŀđ ǻįř-țřǻvěŀ mǻřķěț ẅǻș șįňķįňģ đěěpěř, ǻňđ fěǻřș ǿf ẅǻř įň İřǻq ǻňđ țěřřǿřįșm ħǻđ șŀǻșħěđ ģŀǿbǻŀ bǿǿķįňģș.
İň țħě ňěxț fěẅ đǻỳș, țħě șǻŀěș țěǻmș fřǿm Bǿěįňģ ǻňđ Ǻįřbųș ěǻčħ ħųđđŀěđ țǿ řěfįňě țħěįř ǿffěřș. Bǿțħ řěmǻįňěđ ǻbǿųț 10% ǻbǿvě Mř. Đųpųỳ'ș přįčě țǻřģěțș. Ěǻčħ čǻŀŀěđ ħįm șěvěřǻŀ țįměș đǻįŀỳ, pųșħįňģ fǿř čǿňčěșșįǿňș. Mř. Đųpųỳ đįđň'ț bųđģě. Ǿň Jǻň. 23, ħě țǿŀđ
İběřįǻ'ș bǿǻřđ țħǻț bǿțħ čǿmpǻňįěș čǿųŀđ đǿ běțțěř. Țħě bǿǻřđ șčħěđųŀěđ ǻ șpěčįǻŀ měěțįňģ fǿř țħě fǿŀŀǿẅįňģ Țħųřșđǻỳ, Jǻň. 30.
Ěňěřģįżěđ bỳ țħě Șěǻțțŀě měěțįňģș, Mř. Břįģħț pųșħěđ ħįș țěǻm "țǿ ģǿ ǻŀŀ ǿųț țǿ ẅįň țħįș bįđ," ǻňđ țħěỳ ẅǿřķěđ ǻřǿųňđ țħě čŀǿčķ. Mř. Břįģħț pħǿňěđ Mř. Đųpųỳ đǻįŀỳ fřǿm Șěǻțțŀě ǻňđ ǿččǻșįǿňǻŀŀỳ fįěŀđěđ ħįș čǻŀŀș ǻț 3 ǻ.m., Pǻčįfįč țįmě. Bỳ ŀǻțě Jǻňųǻřỳ, Bǿěįňģ ħǻđ čųț įțș přįčě bỳ mǿřě țħǻň 10% ǻfțěř ħǻģģŀįňģ ǿvěř ěňģįňě přįčě ẅįțħ ĢĚ ǻňđ fįňǻňčįňģ ẅįțħ ŀěǻșįňģ fįřmș. Țħě 777 ẅǻș ňǿẅ ŀěșș țħǻň 3% ǻbǿvě Mř. Đųpųỳ'ș țǻřģěț -- șǿ čŀǿșě țħǻț Mř.
Břįģħț ǻșķěđ fǿř ǻ ģěșțųřě ǿf čǿmpřǿmįșě fřǿm İběřįǻ.
Mř. Đųpųỳ ẅǻș įmpřěșșěđ bỳ Bǿěįňģ'ș ňěẅ ǻģģřěșșįvěňěșș. Bųț Ǻįřbųș ẅǻș ǻŀșǿ čŀǿșįňģ țħě ģǻp șǿ qųįčķŀỳ, ħě șǻįđ, țħǻț ħě čǿųŀđ ǿffěř ňǿ čǿňčěșșįǿňș. Țǿ Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ, ħě țǻŀķěđ ųp Bǿěįňģ'ș ẅįŀŀįňģňěșș țǿ đěǻŀ. "İ ẅǻș jųșț țǻŀķįňģ țǿ Țǿbỳ ..." Mř. Đųpųỳ țǿŀđ Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ đųřįňģ șěvěřǻŀ čǿňvěřșǻțįǿňș, řěfěřřįňģ țǿ Mř. Břįģħț. Ǻįřbųș įmpřǿvěđ įțș ǿffěř fųřțħěř.
Ǿň Ẅěđňěșđǻỳ, țħě đǻỳ běfǿřě țħě đěǻđŀįňě, Bǿěįňģ ǻňđ Ǻįřbųș ẅěřě řųňňįňģ ǻbǿųț ěvěň. İň Șěǻțțŀě, Mř. Břįģħț țħřěẅ șǿmě čŀǿțħěș įň ħįș břįěfčǻșě ǻňđ přǿpǿșěđ țǿ Mř.
Đųpųỳ țħǻț ħě ħǿp ǿň ǻ pŀǻňě țǿ Mǻđřįđ. Mř. Đųpųỳ șǻįđ țħě čħǿįčě ẅǻș ħįș, bųț ẅħǻț řěǻŀŀỳ mǻțțěřěđ ẅǻș țħě přįčě țǻřģěț. Țħǻț đǻỳ, Mř. Đųpųỳ țǿŀđ Měșșřș. Břįģħț ǻňđ Ŀěǻħỳ țħǻț țħěįř bǿșșěș șħǿųŀđ čǻŀŀ Mř. İřǻŀǻ ẅįțħ ǻňỳ fįňǻŀ įmpřǿvěměňțș běfǿřě țħě bǿǻřđ měěțįňģ.­wsj



Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

Ǿň Țħųřșđǻỳ mǿřňįňģ, Mř. Břįģħț ǿffěřěđ țǿ țřįm Bǿěįňģ'ș přįčě fųřțħěř įf Mř. Đųpųỳ čǿųŀđ ģųǻřǻňțěě țħǻț Bǿěįňģ ẅǿųŀđ ẅįň țħě đěǻŀ. "İ čǻň'ț čǿňțřǿŀ Fǿřģěǻřđ," Mř. Đųpųỳ řěpŀįěđ, řěfěřřįňģ țǿ țħě Ǻįřbųș přěșįđěňț, ẅħǿ ẅǻș đųě țǿ țǻŀķ șǿǿň ẅįțħ Mř. İřǻŀǻ. Mř.
Břįģħț mǻđě țħě přįčě čųț ẅįțħǿųț țħě čǿňčěșșįǿň.
"Ỳǿų'řě věřỳ čŀǿșě," Mř. Đųpųỳ țǿŀđ ħįm.
Ŀǻțěř, Mř. Fǿřģěǻřđ ģǿț ǿň țħě pħǿňě ẅįțħ İběřįǻ'ș Mř. İřǻŀǻ, ẅħǿ șǻįđ ħě șțįŀŀ ňěěđěđ țẅǿ čǿňčěșșįǿňș ǿň țħě fįňǻňčįǻŀ țěřmș ǻňđ ěčǿňǿmįčș ǿf țħě đěǻŀ. Ǻįřbųș ħǻđ ǻŀřěǻđỳ ǻģřěěđ țǿ mǿșț ǿf Mř. Đųpųỳ'ș țěřmș ǿň ǻșșěț ģųǻřǻňțěěș ǻňđ, ẅįțħ ěňģįňě mǻķěř ŘǿŀŀșŘǿỳčě PĿČ, ǻģřěěđ țǿ ŀįmįț İběřįǻ'ș čǿșț ǿf mǻįňțǻįňįňģ țħě jěțș. Mř. Fǿřģěǻřđ ǻșķěđ įf řěŀěňțįňģ ẅǿųŀđ ģųǻřǻňțěě Ǻįřbųș țħě đěǻŀ. Mř. İřǻŀǻ řěpŀįěđ ỳěș, pěňđįňģ bǿǻřđ ǻppřǿvǻŀ
-- ǻňđ ŀǿǿķěđ ǿvěř ẅįțħ ǻ ģřįň ǻț Mř. Đųpųỳ, ẅħǿ șǻț ňěǻřbỳ ẅįțħ ħįș ŀǻpțǿp ǿpěň. Mř.
Fǿřģěǻřđ ǻčqųįěșčěđ. Mř. Đųpųỳ pŀųģģěđ țħě ňěẅ ňųmběřș įň ħįș șpřěǻđșħěěț. Ǻįřbųș ħǻđ ħįț įțș țǻřģěț.
Țħǻț ěvěňįňģ, Bǿěįňģ ģǿț ǻ čǻŀŀ fřǿm İběřįǻ șǻỳįňģ țħě ǻįřŀįňě ẅǿųŀđ șǿǿň ǻňňǿųňčě įț ħǻđ ǻģřěěđ țǿ bųỳ ňįňě Ǻ340-600ș ǻňđ țǻķěň ǿpțįǿňș țǿ bųỳ țħřěě mǿřě. Ħǿųřș ŀǻțěř,
Bǿěįňģ pǿșțěđ ǿň įțș Ẅěb șįțě ǻ șțǻțěměňț čřįțįčįżįňģ İběřįǻ'ș čħǿįčě ǻș "țħě ěǻșįěșț đěčįșįǿň." Mř. Břįģħț șǻįđ ŀǻțěř țħǻț ħě șįmpŀỳ čǿųŀđň'ț ħįț Mř. Đųpųỳ'ș ňųmběřș ǻňđ "đǿ ģǿǿđ bųșįňěșș."
İň țħě ěňđ, Ǻįřbųș ňǿșěđ ǻħěǻđ țħǻňķș țǿ įțș pŀǻňěș' ŀǿẅěř přįčě ǻňđ čǿmmǿň đěșįģň ẅįțħ țħě řěșț ǿf İběřįǻ'ș fŀěěț. Bỳ ǿffěřįňģ ģųǻřǻňțěěș ǿň țħě pŀǻňěș' fųțųřě vǻŀųě ǻňđ mǻįňțěňǻňčě čǿșțș, pŀųș ǻțțřǻčțįvě fįňǻňčįňģ țěřmș, Ǻįřbųș ěđģěđ ǿųț Bǿěįňģ'ș ǻģģřěșșįvě pǻčķǻģě. Țħě đěǻŀ'ș fįňǻŀ fįňǻňčįǻŀ țěřmș řěmǻįň șěčřěț.
Ǻț Ǻįřbųș, Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ ẅǻș řěŀįěvěđ, bųț ħě fǻčěđ ǿňě ŀǻșț șŀǻp. İběřįǻ'ș ňěẅș řěŀěǻșě čřǿẅěđ ǻbǿųț Ǻįřbųș'ș přįčě ģųǻřǻňțěěș ǿň țħě pŀǻňěș -- ǻ đěțǻįŀ Mř. Ŀěǻħỳ čǿňșįđěřěđ čǿňfįđěňțįǻŀ. İběřįǻ'ș Mř. Đųpųỳ șǻįđ ħě ẅǻșň'ț řųbbįňģ įț įň. Bųț ħě ħǻđ, ħě bǿǻșțěđ, ẅǿň
"ěxțřǻǿřđįňǻřỳ čǿňđįțįǿňș."
Ẅřįțě țǿ Đǻňįěŀ Mįčħǻěŀș ǻț đǻň.mįčħǻěŀș@ẅșj.čǿm­wsj



Airbus and Boeing Duke It Out To Win Lucrative Iberia Deal ­ WSJ

Airbus Sees Asia Becoming Largest Aviation
Market (/articles/SB1046770899983713160.djm)
Boeing Gets Big Order For Jets From Ryanair
Airbus May Struggle to Finance Jumbo Jet
Airbus Could Overtake Boeing in Jet Production, at High Cost
Boeing to Shelve Sonic Cruiser, Build Plane
Cheaper to Operate

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...Airbus Abandons Plan to Use Controversial Batteries in New Jet By NICOLA CLARK Published: February 15, 2013 * FACEBOOK * TWITTER * GOOGLE+ * SAVE * E-MAIL * SHARE * PRINT * SINGLE PAGE * REPRINTS * PARIS — Faced with the potential of a prolonged investigation into what caused batteries on two Boeing 787 Dreamliner jets to catch fire or emit smoke last month, Boeing’s European rival, Airbus, said Friday that it had abandoned plans to use the same battery technology on its forthcoming wide-body jet, the A350-XWB. Add to Portfolio * Boeing Company Go to your Portfolio » Airbus said it started informing airline customers on Thursday that it would not move ahead with an original plan to use the lightweight lithium-ion batteries to power a number of the A350’s onboard systems, and would revert instead to a conventional battery, made of nickel-cadmium, that is already used extensively on existing Airbus models. “Airbus considers this to be the most appropriate way forward in the interest of program execution and reliability,” said Marcella Muratore, an Airbus spokeswoman. Airbus completed the assembly of its first test version of the A350 late last year and initial ground tests of that plane using the lithium-ion batteries had already begun at its factory in Toulouse, France. By switching batteries now, the company said it hoped to be able to stick to its schedule of delivering the first...

Words: 711 - Pages: 3

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...Boeing versus Airbus: The ‘endless’ crusade for continuation of subsidy! (A case study) Case reviewer: Angelica Sharma* Brought up in a family in which my parents were always ready to help anyone, closely or even remotely related to them, but not without being duly satisfied about the urgency, righteousness / desirability of assistance (mostly financial) that was asked for, I have, overtime, come to view non-market incentives like subsidies, grants and tariffs from a mind-set that I have found moulded in their company. I look upon my parents as really great protagonists of market-economy without undermining their sense of sympathy and concern for the hapless lot around them in that country, they proudly refer to as India. They always made a distinction between who deserved and who did not deserve the favour that has been asked for. And also, they were particular to find out when, in what form, how much and for how long the assistance, if any, was to be there. Strangely, even to day, they remorsefully recall the few instances of having wasted their scarce productive resources on individuals who, they later-on found, never wanted to be on their own. But they did learn a lesson from these experiences. I have grown in such family environment of respect for merit, hard work and self-pride. It is endowed with this sense that I intend to ponder over the Boeing-Airbus subsidy-related trade-rift and comment on the perceptions, policies, arguments and counter-arguments of the two...

Words: 2871 - Pages: 12

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Boeing Versus Airbus

...Boeing versus Airbus: The End Results becomes an Air Force Debacle Jason Bourne Park University November 17, 2009 Abstract This paper explores the highly controversial bid process and subsequently protest for the Air Force’s KC-X refueling tanker. The main participants for the new refueling tanker contract were Boeing and Northrop Grumman (NGC) as prime contractor through a joint venture with the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS). The Boeing Corporation has been the standard in the aerial defense industry. Their challengers, NGC and EADS, the owner of the Airbus, comprised of two very formable entities capable of taking on the aerospace giant Boeing. There were a lot at stake. Boeing has considered in being the “pride of American aerospace” unseated from the top perch of the aerospace industry by losing military contract potentially worth about $100 billion dollars. (Herszenhorn and Bailey, 2008) Overall, Boeing was a heavy favorite to win the contract being that it has manufactured tankers in the past for the Air Force. Two weeks later after the announcement, Boeing filed an appeal through the General Accountability Office (GAO) to protest the Air Force’s decision. This paper will discuss the Boeing’s basis of appeal and contrast them with the GAO’s findings in their protest. The source selection of the aerial refueling tanker contract became one of the most controversial procurement process in the history of the United States. Boeing versus...

Words: 2476 - Pages: 10

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Airbus Paper

...| | |How does Airbus Business Compare with Boeing? | |Jennifer Rose Prague | | | |Airbus has emerged as Boeing’s major competitor in the commercial jetliner industry. The company was a latecomer to the industry | |being formed in the 1960’s, and its initial business structure proved to be a hindrance in many ways. The company has prevailed | |through its challenges so that today Airbus and Boeing are the two largest plane manufacturers in the world. Airbus and Boeing are | |close to even in their market share, although Boeing maintains a strong edge in the sales of military aircraft. Airbus has a few | |stark differences when compared to Boeing. Airbus today has been plagued with front landing gear failures, on one of their planes | |and fails to have a good market share in the jumbo jet market like Boeing has. | | | | ...

Words: 1551 - Pages: 7

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Airbus Consortium

...wrecks Airbus Consortium Airbus Industry is a consortium of European aircraft-manufacturing companies formed in 1970 to meet the demand for short- to medium-range, high-capacity jetliners. Members include the German, French and Spanish-owned European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company EADS (80% stake) and the British owned BAE Systems (20%). Since its inception, Airbus has become a case study for how a multi-lateral consortium can be a disaster in a market-sensitive industry like Aviation. Technical and cultural issues • Socio-cultural differences: It is well known throughout Europe that Germans prefer consensus and involving others in decision making, while the French like to have a centralized committee making all major decisions. The Spanish are known to be flexible but not very communicative. All these differences have hugely impacted productivity and working efficiency within Airbus. • Governmental interference: It’s hard to enforce economic efficiency where subsidies are involved. Every time there was a crisis in investment or Opex, the governments of the countries involved jumped in to help out their respective players in the consortium. This led to huge overheads and repeated delays. • Technical oversight: Incompatibility in the versions of CATIA software used by plants in Toulouse, France and Hamburg, Germany resulted in 530 kms of cable wiring throughout the aircraft having to be completely redesigned. This delayed the launch of Airbus A380 for...

Words: 507 - Pages: 3

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Airbus vs Boein

...Airbus vs. Boeing Airbus and Boeing both compete in the highly competitive industry of manufacturing commercial aircraft. Over the years they have each controlled the market at differing times due to competitive advantages – an ability to create value through a company’s strategies and operations that its competitors cannot (ref – Strategic Management textbook , pg 22) Boeing, formed in 1916 by William Boeing and George Westervelt, dominated the industry until the 1970’s, when Airbus was organized through a collaboration between Britain, France and West Germany. Airbus began manufacturing the A-300 series which enabled them to capture 10% of the market share by 1975 (ref article), no small feat considering they were competing against the giant Boeing. Airbus’s ability to compete with Boeing and gain market share will be analyzed using the following business models: PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, VRINE Analysis and Porter’s Model of Competitive Advantage. PESTEL ANALYSIS Political – Airbus was a product of a merger between three European countries; Britain, France and West Germany. In the 1970’s the political climates of all three were relatively stable. The three countries worked together in order to compete with the US. They did have to adhere to international trading policies and agreements (NAFTA, GATT). Economic – As they were competing largely in the US market, Airbus needed to constantly...

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Boeing vs. Airbus

...Page |1 INTERIM REPORT ON COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY The world aircraft industry can be divided into 2 major segments: 1. Military and space aero-structure 2. Commercial Aircraft 1. Passenger aircraft – a. LCA (Large Civil Aircraft) and b. Small & medium sized aircraft 2. Cargo aircraft COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY Commercial aircraft manufacturing industry consists of very few players dominated by two big players namely Boeing and Airbus, yet it is very complex because of a number of suppliers at various levels (Tiers) creating the differences in the supply chain management of different players. The industry has undergone a steady growth and it is set to increase in the coming future due to strong demand forecast especially from emerging economies and huge backlog of orders from the major Airlines. Hence the industry continues to be profitable. But at the same time, being a capital and technology intensive industry, it poses severe challenges in front of potential players. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS- (PORTER’S FIVE FORCES) Threat of New Entrants-Low There are high entry barriers due to high R&D investment, sophisticated technology and difficulty in financing because of very high capital intensiveness. But positive economic growth and long range forecast in emerging economies are attracting new players to enter despite huge entry barriers. Cost efficient carriers from China and other economies like Mexico and Russia are trying to sabotage the duopoly. Threat of Substitutes-Low...

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Boeing & Airbus

...for the aircraft manufacturers to switch suppliers. However, some parts require a high degree of specialized knowledge and are differentiated from others (like the engine), thus increasing bargaining power of this group. 4. Bargaining Power of Customers: High. There are relatively few buyers of large commercial aircraft. In addition, the airlines that purchase aircraft earn low profits thus making them more price sensitive. Also, each customer represents a large portion of the manufacturer’s orders. 5. Competitive Rivalry: High. Boeing and Airbus compete intensely in the large passenger jet aircraft market. Boeing was the market leader for many decades, but recently Airbus has challenged its position. Since industry growth is slow, both companies fight for market share. Issues the 787 will address: Bargaining power of the airlines that place huge orders and the competitive rivalry between Boeing and Airbus have the largest...

Words: 467 - Pages: 2

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Ethics and Airbus

...CASE 2-4 Ethics and Airbus One September, a fraud squad, led by Jean-Claude Van Espen, a Belgian magistrate, raided Airbus’s headquarters in Toulouse. “They wanted to check whether there was possible falsification of documents, bribery or other infractions as part of the sale of Airbus aircraft to Sabena,” says Van Espen’s spokesman. The team of 20 Belgian and French investigators interviewed several Airbus employees during its three-day stay in Toulouse and carted away boxes of documents. In November 1997, Sabena had approved an order for 17 Airbus A320s (narrow-bodied aircraft), which it did not need. Even more oddly, it had doubled the order at the last minute to 34, a move that helped trigger the airline’s collapse four years later. Although nominally controlled by the Belgian government, Sabena was run by the parent company of Swissair, SAirGroup, which had owned a stake of 49.5 percent since 1995 and which also went bust in 2001. A former Sabena manager, who arrived after the Airbus order was placed, says that the planes were not needed: “It was a fatal business decision.” A Belgian parliamentary commission’s recent report confirms that the Airbus order was a big cause of Sabena’s collapse. Van Espen’s separate criminal investigation is continuing. According to the report, it started in October 2001 after Philippe Doyen, then a Sabena employee, lodged a complaint. Among other things, he suggested to Van Espen that he interview Peter Gysel, a former...

Words: 4785 - Pages: 20

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Airbus Case

...A1. Airbus is interested in building the A3XX because it did not have any large aircraft to compete with 747-XXX airplanes of Boing. Boing with its 747-xxx aircraft had the monopoly position in very large aircraft market; therefore, Airbus with the building of A3XX wanted to enter the very karge aircraft market. From the other side Airbus was of the beleif that very growing economies would play major role in creating high demand for the VLA in future. One of the other reason of Airbus interest in building A3XX was the effective revenue which could be acheived through A3XX. VLA had a better operating economy over long distanations. The operating cost for the VLA was only 12% higher in compare to 747-xxx airplane but it provided 35% more space. A3XX new design and its 4 engines provides saver flights over long distances.     Q2. How many aircraft does Airbus need to sell in order to break even on the investment? Hint: consider all capital providers as a single entity and calculate the break even return to them collectively. To calculate the break-even number of planes calculate the present value of a growing perpetuity if cash flows from plane sales beginning in 2008. Please assume an equity risk premium of 6% in your analysis.   A2.   Q3. What is the total demand for VLA aircraft. Analyze the sensitivity of demand to small changes in assumptions regarding growth, conversion rates and market share.   A3.     Q4. How should Boeing respond to...

Words: 489 - Pages: 2

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Airbus & Boeing

...Airbus vs. Boeing Stuart Taylor Chris Tillmanns November 13, 2002 The airline manufacturing industry consists of only two firms, Airbus in Toulouse, France and the Chicago-based Boeing. Two recent research and development moves at the two firms offer an insight into the positioning strategy that each is taking in the future market place. It seems the two firms are accenting two niche markets with a pair of flagship products, neither of which are in direct competition with each other. This will allow for the firms to stave off price competition in the short term by differentiating product lines, which is desirable given the recent increase in buyer power gained by lowcost airlines. Current Market Position Airbus Airbus controls 46% of the market. 1 It was formed in the 1970’s as a consortium of European aerospace firms, and was integrated into a single company in 2001. It was designed by European nations to compete with the large American manufacturers and received subsidies from the various European governments. Their product line extends from the single aisle A320 to the larger, twin aisle A340. Boeing Boeing, naturally, currently controls the other 54% of the market for commercial aircraft in terms of value delivered, and its commercial unit took in $30.1 billion in 2001.2 It introduced the 747 Jumbo Jet in 1966 which revolutionized the concept of air travel due to its large size, and ushered in the era of mass air travel. In addition, it produces a wide range...

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